Somewhere between Hawaii and Somoa, doing what he likes best...
Friday, July 26, 2013
Family Reunion trip
Friday July 26th and we are in Rock Falls. The reunion is tomorrow in Milton Wisconsin. I sure don't like doing this on the phone but I didn't bring the computers!
We had a good time with the kids back home and will meet up again tonight. Gianna is coming into Rockford this afternoon and we will pick her up and go on into Janesville.
I will start taking pictures with my phone so I can post some with my blog.
Jacob is in, or on, Palmyra, an atoll, in th South Pacific. He is working like crazy and having a blast. I have a picture I will try to post later.
Today we are going to Linda's sister's home and I will try to shampoo her carpet, and make a batch of cinnamon rolls.
Not a lot going on now though so I will sign off. See ya later...
Monday, July 22, 2013
Monday July 22, 2013
Well, I have missed a few days for sure but I am having computer problems. The computer I use for my blog, well, it isn't broke but I can't get online! I can get online with my other one but I can't do my blog on it! What a bummer!
We have been keeping pretty busy, kids will be in tomorrow evening. I didn't think we would see them this year! Gianna is even coming back. Be the first time for her, Bren, Alexa and Jake to be here at our place. We are really looking forward to their visit!
I sure don't like doing the blog on the phone but right now I don't have any choice, well, I guess I could go to Facebook, more people would probably read it.
I think I have to work today, we have had a lot of rain though so we will see what happens.
I am going to try to post this and even though it is eat morning I will say Night Yall.....
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Friday July 12th 2013
Back to work today. At work we have a small problem. We don’t have a truck to pull the tractor (mower) over to Russell Street. Well, Mark still has the Explorer so we pulled the trailer and mower over with that. They took the trailer back to the park and left me here to mow.
I saw Miss Lorene and she came out to say hi! She is such a sweet lady and I would put her picture in here but she would be upset if I did and she found out. She asked if I was going to pick her up for church and I told her I would definitely be there to pick her up Sunday morning and she seemed to be happy!!
I finished mowing around 1PM and sprayed a bottle of Round Up and by the time I finished that Mark was there to pick me up, and by the time he got there I was almost finished so we loaded up the stuff and headed back to the park.
The weather isn’t to bad today but warm enough.
Randy and Coyita made it here around five or so. We had a really good visit. Linda had fixed BBQ which was excellent, baked beans a spaghetti salad and a great desert made with Pistachio Pudding and ice cream. Really hit the spot.
We sat around the table and talked until after 9PM. Time really went by fast. I didn’t get a picture, what a bummer!
Well, it is time to say Night Y’all. Oh, I made jalapeno bread and forgot t give a loaf to Coyita so we will have to go back into town tomorrow.
Time to say Night Y’all
Thursday July 11th 2013
I took today off and I think that I said yesterday that Pastor Randy and Coyita were coming over today. I was wrong, they are coming over Friday night not tonight.
We had a few things to do today, usually have to go to town and get a few things. Glad we don’t live fifty miles from town…
We didn’t do a lot today, one of those relaxing days for sure. Time to say Night Y’all…
Tuesday July 9th 2013
Linda is making Salisbury Steak today, smells delicious! I didn’t take a picture of it so you will just have to take my word for it!
We stopped by Randy and Pearline’s today just to say HI!! Pearline isn’t doing very well, she has a bad back. Something about her spine pressing on some nerves and making it very sore and hard to do much of anything. I did get a picture of them though…
Randy and Pearline are very nice people and really easy to talk to. The have a Rat Terrier also and his name is Pepper! He is very friendly, so friendly they had to put him away because he wouldn’t leave us alone. Sparky is friendly but he is kind of scared of people until he really gets used to them.
After visiting for awhile with them we went to see Judy but she had already left for work. She works at the library so we went to the library and visited for awhile with her. We wanted to be sure of the GBP tomorrow, stands for God’s Beautiful People. Usually just the older people. Younger people would be working. I enjoy the fellowship and the food is also pretty good. Pearline is a specialist in making pies! With a bad back she won’t be there tomorrow.
We headed back home. I am really tired!
We had appointments to see Doctor Travis tomorrow but found out that he went to New Madrid so we changed our appointments to see him down there on Thursday afternoon. Just a checkup, nothing important.
We took it easy the rest of the afternoon then I went to church tonight. Very small crowd. Business meeting was short and Pastor had a good little sermon and the participation was also interesting.
We took it easy tonight and I fell asleep in my chair, as normal.
Time to call it a Night Y’all….
Wednesday July 10th 2013
I went into work early this morning I started at 8AM instead of 9AM. I figured it was supposed to rain this afternoon and I would really like to get the mobile home park done.
Actually I probably could have gone another week and it would have been OK but it does look better since I have mowed it.
I left work around 3PM and got home around 3:30. Took and nice long shower and relaxed for awhile.
Church tonight. We have a business meeting and it was a short one and then Pastor read some scripture and then asked questions or asked for input on the scriptures. We had a pretty good night.
Linda was preparing some stuff for tomorrow when Pastor and Coyita get here. We invited them for supper.
Had a pretty good night, kind of relaxing so I guess I will just say Night Y’all….
Monday July 8th 2013
I decided to go into work today and dump the trash and spray some Round Up. I think it is going to be another very warm day. It has been up in the nineties and very humid. Didn’t take long to dump the trash and I had seen a lot of spots that weeds were growing again where they weren’t supposed to. Time to spray them and get them back under control.
I finished up before noon and headed back home. I think I stopped at the store and got some things. We are going to GBP on Thursday and Linda is going to make pulled pork.
My mind is really kind of blank. I don’t really remember what we did and today is Thursday. I have let this go again. Thought I could remember and Linda doesn’t really remember either but she does remember more than I do.
This a picture of a Rose of Sharon with a Bumble Been collecting some pollen and the legs are really fat covered with pollen. Very interesting!
Not much else to day today so I will just say Night Y’all….
Monday, July 8, 2013
Sunday July 7th 2013
Well I am kind of nervous about Sunday School this morning. I know what I want to say and how I want to present it but that doesn’t always work well. I am human and I do make a lot of mistakes.
We picked up Miss Kay this morning, she has really been faithful about going to church with us! Miss Lorene had other plans for this Sunday but she said she would go with us next Sunday.
Well, Sunday School was different, at least we had a pretty good class, size wise. The teenagers came over to our class but they sit there like bumps on a log. Mr. Joe says that they do participate in “their” class. Not exactly what he told me earlier but I can imagine they don’t really participate very much. They don’t do their lesson, but then neither does our class. Wonder what you have to do to get them to at least read their lesson???? I tried, kind of, to shame them into memorizing the eight verses but I don’t think that it did much good, only God knows. I went through most of the versus and explained them and went on a little deeper, and I did all this by memory. I haven’t got all the verses memorized but six out of eight isn’t bad and we still have six more weeks. I think I will have them memorized by that time.
Church was good, Pastor Randy had a good sermon and it kind of went along with the Sunday School lesson we had, kind of…
After church we had to take Miss Kay home and Linda and I went out to eat. We told Miss Kay we would take her out next week, if she remembers her noon time medicine… I will remind her next week.
Linda and I talked about the church and the fellowship in the church. The only people we have fellowship with is Jim and June and we pretty much keep that going. Linda called Miss Coyita and asked her about fellowship and if they would like to come over sometime and she said that no one ever asks them over! I think that is sad. I think we are going to start asking different members over for a meal and some fellowship. As I think about the different churches I have been to none of them have any fellowship, in home fellowship. Think it is time to start doing something about that. We sure miss Harvest Time!!! Oh, as Linda was talking to Miss Coyita, she had told Pastor Randy on the way home that they should ask us over sometime. Think we may do it first.
Church tonight was different. Mr. Loyd said that he found a song we should try to sing and it is called “Little is Much” which the title is a little longer than that but I had heard it before so we decided to go ahead and sing it tonight.
Mr. Pete said that people should be called on at random to recite the versus we are learning!! Cool!! When Mr. Loyd and I got up to sing I had to agree with Mr. Pete and thought it would help to get people to memorize, may make them stay home too… I just had to recite the verse that he actually didn’t mention but he said the third verse so I gave it to them. I’m glad I have started to memorize these verses. After the singing Pastor Randy quizzed us on the memory versus and I think I am the only one that recited or finished them. There are still two that I don’t really know very well and I am learning them in the New Living Translation which is almost like the Living Bible version. To me it is the easiest one to memorize. Miss Coyita played different songs, mostly old ones, and we tried to guess what they were. I got the first one and the next twenty I didn’t know. Miss Mary knew most of them and so did Miss Jeanne.
I took a picture of one of the flowers that are just starting to bloom, the plant looks like a weed but the flowers are beautiful..
These flowers don’t last very long but the plant usually has eight or ten buds and if they bloom one at a time and last for a couple of days they should bloom for about three weeks… Love it!!
Brenna called tonight and asked about staying with us the night before they head back to San Diego. We will be here and we will be glad to have them. Another day with the kids and grandkids would be great!!! We decided not to do Chicago so this will be another night, or day with them….
Been a long day and it is actually past my bed time…Night Y’all…
Saturday July 6th 2013
Today is Saturday and we don’t have a lot planned.
Jim and June came over for lunch. I cooked hamburgers out on the grill. They were pretty good but cooked them a little to long. We had a great visit with Jim and June. They stayed quite awhile and we caught up with all the things that are going on with them.
We did go into town this afternoon and picked up a couple of things and we stopped over at Miss Lorene’s place to make sure that she wouldn’t be going to church with us tomorrow. She isn’t, she is going with her daughter to see her grandkids.
I have downloaded a bunch of pictures and I know I can find one to down load here!!!!
OK, here is a good one. I sent our daughter and granddaughter birthday cards from our mailbox and they ended up fifteen feet down the road in the neighbors mailbox! He opened both of them but was nice enough to bring them back. I figured I better let the mail man that it didn’t go where he delivered it last time. He left the note in the mailbox…..
FISH TACOS!!! Linda fixed these and these are probably the best I’ve ever had. She spiced them up and they were absolutely delicious.
We pretty much took it easy the rest of the day and got ready for Church and Sunday School tomorrow. I invited another class to come into our class because I wanted to explain our memory verses and how to memorize them. Hopefully it will be a good lesson.
Time to say Night Y’all…..
Friday, July 5, 2013
Friday July 5th 2013
Nice morning, Sparky and I spent a few hours outside just enjoying the weather.
When Linda woke up we decided to drive over to Paducah KY to Harbor Freight and look at the tile saws. I have a project I want to do and I need a tile saw. Bought a few other things there that I may need. Can’t start on the project though until the kids come and leave. I am kind of excited to get started on the project, later.
We headed for Paducah after doing a couple of things in town. Sparky didn’t get to go with us.
We had kind of a hard time at HFT because they didn’t have what I needed. I decided to get something smaller plus a few other things that I need, well, want.
We stopped back in Sikeston, Linda needed stuff for tomorrow and I went to Lowe’s to get a couple of pieces of tile to play with later!
My hotspot is running out of time and I still have a lot of time left. It started with 3.5Gigabytes and I have only used 2.6Gigabytes. We are trying tonight to get more of it used. Have to buy more tomorrow. Well time to say Night Y’all….
Thursday July 4th 2013
I went in today and started mowing the RV Park. Started out great but didn’t take long to go South pretty fast. The police stopped me and to make a long story short there was a truck broken into in the park and a guy tried to commit suicide. I knew the guy, he was camping here, very nice and clean guy. Had no idea he had problems of that magnitude!
I was still mowing but seems people want propane and to pay rent. I worked until 4PM or so and didn’t finish. Not much left to do but the rest will still be there next week.
When I got home I mowed our lawn, didn’t mow Tommy’s this time, I was about to run out of gas! Not the mower, but me! I was tired and hot. If he doesn’t get his by Monday I will get it then.
I actually feel pretty good tonight! I am tired but haven’t had a bad time staying awake until around 10PM, missed the news, guess I probably didn’t miss much though. Time to say Night Y’all…
Wednesday July 3rd 2013
I am going into work today and I will mow the mobile home park. I was going to mow Russell St this week but I won’t have a way to get over there so it will have to wait until next week.
The mowing went great today. I had no problem and the day went well!
I forgot that I mowed Kay’s lawn yesterday, something else I did but forgot about. I had forgotten that I told her I would do it Monday but it rained Monday and I decided to wait until Tuesday but then I may have done it on Monday, she called to see if I was going to do it.
I was pretty tired after work and when I got home I took a shower and sat and watched TV, well, I slept through parts of the evening.
Went to bed early so guess it is time to say Night Y’all…
Tuesday July 2nd 2013
Well today I am going to work in the office for Grant. Grant went to Springfield for a week and I will take his place.
Not a lot going on at home, we invited Jim and June over for hamburgers Saturday. We haven’t gotten together with Jim and June since we got back from Texas, well, I don’t think we got together. We may have but I figured that it was time to get together again.
Work went pretty good. I did keep busy for most of the day. I was pretty tired and I tried to read and that didn’t last very long. I couldn’t stay awake and read. I had time to do one day of the blog on the computer and the day was all I got done.
I got out on time and home at a decent hour!
We didn’t do anything tonight just stayed home and relaxed so I guess I will just say Night Y’all..
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Monday July 1st 2013
This is the first day of July!! Guess that means the year is half over already! Time is flying by and it will be Fall in no time at all. Kids will be going back to school, leaves will change color and it will get cold, makes me shiver just thinking about it.
We went to town this afternoon. Needed to get a filter for the a/c. The old one is getting pretty dirty and needs to be replaced.
I am feeling pretty good today, I think I may be able to make it through the whole day without a nap, which doesn’t mean I won’t sleep a little in my chair. I have found though that when I sleep or take a nap I have a little problems sleeping at night, not good.
Well, other than taking it easy and watching a little TV there isn’t much going on today. I watched Duck Dynasty tonight and had a good laugh. If you haven’t ever watched Duck Dynasty, well, I think you are missing something.
Guess it is time to say Night Y’all….
Sunday June 30th 2013
Church today! We went and picked Miss Lorene and Miss Kay and went on to church. Sunday School and Church were both down today, guess people had other things to do.
Well, Sunday School class went OK but I sure wish I could get them to do their lessons and the memory versus aren’t really coming together either. We will see what happens.
I did something in church today, I challenged the church to memorize the versus that we are memorizing. We still have about eight weeks to memorize eight versus, plenty of time.
I have been trying to get someone to take over the class for one Sunday but no volunteers yet. Like to get someone to step out of their comfort zone and do the class for one Sunday.
After church Sunday on the way out Pastor Jimmy asked me to do a song tonight, OK, I will get Loyd to sing with me and that would be fun. Pastor Jimmy said Loyd wasn’t going to be here tonight, oh boy, got to step out of my comfort zone and sing a solo. Got to practice what I preach I guess.
We took Miss Lorene and Miss Kay to the DQ for lunch. They have a pretty good lunch for $5. Plenty to eat and it was good.
This afternoon we took it easy, I looked up a song to sing and called Coyita if she could play it and she said she could. I think the name of the song is “This World is not my Home” and I guess it went OK, we had to lower the music about five notes so I could hit the high spots, should have gone down six notes I guess, I had a hard time with the high notes. After that song I asked Clydie if she would like to help sing “I’ll Fly Away” and she and Pastor Randy and I sang that song, but Coyita hadn’t changed the piano back so after the first verse I had to stop here and have here change it back so I could hit the low notes. After that the song went great…
One of these Sundays I am going to get a picture of our class and post it here.
Time to say Night Y’all…..
Saturday June 29th 2013
OK Saturday, Don and Cheryl stayed the night, we were all tired, had a rough night after we got home because the pump quit working but got it done and got to bed around 1AM or later. I sure didn’t want to get up this morning but I was up at 6AM and made some cinnamon rolls. It isn’t hard to make the rolls but it takes a little time.
They actually turned out pretty good. They tasted great. We had fruit and cinnamon rolls for breakfast.
The pump is still working, hasn’t come apart again so maybe it is fixed for awhile.
We had a good visit this morning and they had to leave around 11AM to head back home.
I went to work at 1PM and had a decent day but I was pretty tired. I tried doing the seed lesson and a little on the Sunday School lesson but found I had a hard time staying awake. I also posted a day on the blog which was amazing that I finished one day but I needed to try to catch up a little. Helped but still didn’t get caught up.
I am going to look, I think I may be able to find a picture to put in here…
I thought this was pretty interesting at the air show. A small plane landing on an RV! He was on there but the wind let him get set down solidly. He had to keep one side up or the wind would push him off the other side. He tried three times and was almost there but didn’t get down successfully which was OK because this was pretty dangerous.
Well, time to relax tonight and take it easy. I am tired and will probably go to bed early, maybe not though. Night Y’all…
Friday June 28th 2013
I went to work this morning. I know that I have to mow over at Russell Street. I need to get done by noon because Mark is down to one vehicle and he needs to pick up Kim for lunch. I think I will make it ok, I didn’t take any Round Up with me so that will knock off about a half hour and I did start earlier.
Mowing went good and when I was finished I stopped to see Miss Lorene and I asked if she wanted to go to church with us on Sunday and she said yes!!! I was amazed!! I told her what time Linda and I would be there and that makes two ladies were are picking up on Sunday Morning. Linda hasn’t ever met Miss Lorene but I’m sure she will like her.
When I got back I was actually about five minutes early. Mark had asked me earlier to help take a tree down this afternoon and actually today was the first day that I had plans in the afternoon but after I got back I told him I would help until around 2PM.I had a few things to do while they were at lunch and when he got back we tackled a tree and cut it down, cut it up and took it to the burn pile. I had to leave before all the clean up was finished but we had gotten most of the mess cleaned up.
I got home and took a shower and had time to relax a little before Don and Cheryl got here. They did some yard sales on the way down here. Guess they had a good time.
We went to town and we took them to Lambert’s for way to much to eat.. Had a good time..
Now I am having trouble with my Live Writer, it doesn’t look anything like it did before, actually I think I hit a key that changed things so I don’t know what it will be like when I post it (when I post it).
The air show was good and I think I have a couple of pictures…
This was one of my favorites, the jet powered bus, boy that was hot! He got the bus up over 300mph, doesn’t take long to get to school at that speed!
This was another favorite, a MIG 17 (Russian) He did a good job of demonstrating it. It was fast and loud…
We got some good views and they had fire works at the end…
We got home around 11PM and guess what. We had no water What a bummer. Don helped me fix it. Not sure what happened but it got hot enough to melt some of the plastic pipe. It was around 1AM before we finally got it going. I didn’t want to go to bed without water.
This made for a long day for sure….definitely Night Y’all..
Thursday June 27th(b) 2013
The slower I go the behinder I get! I am really getting bad at posting my blog. Probably doesn’t bother anyone except me and I have a hard time remembering what we did on a special day like Thursday..
If I remember right I didn’t work today. I think that since Grant is mowing I am taking the day off. Now to remember what we did….
I think we went to town to pick up a few things, Don and Cheryl are coming in for the air show in Cape.
Linda got things straightened up around the house and we took it easy tonight and watched a little TV. Not a lot going on so I am going to say Night Y’all….Well, I should have checked before writing this blog because this makes two for today and I don’t really know what I wrote in the other one, what a way to keep track of our doings!!!
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Wednesday June 26th 2013
Well, I did it again, I have procrastinated and haven’t written my blog for a few days so it is catch up time again.
I am at work and I don’t have a lot of time before going home (actually this is Saturday).
Let me see, I know what I have to do tonight, I am trying to remember if I worked today or not and I think that I took the day off. Grant is going to mow the RV Park and I will do the mobile home park. I think it may be a good choice to do it this way, it is raining! I may end up doing part of the RV Park tomorrow.
Well, tonight I lead the class on the “Seed Principle”, not sure I am ready to do this but hey what do I have to lose? The only ones that will be there are the Pastor, assistant Pastor and a few deacons, why should I worry about that???
Actually, the study, after we got going, went quite well. We decided that doing two lessons per night just didn’t get it. We did make it through one chapter and we were supposed to do two plus a finishing chapter, way to much for one night. In fact, we went about fifteen minutes over just to get the one chapter done and the study that will come after this will be one chapter per meeting or what ever we happen to get done.
I know I have a picture… Lets see what I have….
OK, this is Bud the neighborhood dog. I usually feed him in this basin and I guess he likes it, he has his foot in it so it won’t go anywhere. Quite the dog.
Well, I have to get out of here because I have to finish up work. Night Y’all….Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Tuesday June 25th 2013
I guess I have made a little mistake in the postings, I have posted some before the others, or maybe it is the other way around, oh well, I am sorry but I do get things mixed up sometimes.
I went to work today and dumped the trash, sprayed Round Up and did a little weed whacking. I worked until noon and then went home. Grant and I will change days for mowing, he will mow tomorrow and I will mow Thursday. We just changed days and it will make things easier for the both of us. I won’t have to move the picnic tables as long as he gets it done.
This afternoon we went to Cape to Wal Mart and I picked up a couple of cards for my “Hot Spot”. Can’t get them at Sikeston, they don’t sell them.
We also stopped at the airport to see about the seating arrangements for the airshow and we are OK. There is no special seating. We bought tickets for Don and Cheryl after we bought ours but we are AOK!
I fixed some brown rice and Dinty Moore beef stew for supper. It wasn’t bad at all. Linda made rice pudding from the left over rice and wouldn’t you know, I ate way to much but boy it was good.
Tonight we took it easy and watched some TV. I had a little problem with my eyes though, couldn’t keep them open for some reason.
Had a nice relaxing night. Time to say Night Y”all….Sunday June 23rd 2013
It looks like kind of a nice day today, it will get warm I’m sure of that.
I decided to call Miss Kay around 8AM this morning and see if she would like to go to church with us. I was very surprised when she called back and said she would. I told her we would pick her up in about forty five minutes and she said she was ready!
Kay is having a really bad day. This is her son’s birthday and he died about 36 years ago in a skate board accident. Her husband is also gone as are her parents so today wasn’t a happy day for her.
I guess she enjoyed church, she said, after I asked, that she would like to come back again.
We stopped at Subway and treated her for lunch. We had a good visit.
This afternoon I was tired so I took a little nap, not sure it helped but maybe tonight I will be able to stay awake.
Church was good tonight. I think Pastor Randy’s sermons are almost better on Sunday Night, he is really relaxed. He preached on John 3:3. He kind of explained this statement was actually for the whole world, an explanation of salvation. Probably hard for a non believer to understand even though Nicodemus was a religious person and very knowledgeable about the things of God. Good message.
We got some rain tonight. I am not sure how much we got but it rained pretty hard for awhile.
We are taking it easy tonight and I know I will go to bed after the weather. Guess that is kind of a habit. I have already seen the weather and know what they are going to say but I stay up and watch it anyway…
Night Y’all..Saturday June 22nd 2013
I work in the office this afternoon. Shouldn’t be to bad. I am taking the computer with me and my book for Wednesday night. That should keep me busy for the rest of the day, after my chores.
The day went by really fast, I was surprised. I got off work at 7PM on the dot! We weren’t real busy but that is OK. Doing the cleaning etc took quite awhile then the study and the computer pretty much took up the rests of the day.
I think this is a cardinal. I was kind of surprised to see one here in this kind of weather, I just figured they were a cold weather bird. If you notice the tree it only has a couple of leaves. I think the tree is dying. It didn’t have many leaves last year and this year it has less. It isn’t dead yet but some branches sure look sick!
We spent a quiet evening at home, not a lot going on so I guess I will just say Night Y’all…Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Monday June 24th 2013
I am taking today off, we have a couple of things to do in town later.
I let Linda sleep in and then we headed into town. I want to go to the Christian Book Store to look for a new Bible and I want to pick up a Bible for Nikki because she doesn’t seem to have one. Nikki was saved in Sonny’s last Sunday School Class, what a day!! We bought a Bible called “The Book”. It is a lot like The New Living Translation which is what I bought for myself and Linda has one like it also. The are a lot easier to understand.
We stopped at Aldi’s to pick up a few things and then headed home.
It is getting hot outside. We don’t keep it real cool in here but it is comfortable because it keeps the humidity down. It doesn’t take much for me to get chilly anyway.
We got to watch new new show last night “The Dome” and it wasn’t to bad, it makes you wonder what is going on for sure.
Not a lot more to say so I guess I will say Night Y’all….Saturday, June 22, 2013
Friday June 21st 2013
Going to be another warm day. I will mow Russell Street today, again. It grows pretty fast and gets looking ugly pretty fast.
Mark wants the truck back so he can go home at 1PM so I had to hustle to get back by one. I was back about ten minutes until one so I think I did good. I sharpened the blades on the mower and gave it a little try and it seemed to do OK.
I went home around 3PM. It was hot but mowing wasn’t bad at all, I didn’t mind it.
When I got home I enjoyed the time with Linda for a little while then went out and mowed our lawn and Tommy’s lawn. Beautiful day to work outside!
Linda fixed taco salad for supper and it was excellent. We are back on our diet again, been eating beans and taco salad was a nice deviation from the beans…
I’m not sure if I mentioned about the Seed Principle but I did a chapter that I am going to lead next Wednesday and it is something else. Didn’t do a thing for my ego! I put in the space by the edge. Can’t think of what it is called, I know I will remember later…(margin).. anyway, I wrote “oh me” a bunch of times because I know that it is telling me I’m not doing things like I should be doing! Would be a good night to stay home and watch TV. Not going to do that, I need to face my shortcomings.
We got a call from Bren and she wants to come to the Floto Family Reunion an sounds like Kim may come also. We will see what happens here, I am really surprised!!! Pleasantly surprised!
I had no trouble at all going to sleep tonight, can’t say the same for Linda, I think she was up most of the night. Night Y’all…..Thursday, June 20, 2013
Thursday June 20th 2013
Got up this morning and it was really nice out, I opened the house again for an hour or so. It is going to get warm today.
I was right it got up around 95 today and it is humid! I trimmed some trees, did some weed eating and dumped the trash. Oh, sprayed some Round Up too. I went home at noon. I figured it was hot enough to take the day off.
At home I didn’t do much of anything definitely to hot to do much outside. Tomorrow I will be mowing and that will take most of the day I think.
I still have been looking at tile saws but haven’t bought one yet.
This stupid computer is giving me fits. I was going to shut it off and it decided it was time to up date. I think I finally shut it off after about three hours then had to take the battery out to get it to quit whatever it was doing. I will probably find out later if it still works on the internet. I can’t get on Facebook and now I can’t get my mail! When I get back on the internet I guess I will find out. I will have to wait until tomorrow to get on the internet.
I think I will look and see if I have a picture to put in here….
I may have put this picture in here already, I can’t remember..
Not sure what kind of flower this is but but they are really colorful.
Time to say Night Y’all….Wednesday June 19th 2013
Back to work today, I will mow the mobile home park. That is a pretty good job, no picnic tables to move. It is very nice this morning but I’m sure it is going to get very warm.
I was right, I dumped the trash and am already sweating. Maybe after mowing I will spray a bottle of Round Up, then again maybe I won’t.
Mowing went fine, didn’t have any problems. I stop around 1PM for a drink and a little something to eat. The mower is usually almost out of gas so I need to stop.
When I got done mowing it was almost 4PM so I think I will go home and forget the Round Up. I will try to spray some tomorrow.
We have church tonight, and the lesson book is on the Seed Principle and it is very good. It is getting into marriage relationships and tonight the class was hilarious, well, I thought it was. Thought Linda and I were the only ones that had little problems. Miss Jean led the class tonight, Coyita was on vacations and next Wednesday I will try to lead the class because Coyita has to go to Jeff City for work. It will be nice to have this class over even though it is good but doing two lessons a week is almost to much with doing a lesson everyday for Sunday School and trying to memorize some scripture. I am definitely not good at memorizing!
Guess that is about all for today, I will be caught up with the blog though at least for today, tomorrow is a different story…..Night Y’allTuesday June 18th 2013
Well, I am going into work today, this morning is is really nice out, the sun is shining and it is cool. I opened the house for awhile to let in some of the cool morning air. Very nice, won’t stay that way long, it will get warm and humid.
At work I took the trailer over to Russell Street and picked up the rest of the branches I had cut. I had a pretty good load, wasn’t sure I would get them all on one load but they packed down nicely.
I sprayed a couple bottles of Round Up after the branches and then went home early. I was getting pretty hot so figured it was time to go home.
Today I cancelled the order for the tile saw. Not sure when, or if, I would get it. I will check and see if I can order another one. I almost did but thought I would check some more before ordering.
Linda fixed a pot of beans (without meat) which turned out very good. Back on the diet again. I am doing pretty good, sticking around 195, even after the outing at China Buffet!
Not much else happening today. Took a picture of my “hotspot” and this is where I have to put it to get it to work!!!
It is kind of funny, I took this picture awhile ago and the field back there is now about five feet tall! Can’t believe how fast the corn grows here. My Dad always said if it is knee high by the Fourth of July it is really doing good. Well, this is the middle of June and some fields you would get lost in and I think some are probably starting to tassel. Probably by the first of August they will be picking the corn. I was looking at the neighbors sweet corn and it has tassels and looks like it is starting to get ears.
Well, we aren’t going to do anything tonight so guess I will just sign off for now, Night Y’all…Monday June 17th 2013
I think I am getting worse! Today is Thursday and I am just getting to the Blog again. It isn’t that I’m to busy I just think I will do it later which usually comes a couple days later.
I know I didn’t work on Monday so now I just have to think of what we did.
I know that I ordered a tile saw from Amazon and it hasn’t come yet and it has been over a week. I decided to check online and there was a place to contact them so I did and asked what the holdup was on the order. They wrote back later and said that they didn’t have any in stock and weren’t sure when they would get any. Would have been nice to know but I guess they figured it wasn’t important enough to send an email.
Now I remember, Linda took me to the China Buffet for lunch today because yesterday it was packed. We had an excellent lunch. It probably wasn’t real good for our diet though.
Our Lilly's are starting to bloom…
Can’t remember the name, Linda does but they are pretty.
It is cloudy today and looks like rain. This evening we found out that a lot of places around here got a lot of rain. Some places over six inches of rain. I think we may have gotten about an inch, not sure though.
We didn’t do a lot today pretty much just stuck around home. Guess I will sign off and say Night Y’all…..
Monday, June 17, 2013
Sunday June 16th 2013
This is Father’s Day and not sure how many will be in church and not sure if we will have enough for a class. Linda and I went in early and I was still wondering if there would be enough for a class but the drifted in and we ended up with six in our class.
I had a brain storm! Not sure it was a good one so I asked the class if they were up to a challenge??? The challenge was to go to the young class, teens, as challenge them to the eight memory versus. We have about eight weeks left to memorize the eight versus. Easy huh? I have been working on these versus for three weeks now and had about three memorized but we are changing to the NIV version and I was memorizing the NLT version, (I think that is easier). They class wanted to use the NIV version so here I going starting all over again and it seems like the NLT is a lot easier, at least for me. Oh, when our class left the other class I made a little statement “we are going to stomp you”! Almost everyone in my class told me we were going to lose
. No confidence at all. The teacher of the teens told me he was having a really hard time getting them interested in the class so I thought this may be a little incentive for them to start participating in classes.
Our class went extremely well, we are very slow, but that is OK because I would rather be slow and learn than to rush through it and not get the meaning. Our class title is “Survival Kit” and the teens class is the same. Even with the small class we had people were participating and helping out. I had given an assignment for this week and I don’t think anyone did it but me. I figure as the “teacher” I better do the thing I asked them to do. Well, if we had had more time we would have done it right then in class but the time got away from us so they still have the assignment for next week. It was a very simple assignment and it was to write some of there feelings about John 14:1-3. We have certain questions to answer like how does in influence what I believe, how I feel or the way I behave. Is there an example to follow or avoid? Is there a command to obey? Is there a promise to claim? Now to explain the questions, we answer the questions as part of scripture study in our “quiet time”.
Mark had the service for Father’s Day and he did an excellent job. Very interesting service he put together. I think everyone enjoyed it.
Linda and I were going to go to the Chinese place to eat until we say the parking lot and we decided to wait until tomorrow. We went to Subway instead. The breakfast sandwich really hit the spot.
We took it easy this afternoon. Kim, Dee and Bren all called to wish me a happy Father’s Day. That was really special. Got to hear about all the happenings in their part of the country.
Tonight I went to church at Morehouse 1st Baptist Church. I enjoy going there, the preacher’s name is Randy and he puts out some pretty good sermons.
Tonight we aren’t going to do much. Watched some of the Emmy Awards. Not my kind of TV but it was OK.
I think I may have taken a nap before going to bed but I think I will sleep OK. Night Y’all…
PS The spelling and stuff may be all messed up so I’m blaming it on the computer. I haven’t been rereading so there may be a few mistakes….Saturday June 15th 2013
Looks like a nice day outside, lots of little gnats, figured they would be gone by now! It is almost impossible to walk around outside because these little gnats just pester you to no end! They will fly up your nose, in you ears, in your mouth, in your eyes etc. Not fun to have around.
Well, I go in to work in the office today, not my favorite job but it could be worse. I get to do so homework and play around on the computer during the slow times.
It wasn’t a real busy day but the time went fast so I was happy about that.
Not a lot going on tonight. A little TV etc and to bed. Night Y’all…Saturday, June 15, 2013
Mon-Fri 10-14 2013
OK, I have done it again, I haven’t written a blog in a week now and I know I can’t remember what we did during that time. Should have written the blog so I could read it and see if we had a good time or not!
I remember that I didn’t work Monday. I have been trying to get into a schedule of doing my Bible reading and Sunday School lesson first thing in the morning. I am heading the Sunday School Class and this lesson is HARD! It is for beginners and I am having a really hard time doing each lesson.
Tuesday I went to work and Grant and I went to Russell Street to pick up the rest of the garbage and also a bunch of branches I had cut earlier or maybe last week.
After we got them Grant was ready to stop and take a shower, he has to work in the office this afternoon. We would have gotten all the branches but we had to do some dumpster diving this morning and that took about an hour. I had put a sledge hammer in a trash basket and it got thrown in the dumpster. We did find it, it was clear at the bottom of the dumpster.
In the afternoon I sprayed Roundup. I didn’t work to long, it is very hot today and my shoulders and back is hurting.
Didn’t do much at home, took a shower and sat around the rest of the afternoon. Well, the evening also….
Wednesday, I sprayed a bottle of Roundup before starting to mow the Mobile Home Park. Even though the temperature was close to 100 degrees it was bad at all because the wind was blowing and I wasn’t doing any really hard work, just sitting on the lawn mower.
Thursday I took the day off, it is beautiful out! The temperature is going to be back in the 80s and that is nice.
I think we went to town today, not sure what for but I think we did. I think I let Linda off at McDonald’s to get her tablet loaded again and I walked over to Wal Mart and got a new batter in the watch I got from Cheryl. I like the watch, it has a twist band and fits snug. Works good unless the battery goes dead, then it is only right twice a day!
Friday, lets see, that was yesterday, I guess I went to work again. I went over to Russell Street and mowed over there. I also sprayed a bottle of Roundup and it was time to get back to the campground, Mark needs the truck this afternoon. so in the afternoon I sprayed a bottle of Roundup and used the weed eater and got some weeds cut down and shoveled the mud out of the driveway. Went home around 4:30PM.
Not a lot going on tonight, just sitting around so I guess I will say Nigh Y’all for the whole week!!!Monday, June 10, 2013
Sunday June 9th 2013
Well I am a little apprehensive about Sunday School today. Last week wasn’t the greatest but we didn’t have our books so it was kind of hit and miss last week.
I was pleasantly surprised this week. We had a nice class, about six in the class but they participated. We had our books this week and they seemed to want to participate, had to ask some questions but they did an excellent job of participating. Our curriculum is set for five weeks with five different parts in each lesson. It is supposed to last about eleven weeks, give or take, that would be a quarter! Well, our leader is kind of slow so we may not finish the book by the end of the quarter but that is OK, as long as we get what we are supposed to learn. I am excited, the lessons are for beginners and I tell you, it isn’t easy! We have verses we are supposed to memorize and that is not an easy task. Sonny told me he was having a lot of trouble memorizing the versus to, glad it isn’t just me.
Linda made a big pot of chili on the NuWave cooktop. It sure does work good and the pots that came with it are really heavy and work very well. We don’t get near the heat from this as we do the stove top. I am glad we ordered them, I think they will come in handy.
Church tonight was down again. Pastor has good sermons on Sunday Night, wish people would come to the services!
Got a picture of a flower, well, a couple of pictures….
Not sure if I planted these or not, don’t remember planting them, but they are pretty and I think this is the first year I have seen this kind.
Here is some of our Holly Hock…
I think these are really pretty, I need to plant a lot more of them. The dark spots in the two corners are the lens cover, it didn’t open all the way. The camera takes a lot of abuse and sometimes it gets bent just enough to keep the lens cover from opening all the way. I have to check and make sure it does open or I get a picture with dark places in it.
Time to say Night Y’all….Saturday June 8th 2013
Looks like a nice day today, it isn’t raining so must be going to be a nice day.
We won’t be doing much today I have to work in the office this afternoon, should be a pretty good day.
Well, most things went pretty good, I took my computer in with me to give me a little something to play with. My computer gives me problems sometimes. Like Facebook, I can’t get on Facebook with this computer. Not sure what the problem is but it won’t let me do anything on Facebook. It goes to the homepage and that is all it will do, I can’t look up anything and there are no posts. Oh well, guess I will have to use my other computer.
Things were pretty slow today, picked up around quitting time though. The last three campers came in right around 7PM maybe a little before. I had all the bookwork done and then had to change it. Oh well, I was a little late getting home.
Linda’s rash isn’t getting any better, guess we will have to go see the doctor Monday and see if there is anything he can prescribe for her condition.
We are pretty much taking it easy tonight. Nothing on TV that is really good. Terrible to have a couple hundred channels and nothing on what a bummer!
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Friday June 7th 2013
Yes, I am going back to work today. Grant and I will do some cleanup on Russell Street and Mark wants another shed taken down.
We loaded up some wet carpeting and it took all the both of us had to get it on the little trailer.We had another piece that was just as heavy and we tried to cut it but didn’t have the right tools so we finally got it loaded and told Ms. Lorene that we would be back soon to tear her shed down. She moved some of the stuff out of it and when we got back we tore down the the shed and got most of it loaded on the trailer, couldn’t get it all but then there is still next week…
The trailer is sitting to the right and the place where the old shed was is in the center of the picture. The trees, bushes etc on the left is why I am trying to get my chain saw started! I told Ms. Lorene I would get them down for her. Russell Street could use about a month of chain saw and hauling to make it look nice.
I did take a picture of Ms. Lorene but she didn’t want me to, in fact she didn’t know I took it but I am not going to post it because that wouldn’t be very nice of me to do something like that.
I mowed Russell Street this afternoon and I will have to tell you I am sore, back and derriere. Way to much sitting on this mower. It didn’t use to bother me but lately it sure does.
When I got home, Linda had gotten the NuWave cook top I ordered. It is an induction cooktop and we thought we would try it to see if it works. The utensils, or pans, have to be good conductors. It did work good, after I put on my glasses and saw that it has a “start” button. It does heat up very fast and it can be controlled by increments of ten degrees. Seems to work very good.
Guess it doesn’t look like to much but it does work good and the frying pans work great. They are enamel coated and excellent non-stick pans.
Well, this was another day of back aches so I took some pain reliever, which works very well, and sat in the recliner and slept part of the evening. We did watch a bunch of “Storage Wars” episodes. They are usually pretty good.
Time to say Night Y’all…Thursday June 6th 2013
I think I may take today off but it is turning out to be a really nice day so I may go in just to see if there is anything I need to do.
Well, Grant’s girlfriend is leaving today so he is taking the morning off and I am going to do some more mowing. Guess that will be OK, I like to mow and Mark said to do the easy parts which doesn’t include moving the picnic tables. I kept mowing figuring Grant would be in shortly. I think I got about half of it mowed so he doesn’t have a lot left to do. I took the rest of the afternoon off.
I had to go to the social security office to get a net Medicare card and get a new spark plug for the chain saw. I’ve been trying to get the saw started so I could trim some trees for Ms Lorene. She is a sweet older lady that has a son that could do some of these things for him but doesn’t.
OK I did something here and I can’t get it back to the regular printing. I am going to say Night Y’all…..
Wednesday June 5th 2013
Back to work today, it is just a beautiful day out today.
I mowed the mobile home park today. Took awhile and my back really got to hurting while mowing. Guess it is not a real comfortable tractor, couldn’t be that I’m getting old could it???
I finished around 5PM I think and went on home. Not much going on tonight, not much on TV. Went to church and had a lesson on the “Seed Principle”. It was really good. Glad that people join in in the discussions. Hopefully my Sunday School Class with be comfortable enough to start joining in with the lessons.
Like I said, not much going on tonight so I will say Night Y’all…Tuesday June 4th 2013
Today we head back home. It will be later though.
Don and I had coffee and just enjoyed the beautiful morning. No gnats flying around here but plenty of ticks.
I got Linda up around 8AM and we had breakfast. Cheryl had fresh fruit and we brought the cinnamon rolls from home. They went very well together.
We walked around their pond and got a couple of pictures..
Even though you can’t see the pond it is to Linda’s left. We fed the fish and looked at the the lilies on the pond….
They sure are pretty!
We had lunch and headed on home around 2PM. I know it is going to be a long drive, well, about 180 miles, give or take. I stopped for gas and filled up and it cost almost $100! The drive home was pretty uneventful. It got pretty warm but the drive was nice. We got back in time to vote, just before 6PM and then on home. I filled up with gas again and it was over $80 so taking this for rides isn’t a real good way to travel. We enjoyed it though and enjoyed the visit with Don and Cheryl.
We relaxed tonight and went to be kind of early. Needed to get some rest. Glad to be home….Night Y’all…Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Monday June 3rd 2013
Got up early this morning, we are heading to Gerald MO today to see Don and Cheryl. We were going to go up there a couple of weeks ago but with the weather the way it has been we really didn’t want to be traveling in the rain so we decided to wait.
Don and Cheryl have both been having some problems with their hearts! Strange they both are having problems at the same time.
We left home at 8AM and stopped for gas down the road and it cost $80 to fill it up, I was surprised, didn’t have a heart attack but wondered why it took so much gas then I remember we filled up the last time somewhere in Arkansas and that was quite a while ago.
We made it up to Gerald about 11AM maybe 11:30 but thought it was a good trip. We parked and visited for awhile and then they took us for a ride to show us the area. Rivers are overflowing and some roads are closed.
Got a picture of the Missouri River….
Some of the boat ramps, or slips, are floating! Good thing they are anchored.
This is Jasmine. She doesn’t care much for Sparky but she does put up with him, a little….
They took us out to Millers Grill for lunch and it was very good. Linda had a steak and so did Cheryl. Don had a hamburger and I had a catfish Po Boy. It was very good.
They took us shopping at a 2nd hand store that had a lot of very interesting “stuff”. It was fun looking at all the different stuff. I didn’t get anything but Linda did. She didn’t get much but a few things to take to Texas when we go.
We had a really good day of visiting and about 10PM Don and I were both ready to call it a day, which we did. I think Linda and Cheryl stayed up for another hour.
We were amazed that there weren’t very many bugs there. We could sit outside and not be bothered by flying bugs to bad. Unfortunately they do have more than there share of wood ticks. We felt like bugs were crawling on us most of the night, may have been, not sure but I found a tick crawling on me early in the morning. Guess they aren’t wood ticks which is very good.
We are sleeping in the camper which is good for us, we needed to get the camper out and and get some use out of it. It drives good but really sucks up the gas.
That’s our camper! Time to say Night Y’all…
Saturday and Sunday June 1-2 2013
Haven’t kept up again! I haven’t even been on the computer for a few days so now here I go again trying to remember what we did a thousand years ago! Well, maybe not a thousand years but sure seems like it when I try to remember what we did way back then!
I had to ask Linda what we did Saturday. I forgot that I went to work and spent the afternoon in the office. I had the computer with me so I must have posted the last couple of days today…..
Work went pretty good, didn’t keep real busy and it was raining, at least until about 3PM then it started clearing off. Turned out to be a pretty nice afternoon, a little cool but not bad.
Sunday was my first class in Sunday School. First Linda and I made some cinnamon rolls last night, at least the dough, and baked them this morning.
I was really nervous this morning and Linda got up early and about 8:15AM and I figured it was time to go and Linda said it was to early but I don’t listen very good and when we got there, there wasn’t any cars there and I looked at my watch again and figured out, for myself, that we were over an hour early, I don’t catch on to fast sometimes.
I think the Sunday School class didn’t go very well, I was hoping for input from everyone and that didn’t happen. It really didn’t go all that bad I guess and hopefully someone got something out of it.
Sunday night was good. Linda and I both liked the sermon. Randy did a good job.
Well, not a lot to talk about for today. I was tired and kind of deflated so guess that I will say Night Y’all…Saturday, June 1, 2013
Friday May 31st 2013
It is cloudy and it did rain last night. Wonder if it will clear off today.
Grant and I are going to Russell Street again today. We have a lot of cleanup to do. One shed we tore down had carpeting in it and Grant suggested we roll the carpet up with some of the trash that is laying around. That’s what we did! Well, it rained and the carpet is soaked and weighs a ton, well maybe not that much, but enough we could just barely drag it so I knew we wouldn’t load it onto the trailer and for sure we wouldn’t be able to get it in the dumpster!
We took a couple of loads to the dumpster. I got a picture of Grant man handling the shed, or parts of it…
We did get a lot of it cleaned up. I may have put this picture in the other day I can’t remember!
When we got back I got gas for the tractor and did a little mowing and I put the new steering arm on it, time to get rid of the wire ties…
I went over and mowed Russell Street this afternoon. Went pretty good. I didn’t have my camera with me. I met a lady over there, Ms Ledbetter. Very nice lady. I told her I would help get her shed torn down and a couple of trees cut down. I think she is a widow and I’m sure she doesn’t have much in the way of possessions. Very nice lady, Christian I think, and very nice to talk to.
I did get sprinkled on a couple of times today but not bad.
Not much going on at home, watch some TV if I can stay awake and then go to bed….Night Y’all.
PS I haven’t been proof reading these so sorry about spelling errors and whatever else I may have written wrongThursday May 30th 2013
I’m taking the day off today, we can’t haul trash and Grant is using the mower. I think we will go to Poplar Bluff today to the VA and I think I will apply!
Sure seems like a long drive to Poplar Bluff. Takes about forty five minutes I guess but it sure if boring. The lady at the desk, Diana, was very nice and actually very helpful. We were in and out of there in probably fifteen minutes. No waiting. It will be different filling out the forms that she gave me. They aren’t hard to fill out but finding what I need to put on them is another story. My filing system isn’t the greatest.
We stopped at Dexter on the way home and ate at Fiddler’s, a pretty good place to eat but today I wasn’t really satisfied. Nothing tasted particularly good except for the strawberry shortcake and I went back for seconds! I really like their strawberry shortcake.
I decided to mow the lawn when we got home. I probably won’t feel like it tomorrow or Saturday. I have the new blades on the mower and it did a pretty good job.
We pretty much stayed at home and didn’t do anything else. Quiet evening. Night Y’all… Got a picture of our first Holly Hock!!!!!
For some reason I can make the pictures bigger again, not sure about this computer……
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Wednesday May 29th 2013
Linda suggested that I stop at Delta Growers to check on lawn mower blades for our mower. I have been checking online and found some, some cheap, some very expensive. Delta Growers had some the eleven dollars apiece so I bought three of them. I also took the old ones in and I’m going to sharpen them during lunch hour.
Grant and I went over to Russell Street to tear down some steps and tear down a couple of sheds and pick up the trash that has been there for years.
The steps went fine the shed was a different story. We got it down but we took two loads of trash to the dumpster and we still have a couple more loads left to get rid of. Got a picture of Grant working…
Still can’t get my pictures to enlarge on this thing. Anyway this is the first shed we tore down after the people got their stuff out. We probably will go back Friday to finish cleaning up the mess. Mark went with us after lunch to check it out and gives us some more things to do over there. It needs a lot of work.
On the way home I stopped at Wal Mart and picked up a filter and oil for the camper. Needs to have the oil changed.
I was really tired when I got home but decided to finish the things I needed to do before I forget or just don’t do it. I changed the blades on the mower and will probably throw the old ones away but will keep them for awhile. I also changed the oil and filter on the camper. Not a favorite job for sure. It needed to be done though and rather than try to find a place that would do it I decided it would be easier and cheaper to do it myself. Want to have the camper ready, we are planning on going up to Gerald MO to see Don and Cheryl.
Tonight I really had a hard time staying awake, but then there wasn’t much on TV to keep my excited enough to stay awake. Finally woke up around eleven and decided it was time to go to bed. Night Y’all….
Tuesday May 28th 2013
Looks like it is going to be a nice warm day. I will be going into work and probably will mow the mobile home park. It isn’t to bad doing that and the fresh air is nice.
I dumped the trash first then started mowing. Mowing went pretty good, I stopped at noon for lunch and then back to work. I lost a small wheel off the deck, The nut just came loose off the mower deck so I stopped back at the shop to put it back on and when I tried to start it again, there was nothing! I tried all I could figure out but with no luck. I got Mark out to look at it and he couldn’t figure it out. He called Jerry and he stopped by to take a look. He took the starter off and took it with him.
Well, my computer isn’t doing what I want it to do and I can’t figure out what is wrong. I like to make the pictures larger but for some reason I can’t do it. Oh well, this is a picture of me on the “good” Kubota and I have to say it does do a really good job mowing.
I got off work around 5PM and headed home. I was pretty tired because it was pretty warm today and riding on that mower for six hours or so it not real comfortable. I was ready to go home.
Not much going on tonight so I guess it is time to say Night Y’all….Monday May 27th 2013
Today is Memorial Day, we don’t have anything planned so we will probably just stick around home.
I did a little work on the camper. There was a real slow propane leak and the alarm would go off but it would take a couple of days before it would sound the alarm so I imagine the leak was a real small one.
After I got everything apart on the camper I figure it must be the line going to the furnace. I finally got a wrench that would work on it and tightened it up just a little. The alarm hasn’t gone off since!
Got a picture of a really nice sunrise this morning…
Had a nice quiet day today, not much of anything happened.
Time to say Night Y’all….
Monday, May 27, 2013
Sunday May 26th 2013
Linda is not feeling well this morning. Allergies I think, she has a bad headache.
Went to Sunday School and Church at Morehouse. Sunday School was especially good because Sonny led a young lady, Nikki, to the Lord! This was his last Sunday teaching, at least for awhile. I will be taking over next week, different class but same room. Yes, seeing her saved was a great thing to participate in with the rest of the class.
Church was very good also. Pastor Randy was really excited hearing that Nikki accepted the Lord as her Savior. His sermon was actually an invitation. Her boyfriend wasn’t ready yet. Maybe later. Hopefully the class I will lead will help her grow and maybe he will see that he needs Jesus as his Savior also, sure hope so.
Took it easy this afternoon. Linda and I fixed fajitas for lunch. They were really good.
I went back to Morehouse for church tonight. Went to the 1st Baptist Church, our church cancelled tonight. The service was really good! They had about a half hour of singing, “pickin n grinnin” with the pastor and a couple of other guitar players. His sermon was also very good. Loyd was there tonight also, then I saw Bill and Phyllis, and a lady from Hinton Park. I didn’t know her but she knew me.
Didn’t do a lot tonight just stayed in and relaxed. Guess it is time to say Night Y’all…
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Saturday May 25th 2013
Well it is going to be another beautiful day! It is very cool this morning, I guess we broke a record for the low temp for this day! I think it was in the low forties this morning. Very cool with a breeze.
I have been messing around this morning doing a few odd jobs, nothing major but things I like to have done.
Work the office this afternoon. The job is easy but very boring! I forgot my computer and my telephone so I will have to try to find something to do to keep me occupied after the chores are all done.
I found a book in the laundry room about airplanes and crashes. It seems to be pretty good but I get tired when I read so I didn’t get a lot of reading done. The day went slow and I got off right at 7PM and made it home before the sun went down. Had a lot of time to spare. I forgot, I got the BBQ grill out and grilled some chicken on it and Linda found a recipe for sweet onions grilled. They turned out pretty good! A little Ranch Dressing and Worcestershire Sauce, didn’t have any of the latter so I used Soy Sauce. They tasted pretty good, Linda doctored it up a little with some hot stuff, could have done without the hot stuff but they were still good.
Had a beautiful sunset tonight…
I also found some pretty flowers or weeds not sure which they are but I think they look nice…
They are petite and have a pinkish tint to them. They are in a row at an empty lot so maybe they are flowers.
Well, taking it easy tonight, play a little on the computer and then to bed….Night Y’all….