Saturday, July 13, 2013

Friday July 12th 2013

Back to work today.  At work we have a small problem.  We don’t have a truck to pull the tractor (mower) over to Russell Street.   Well, Mark still has the Explorer so we pulled the trailer and mower over with that.  They took the trailer back to the park and left me here to mow.

I saw Miss Lorene and she came out to say hi!  She is such a sweet lady and I would put her picture in here but she would be upset if I did and she found out.  She asked if I was going to pick her up for church and I told her I would definitely be there to pick her up Sunday morning and she seemed to be happy!!

I finished mowing around 1PM and sprayed a bottle of Round Up and by the time I finished that Mark was there to pick me up, and by the time he got there I was almost finished so we loaded up the stuff and headed back to the park.

The weather isn’t to bad today but warm enough.

Randy and Coyita made it here around five or so.   We had a really good visit.  Linda had fixed BBQ  which was excellent, baked beans a spaghetti salad and a great desert made with Pistachio Pudding and ice cream.  Really hit the spot.

We sat around the table and talked until after 9PM.  Time really went by fast.  I didn’t get a picture, what a bummer!

Well, it is time to say Night Y’all.  Oh, I made jalapeno bread and forgot t give a loaf to Coyita so we will have to go back into town tomorrow.

Time to say Night Y’all

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