Sunday, February 28, 2010

Saturday February 27th 2010

Today is the day to take the camper in to Paw Paw’s RV place to get some work done.   It is raining right now but not to cold.  I did my reading and computer work before waking Linda.  She is going with me to take the camper in.  It is only about 6 miles to the RV dealer and had a good trip going in.  They were very nice, we got all the paper work done and talked to them about all the things that were wrong with the camper.  They will start on it next week and will let us know what all needs to be done.  Linda and I walked over to Fred’s, a small store, that if I’m not mistaken is part of Wal-Mart, not sure though.  Rick picked us up and really wanted to look at campers but we didn’t.  After getting home we went back to Wal-Mart to look at a few things.  Aunt Virgie was at the hair dresser getting her hair done.  Linda bought a TV tray for her computer, we didn’t spend $100 today!!

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The top picture has all of us in it.  Steve, Pam and Anna Grace, Virgie, Rick and Connie, Linda and me.  This is one of the first pictures I have taken with Pam in it.  The fact is, this is the only good picture I have with Pam in it.  I am going to have to have them stand together so I can get a decent picture of them.  The second picture is while we were waiting for Steve and Pam and so is the bottom picture.


Went over to Steve and Pam’s to play some Mexican Train.  I think Rick and I were the caboose.  We lost!  Had a good time playing but by the time we finished (double twelve)  everyone was really tired.


Look at this…even Bear was tired!  Bear is really a cute dog, he was shivering outside so they let him in to sleep for the night.  He is a very quiet dog too, at least he didn’t bark inside.  We had a good night, but time to head home and get some sleep.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Friday February 26th 2010

WOW this morning is pretty nice, sun shining, cool and not windy!  We don’t have much planned for today, Rick said he would take us to Fortenberry’s meat market out in the country. We would like that and would be nice to get out and see some different areas.



This is the place.  It is small but the really had an assortment of meats and vegetables (frozen).  I had to take a picture of what we bought…


The top is hot pork sausage and the bottom is pork boudin.  If I have it right it is pronounced “bodane”.  This is a pork, I was going to get crawfish boudin but Linda didn’t look like she would appreciate it.  Not sure about this either but I have to give it a try.  They say it is good boiled (their preference) or grilled.  Think I would rather try the grilling.  They sell a lot of deer sausage here, I think it is one of their specialties, they have a lot of different kinds.

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This church was out in the country and a cute little church.  Glad I took a picture of the sign, I couldn’t remember what the name of it was.  It was a very nice tranquil setting out here.


This is just another picture of the church.  They added on to it so now it doesn’t quite look like the “Little Chapel on the Prairie”.

The rest of the day was quite uneventful.  After we got home we just relaxed, took a nap and watched TV.

Linda fixed some steaks for supper.  Steak is unusual for us.  I can’t remember the last time we had steak.   Been a long time.  When we were in Conroe TX we went to a Kroger store and did a little shopping.  I am quite frugal, and when I saw these 2 steaks for under $2.50 I just had to get them.  They weren’t old. I think they were just on sale.  If I could find more I would stock up on them, very good.  We also had baked potato, okra and pickled beets.  Quite the meal.  Virgie and I had an ice cream sandwich later, that was also very good.  Time to go to bed and let all those calories do their job!!  Good night all….

Friday, February 26, 2010

Thursday February 25th 2010

Lost my camera!!! BUMMER!!!  I know I had it and took a couple pictures and had it when we got done shopping, now my mind is a blank.  That isn’t unusual though.  I had to wake Linda and ask her if she knew where it was.  She hid it!  Not really, she put it on the dresser and I couldn’t see it, it was in plain sight.

Had to take these pictures…


This is Linda going into a clothing store, I forced myself to stay in the car, but wanted to get a picture of her going in.  She had a bag in her hand, other than her suitcase, I mean purse.


Here she is coming out.  NOTICE!!! She isn’t carrying any bags, and what’s this??? Is she crying??? Oh My!!  She didn’t buy anything?   Is that why she is so sad???  Truthfully she isn’t crying, she returned something and is blowing me a kiss!!  Isn’t she sweet?


This is the $100 store in Picayune, don’t worry, we came out with bags this time.


Yep, you guessed it.  This is Coonie’s old time meat shop.  We had to drive about a mile into the country to find this.  Felt sorry for the old guy running it. He is 62 years old and he had to start a business because his SS was really small and he couldn’t find another job.  We didn’t buy anything, the inside kind of looked like the outside even though the meat looked pretty good.  I think his location isn’t helping attract customers, it is at least a mile out in the country and not real easy to find.  Had to follow the (small) Coonie signs to his establishment.

Went over to Rick and Connie’s last night and watched more Olympics, when they are over we will play some more Zilch (not tonight though).

It was a good day, even the Orkin Man came and told a couple jokes.  He was a pretty pleasant person.  More tomorrow…PS They weren’t bug jokes.

Wednesday Feb 24th 2010

Got up early today, well, maybe not real early, but I had something that I needed to do.




Yep!  Had to make bread.  Finished the last loaf yesterday morning.  My bread had a little problem, well, this loaf did, the other one looked pretty good. The cinnamon rolls turned out pretty good, well, I forgot the cinnamon, but they still tasted good!  I had to add the cinnamon to the top and bottom. They still tasted like cinnamon rolls.

We went to Rick and Connie’s for lunch, she made some really good black eyed pea soup.  A little tobasco sauce on it and I really got choked up.  I think maybe I got a really big shot of tobasco sauce but it was delicious.  Connie also made a grape salad that was to die for.  Linda got the recipe and hopefully we can have it once in awhile.

Connie and Linda went shopping for some clothes for Aunt Virgie. They picked out a couple of nice outfits.  Linda picked up a few things also. Not right to go shopping and not buy anything.

Went to church last night and Pastor Bud preached out of Psalms 147, Praise ye the Lord, or Hallelujah.  When thinking of all the Lord has made and all He knows, then compare that to us, well, we are pretty little, but He loves us and knows us intimately!  Pastor used an illustration of, I think, the Hubble telescope that took a picture of a small portion of the universe that had millions of stars, he said it was a beautiful picture, and God not only made these stars but put them in space, named them and knows all of the characteristics of each one.  Amazing isn’t it???  I listen to other people and think they are intellects, but compared to God, nothing.  God is AWESOME!!!


Well went back home and watched some awesome Olympics.  These kids are really something.  Scares me just watching them and I ain’t scared of nothin!!!  My Dad told me “ain’t” tain’t a word and tain’t ain’t neither.  Where am I going with this??? I don’t know, guess I better quit.  Have a great one and “Praise ye the Lord”.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Kimberly’s Spring Fashion Line

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This is some the the new line put out by our daughter Kim.  Unfortunately I missed the runway preview and just got some together shots and after show partying.  They all got together though and did a little pose for the camera……If anyone is interested in her new design I can get the website for online mega purchases.  She would assuredly appreciate your business.  By the way Kimberly is the flower child in the top picture with her husband Dave in one of her manly designer series outfits…

Remembering Bruno

This is Bruno, he is around 13 years old in this picture.  We are in Carriere MS now and I took a walk today around the cemetery without Bruno.  This was the first time that I walked around there without him.  I think we brought him down here about 12 times, give or take, and this was where I took him for his exercise.


I had to put the picture of the horses, they used to be at the back of the cemetery in a pasture back there.  Bruno liked them, they didn’t like him though and one of them kicked him in the side.  Bruno didn’t fall down until he got back out beside me and he went “down”.  I thought he was going to die.  I petted him for a couple of minutes and finally he got up on his front feet and then stood.  I’m sure he was in shock.  I never let him go in with the horses again, but I don’t think he really wanted to again.  He wasn’t real smart but I think he remembered that.


This is the back of the cemetery where the horses were and Bruno could walk through the fence.


This is a picture from the back looking towards  the cemetery.  It was a great place to walk and let Bruno sniff everything.  That was his idea of a good time, sniffing things.


This is by the church and the parsonage.  We never went in this way but to the left it was open and to the right it was open. Had a lot of good walks with Bruno through this cemetery.  Bruno was a good traveler and we took him with us on a lot of trips.  I think towards the last he would have enjoyed staying home though.  Laying in the backseat for hours on end wasn't his idea of a good time but he never complained, but had to catch up on sniffing when he got out to walk around.  By the way this is Tuesday February 23rd 2010 and I probably won't add any more to this.  We don't plan on doing anything today just staying around here.


This is Aunt Virgie's house from across the street.   If I have more I will add it later....Have a great day....

Monday February 22nd 2010

Here it is, it’s Monday already and we aren’t doing much. I washed the dirty camper, had to get some of the dirt off from the last 2000 miles that we have traveled.  Got the car washed too!!


After washing the camper I fixed the stopper in the bathroom sink, not to hard, didn’t even have to go to town for parts!  Linda fixed a delicious pot roast with potatoes and carrots, very yummy.  Virgie went to the Dr today, wanted to make sure the little spell she had at the beauty shop wasn’t something that would be bad.  Turned out OK.  The Dr didn’t tell her anything was wrong anyway. 

Called Paw Paw’s camper sales today to make sure it was OK to bring the camper in tomorrow.  Good thing I called.  They don’t want it there until Saturday.  That is OK, I keep finding little things that need to be fixed and I might as well get it done here.  We aren’t in any hurry to get back to Sikeston, it is still cold there.   Going to watch some more Olympics tonight.  More later….

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday February 21st 2010

Sunday, not a bad day, kind of cloudy and a little cool.  The sun did come out for a couple minutes but was cloudy all day.



Top picture is Pastor Bud Putman and a parishioner.  Bottom picture is the sanctuary at West Union Baptist Church.

100_1213  This is Miss Mattie, she seems to always be smiling!!  Look forward to seeing her when we come to Picayune.



The two pictures above are Pee Wee the assistant Pastor and his two little girls.  They were kind of shy.  Pee Wee is a teacher at William Carey College and teaches the Sunday School Class we attend.


Above is a picture of Sarah, her dad Steve and Anna Grace.  Sarah is in college in Jackson MS and is going to be a nurse.  Had a nice visit with them before church tonight.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saturday February 20th 2010

Today was a day that was really nice.  Sun was shining and it got up to 70, well almost.  Felt really good.100_1200

Nice Jonquils in bloom.  They are usually the first in the Spring.  Spring must be almost here.


This is West Union Baptist Church across from Aunt Virgie’s place.


This is Anna Grace, Bear and Aunt Virgie in the background.


Steve and Anna Grace.


Linda and Bear in this picture.  We had a pretty good day, Aunt Virgie had a little spell at the beauty shop but feels fine now.   Steve and Anna Grace came over tonight for a nice visit.  We are watching the Olympics and taking it easy.  It has been a good night…

Friday February 19th 2010

Today was pretty chilly in the morning, had frost on the camper.  Aunt Virgie keeps her house nice and warm though, had a great nights sleep.  After making coffee I decided to unhook the car and turn the camper around so we could unload the things we would be needing here.  By noon we had most of the “stuff” unloaded so I called the RV dealer, Paw Paw’s Camper Sales to ask about an appointment.  The end of next week is the soonest I can get it in.  I can take it in earlier but they won’t be able to work on it until then.  Glad we were planning on staying a month….


In the picture above is Connie, Rick, Linda, Pam, Steve and Anna Grace. Last night (I forgot the camera) we went to Rick and Connie’s house for dinner and some Zilch.  This picture was taken last year but I think we played Zilch that night also.  Had  a fun night.  Aunt Virgie isn’t in this picture so I will add one of her.


Aunt Virgie is relaxing and I should have taken a full picture because Connie’s mom is also relaxing…


Don’t they look comfortable?? I think they may have been chilly.  The pictures are a little blurry, I think I was using my old camera. Promise I will take original pictures tomorrow!!  Watched a little more of the Olympics, and you are right LaVon, these kids going downhill at 90 miles per hour and face first no less, have to either have a lot of confidence or….. Skiers, snowboarders etc are amazing but also very daring.  They are very good at what they do.  Keep safe, keep warm, have a great winter….

Friday, February 19, 2010

Thursday Feb 18th 2010


Linda took this picture as we were somewhere in Louisiana, not sure where but this was a nice scene, reminded me of the mall at the Washington Monument.  No monument though.

We didn’t plan on making it all the way from Conroe TX to Picayune MS in one day but the mini home sure drives nice and we had a great trip.  Didn’t get on the road until after 10AM so it was dark when we got to Aunt VIrgie’s home.  Wasn’t late, about 6:30PM I think. The last 45  minutes it was dark and I didn’t like that, but didn’t want to stop.  One of our lights on the back of the car doesn’t work, (running lights) and we were praying we wouldn’t get stopped.  I need to get that fixed before driving at night again.


Another picture of beautiful Louisiana!   Actually it is quite fascinating. The weather is kind of cool but summer is coming!!


Thought I would stick this in.  Gas was about $2.40 a gallon, coffee was a lot more than that.  The way I figure it coffee was about $14 a gallon.  I didn’t get any, I started the generator and warmed up some of my own. Not instant either.


We made it!!  This is actually Friday morning.  Had frost on the windows. Pretty chilly out.  Rick and Steve were here to meet us and they had pizza from Papa Johns, good  stuff..  Thanks Steve.

Pizza Time

Well, with all the good news about the camper getting fixed (not) we decided to make pizza.  We were going to make pizza anyway, wouldn’t have mattered about all the good tidings we received.  Linda didn’t like the last loaf of bread either.  I over cooked it and the top got really hard.  Still tasted good but really crunchy…



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The pictures are pretty self explanatory, but the second picture is of the bowl Dee got me for Christmas!!  I have used it to make bread every time since she gave it to me….Thanks Dee I love it and it works great, fits just right in the convection oven, I don’t cook in it but let the dough rise in it because the convection oven is warm.  The pizza was made more or less of left overs.  Feta cheese, tomatoes, onions, etc.  I will have to say it was really good!!  The bottom picture is for Bill at Lake Pointe.  I think he is the only person that has offered to pay for the bread.


This is Bill, I think he likes home made bread.  I’m pretty sure he likes home made bread.  I don’t expect anyone to pay for the bread, it is a lot of fun for me to make and I like the results, usually.  Anyway, we enjoyed the pizza and am sure we will enjoy the bread, now to figure out how to lose some weight????