Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tuesday April 27th 2010

Cloudy this morning and it rained a little last night, not much but looks like it may be kind of wet today.  Steve stopped by this morning with his mower. Rick and Steve usually mow Aunt Virgie’s lawn but Rick is heading out tomorrow for North Carolina and Steve is really busy so I figured as long as I was just waiting (for the camper) I may as well mow the lawn.  He brought the mower and weed eater and plenty of gas.  The clouds went away and it started warming up so after lunch I was able to start mowing.


As you can see the dust is flying.  The rain didn’t do much for keeping the dust down.


I had a good time mowing.  Had a little trouble with the drive belt.  It came off once so I kind of babied it the rest of the day.  Linda had to help my put it back on.  It is under the seat where there really isn’t a good place to get at it and the clutch had to be depressed to make slack in the belt.


I like mowing lawns.  You can see after you are done that it looks decent again (for a couple of days).  Got a couple scratches from the bushes that WERE so beautiful.  The flowers are almost all gone now.100_0132

I know this doesn’t show up well but these are blueberries, only they are green.  I just noticed them as I was weed eating.  There are bushes growing up with them, not sure what they are but they really grow fast. I took a picture of one.


This picture was taken very close, about 8 inches away.  The flowers are very fragrant and very small.

Rick and Connie made it back from Hernando and Destiny is doing well.  Doesn’t know what happened but I guess it was pretty scary.

Our supper last night was kind of amusing.  I made a cheese omelet. I over cooked it and you could eat it like pizza, in fact I cut it like pizza, guess I should have taken a picture of it.  Linda is starting a pork roast for tomorrow. Sounds good to me.

Aunt Virgie has had a couple of weak spells today.  Seems to be happening a little more often.  Linda and I feel helpless, we can imagine what Aunt Virgie feels like. Lets just praise the Lord for His goodness!

Night yall….

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Monday April 26th 2010

OK, this is still today, let’s see if I can put down what happened today.  HMMM, well I got up this morning then everything went blank…not really, I had a bunch of things to get done, like taking out the garbage etc…


We had 2 bananas that were so ripe you couldn’t hardly pick them up.  Have to  make some banana bread.  I figure if I put a bunch of stuff together that taste good the end should be pretty good. I worried about this one though. It didn’t look very good while baking.  Started puffing up really good then kind of quit.  Baked it for an hour and fifteen minutes and it didn’t look to bad, nice and brown, so we all had to try a piece.  I forgot the salt, but it still tasted good.  Linda liked it so well she had 2 pieces!!

After all this work and toil over a hot oven we, or I, decided we need to go to town and check the internet at McDonalds.  Downloaded a magazine and it took about 45 minutes, not fun.  We went to Walgreens then to Wal Mart.


Linda bought a new computer.  Her old one, which was my old one, was starting to do some really strange things so she bought a new one.  She has spent some time playing solitaire and figuring out how it works. It has Windows 7 on it and I really don’t know much about it.  I’ll have to have her teach me when she gets it figured out.


This is my leftover soup.  I added some shrimp to it just to see if it would be good.  I added way to much rice and it was pretty much solid.  It took a couple cups of milk to get it thinned down.  We had this for our supper.  It was pretty good except the shrimp had tails and they presented a little problem, other than that it was pretty good (for doctored up leftovers).       

Time to watch some TV and get ready for bed.  I think Linda likes her new computer…..Night yall…

Sunday April 25th 2010

Beautiful day!!!  Sun is shining and the wind is blowing.  Going to go to church this morning, Linda and Aunt Virgie are staying home. 

Pee Wee is a great teacher, I think.  His class at college sounds like it isn’t going to well.  I think Pee Wee is way over there heads and Pee Wee has a photographic memory.  I have a hard time remembering what I did yesterday.  He has a lot of funny stories about the class but I feel sorry for his students.

Pastor Bud had a good sermon this morning.  This is actually Monday night and I can’t remember what is was on..HMMMM.

Well, Sunday night was good, he was in Chapter 2 of Revelation and the church at Thyatira. Learned that this was probably the smallest church of the 7 churches.  Didn’t know that. The Letter also said the ones that were true need not change but the others needed to repent and change. Probably didn’t change at all but kept on with their sin.  Compared with churches today, we have the same, Pastor said he could name many churches in the area with blatant sin in churches and the church doesn’t do anything about it.  Did Thyatira do anything?  Nothing new under the sun!!

To change the subject, we had chicken and potatoes and applesauce for lunch.  It was good.  Got it from the Deli in Carriere.  Not much to write about today, just a nice quiet day.  May have a little more to write about tomorrow.  We will see….Bye yall…

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Saturday April 24 2010

There are still storm warnings and tornado warnings out for this morning.  It is very warm out and very humid.  There were bad storms in Yazoo City. That is quite a long distance from here.

Today is Aunt Virgie’s hair day.  I got her up later than usual and then we got a call asking if she could come in early.  Uh Oh!!  Faye Raye wanted to close up early because of the storm.  Well, Aunt Virgie got ready about 10:20 which I thought was almost a miracle. Rick took her to the beauty shop which was good, she had another weak spell. Aunt Virgie just gets plum tuckered when she has to walk.


Her hair looks really nice.  Love that pure white hair.  My Mom had pure white hair when she let it go without coloring it.  I liked it.  I don’t think my hair will ever get pure white.  My Dad was 100 and his wasn’t pure white.


This is one of my culinary masterpieces!!!  Looks like oatmeal but it isn’t!!  I’m not sure what you would call it.  I had a celery bunch (?) and I decided to cut and clean it.  Celery soup sounds good!!  I’ve never made it before.  I was almost done with it when Linda looked at it and asked if I put milk in it. Yep!  Her response was AGHHH.  Not quite a gag but not a nice response:-)  Anyway, this was part of our lunch and she said she would try it and Aunt Virgie tried some also.  Linda asked for MORE!!!  I think she was surprised that it tasted good and I was surprised she admitted it!!  Not really, she likes most things I fix, at least she says she does. The next picture is the ULTIMATE culinary masterpiece though.  This I have made before and is one of my favorites!!


Doesn't that look good????  This has to be one of my favorite sandwiches! This is one that Linda won't eat.  She just doesn't know what is really good I guess. We haven't done anything today and will just watch some TV tonight.  Tomorrow is church so want to be rested.  Take care and have a great night yall...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Friday April 23rd 2010

It is cloudy today and supposed to rain.  Maybe it will hold off until tonight. Had to get Aunt Virgie up early today for a Doctor’s appointment.  I didn’t get her up until 7:45AM.  That is cutting the time short.  She did get ready and was on the phone calling Rick to see if he was coming to pick her up. She made it to the Dr and back and the report seemed to be normal. That I guess is good.  Would be nice to find out why she is having weak spells.

Linda and I went into town to see if the parts came in for the camper. This was about 1:30PM.  They were in!!!   YES!!!!  They were broke…..NO NO NO!!  Brand new microwave looked like it had been dropped about 6 feet on the side.  They figured they would give it a try to see if it worked.  It didn’t. Why am I not surprised??? They sent the door for the water heater.  Wrong color, not a big deal but it wasn’t the compartment cover, they just got the door.  They are going to try to put a rush on the microwave now but Gulfstream parts had already closed for the day, I would imagine they are closed for the weekend.  The time is getting short for our departure. We would like to be back in Missouri next week to do a few repairs on the garage before heading to Branson.  Time will tell.

We went over to Rick and Connie’s to finish our game of Zilch we had started.  Ending up playing 2 more games.  Had a great time.  Rain is here and may be a good night to sleep.  It sure didn’t cool off.  I was going to start the car before heading home but it was to warm, had to use the A/C to get the windows unfogged (?) defogged I guess is the right word.  time to retire for the night yall…

Friday, April 23, 2010

Thursday April 22nd 2010


This was about 7AM and the fog was quite thick.  It didn’t last very long, the sun burnt it off quickly.  Steve stopped by this morning to check on his mother.  She did quite well this morning.  Didn’t have much problem getting around but she stayed in be until late in the morning.  Connie came over a little before 11AM and helped her with her bath, laundry and nail clipping etc.


I didn’t get a real good close up of this small tree but the flowers on it looked similar to a lilac, at least in color.  I don’t think I have ever seen a tree like this before, it really has a lot of flowers on it and it is quite pretty.



Connie took her mother, Virgie, Linda and I for a ride through a couple of subdivisions, this one was Stone Bridge.  Nice subdivision with some really fancy homes.  Had a picture of one that Linda really liked but it turned out blurry. Must have been her “dream” home.

We had a really quiet evening, I spent most of the day trying to get online to post Wednesday on the blog and last night I got it!!!  Twice!!!  Now I can’t figure how to get one of them off.  I can’t get online anyway.  Tomorrow the parts are supposed to be in for the camper and Aunt Virgie has another Doctor’s appointment “early”.  Time for bed…Night yall..

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wednesday April 21st 2010

“He who has and ear let him hear”  and remember!!  Wednesday night church was finish of Sunday night service of Revelation 2 and the church at Pergamos.  I find Revelation very interesting.


We have some running to do today. Return a camera to the UPS Store, go to Wal Mart and Paw Paw’s.


This is Stephanie and she went the extra mile, not sure if it was because we kept calling and checking in but she found some answers.  The parts were at Gulfstream and of course they were overlooked instead of being shipped.  I’m not sure how many calls she made but she finally got some answers.


These are the service managers, well, the one in the white shirt is our service manager.  His answer to us is “we are just waiting on parts”!  OK!  Guess when they get here they will fix it.  Glad we didn’t have to stay in a motel while it was being repaired.  Been about 9 weeks now.  Still not finished.  Aunt Virgie hopes we stay longer!

The camera was a snap.  Went into the “Fast Mail” store and gave them the box and she had us write down the tracking number, and said goodbye. That was fast.  Had to go to Wal Mart then and pick up a few things.  Not a bad day, wasn’t real disappointed in the news at Paw Paw’s we were planning on staying a few more days anyway.  Night yall….

Wednesday April 21st 2010

“He who has and ear let him hear”  and remember!!  Wednesday night church was finish of Sunday night service of Revelation 2 and the church at Pergamos.  I find Revelation very interesting.


We have some running to do today. Return a camera to the UPS Store, go to Wal Mart and Paw Paw’s.


This is Stephanie and she went the extra mile, not sure if it was because we kept calling and checking in but she found some answers.  The parts were at Gulfstream and of course they were overlooked instead of being shipped.  I’m not sure how many calls she made but she finally got some answers.


These are the service managers, well, the one in the white shirt is our service manager.  His answer to us is “we are just waiting on parts”!  OK!  Guess when they get here they will fix it.  Glad we didn’t have to stay in a motel while it was being repaired.  Been about 9 weeks now.  Still not finished.  Aunt Virgie hopes we stay longer!

The camera was a snap.  Went into the “Fast Mail” store and gave them the box and she had us write down the tracking number, and said goodbye. That was fast.  Had to go to Wal Mart then and pick up a few things.  Not a bad day, wasn’t real disappointed in the news at Paw Paw’s we were planning on staying a few more days anyway.  Night yall….

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday April 20th 2010

What a night!!  What a day!!  Aunt Virgie had a Doctor appointment this afternoon.  That wasn’t the bad part keeping her awake until the appointment was really hard, not only on her but on us.  Hated to keep waking her up she was so tired.  She had to be sleep deprived for the appointment and she was.  The Doctor told her to take a nap and she had no problem at all taking a nap.  She was really tired when she got home.


I just had to take this picture.  I can’t hardly believe what a difference that 4 inch platform made.  She doesn’t require any help now to get up.  YES!!! We could lift it up another couple inches if needed but for now it is good.



Decided to make some Date Bread, nothing like Banana Bread.  Turned out decent. Gave a loaf to Rick when he dropped his Mom off from her appointment.


Beautiful rose in the back yard.


Thought this was unique. Two different colors in one bush, they are still beautiful but are starting to lose their petals but these still look very nice.


We went to Rick and Connie’s tonight and played a couple games of zilch. Had a good time but we are all kind of tired.  Oh, got one more pic…


Took this at Rick and Connie’s, they are Amaryllis.  I used the flash since it was dark and they are a lot nicer than the picture shows.


Time to go to bed, hope everyone has had a wonderful day…Bye yall….

Monday April 19th 2010

Aunt Virgie has an appointment with the Doctor today.  There are also a few things I need to get done also.  Take the garbage out, replace the outside light bulb, wash a load of clothes etc. We were supposed to go  on a picnic today but with Aunt Virgie’s Dr appointment and Linda and I not feeling the greatest Sunday, we decided to cancel.  Maybe later this week.

Rick came over this morning and we are going to raise up Aunt Virgie’s chair.  She has a hard time getting out of it.



This is the before and after pictures of the chair.  It may not look pretty but it sure makes a big difference in the ease that Aunt Virgie gets out of the chair.  It took Rick and I about an hour to get it fixed. It feels pretty solid and I will try to figure out how to cover up the boards underneath.  We tried pillows on the seat for Aunt Virgie but that didn’t help, I think this was the answer and if needed, we could raise it up more but it still wouldn’t look good.   The other alternative is getting a lift chair that will lift up when you want to get out.  My Dad had one and it saved a lot of wear and tear on the legs.

I called Paw Paw’s and they thought the parts were coming in the 20th and I thought he said Monday (not sure what month).  I called Steve at Gulfstream and he looked it up and confirmed it was Tuesday the 20th!  That’s tomorrow!  If this is true and it really happens we could get our camper back this week.  We will go into town Wednesday and take a look and see if the parts made it and they are working on it.

The rest of the day is going to be relaxing.  Aunt Virgie went to the Dr and has an appointment again tomorrow to check a couple other things.  Hopefully the diagnosis will be good and be treatable.  We have to keep Aunt Virgie awake until later then get her up kind of early so she will be sleep deprived.  She did pretty good tonight, will see about getting her up at 8AM!!    Night yall….

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunday April 18th 2010

Today is Sunday and it is church day.  I forgot that last Wednesday Pastor Bud had a little devotion on “Reaping what you Sow”.  That was very interesting,  Everything that a person does or says, has a reward. Good for good and bad for bad. He used an illustration of planting seeds in a garden that had been mixed up by mistake and when the plants started to produce they produced the wrong fruit!!  No, not really, they produced exactly what had been planted and we can be easily deceived. Anyway it was very interesting.  Back to church, Pastor Bud had a good sermon this morning also about the thief on the left of Jesus.  He had an interesting story of the thief, he mocked Jesus as did the one on the right (Mark) then in Luke he changed and admitted he was worthy of death but not Jesus, then asked Jesus to remember him when He came into His kingdom.  Jesus said “today you will be with Me in Paradise”.  Paradise, think on that, we have had discussions about paradise, is it heaven or somewhere else, but Pastor had a really good point, “doesn’t matter” as long as we are with Jesus!!!   Love it!!

Linda made the chicken and rice casserole again today and it was delicious.  She also made the cherry angel food cake desert.  Had a great dinner.


Steve and Anna Grace came over for a visit this afternoon.  I think she is posing!!


Wanted to get a picture of this.  Anna Grace is helping Grandma Virgie get her exercise.  She is strict, she won’t let Grandma get away with anything.  Grandma Virgie has a very hard time getting out of her chair and walking since the mini stroke.  She got her exercise this afternoon though.

Today was a nice quiet day, not going to do to much, Linda wasn’t feeling the greatest and neither am I.  We were supposed to go on a picnic tomorrow and cancelled it, looks like rain anyway.  We will take it easy tonight and try to get a good nights sleep.  Night yall…

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Saturday April 17th 2010

Today is Aunt Virgie’s hair day.  I baked a couple loaves of bread this morning before we had to leave.  For some reason it didn’t taste right to me, Linda said it was good though.


After a big lunch I had to take a walk so I walked back through the cemetery and they had just mown the grass.  Almost looks like a golf course.  During the walk I happened across some clover.  I see this along the interstate and it almost looks like a carpet.  I am from Northern Illinois and our clover doesn’t look like this.


If I remember right the northern clover is round and a bluish red color. This looking at it from a distance almost looks rust colored.  Interesting.


This is Rick and Connie's refurbished porch.  Looks very nice.  It was a great afternoon to sit outside and watch the birds and talk.


Connie made a really tasty Shrimp Bisque and served it with garlic bread... Good stuff...


Here we are having a wild game of Zilch.  Had a really fun night.  I think the pollen is doing a number on me, I have a headache, couldn't have been the card game.  Church tomorrow...night yall....

Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday April 16th 2010

Well, after looking at the days on the side of my blog, I think I may have deleted Tuesday the 13th  HMMMM.  So much for Tuesday I guess, I think that was the day we came down from Missouri.  I may be able to recreate it if I need to.

Today, we are planning on going to the Crosby Arboretum in Picayune with Rick and Connie.


This is part of the Arboretum.  Picture place.


This is the only goose we saw but look at all the turtles!!  I didn’t try to count them but we were given bags of food at the entrance to the Arboretum.  They were a lot of fun to feed and watch.


There were many different types of foliage and flowers and plants.  All these pictures are ones that Linda took with “her” camera.

100_1823  Rick and Connie posing for Linda.


These were pretty neat flowers (?).  They are actually insect eating plants. The straight ones have an opening at the top and the insects go in and can’t get back out, settlers used them in their houses to keep the flies etc down.  Ingenious.


Now I am from up north and I found this interesting.  The ground looks dry but there is water about 6 feet underneath. The mud piles with the holes in them (I thought they were termite dens) are actually Crawdad dens (?) We didn’t see any but they are important for the bogs.  Maybe this is why they call them “mudbugs”.  The walk was long but worth it.  We stopped at Burger King afterward for a little lunch.  Brought a burger back for Aunt Virgie.  She enjoyed that.


Aunt Virgie looks happy doesn’t she?  I think she is.  Linda made her smile.  We took it easy the rest of the day and time to check all the pictures and comment on them.  Have a great day….Bye yall…

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday April 15th 2010

Today is tax day!!  Thought I wouldn’t have much to write about today but things happened.


Found a great new place to EAT!!  We didn’t really eat here but did have coffee and Linda had a ROC Coca Cola and I tried to get a return number for the camera I bought a few weeks ago. doesn’t have a user friendly return page.  I finally got to talk to a real person, IM, and she walked me through the process, well, she is sending me the things I need to send it back.  She was very nice, and helpful.


Just happened to get a picture of a computer geek!  She got to read LaVon’s blog and Destiny’s blog.  Took a long time but she enjoyed both of them.

We went over to Wal-Mart to get a few things and it is quickly becoming the $200 store.  I bought another camera.  It is another Kodak, a C182 and seems to take very good pictures.


I really like the camera.  I can get my phone and camera in my shirt pocket.  I am going to include a couple pictures I took with it.  Started out at 12 megapixels but lowered it back to 3 or 4.


I think this is short at 12 megapixels.


This was taken a few hours later at 3 megapixels and probably farther away.  Looks good to me!

I finally got a call into Gulfstream.  He tried calling me twice but I wasn’t in a good area to talk to him.  Finally called him back and he said the parts would be here MONDAY!!!!!  At Paw Paw’s they said it would only be a couple days and they would have it finished.  If this happens we will just have to enjoy the rest of our time here….Bye yall….


Linda took this picture and wanted it included.  I think the dark ones are Llamas of course the others are Zebras.  Bye yall…

Wednesday April 14th 2010

Good morning!!  Have lots to do today…First things first….Reading….


Yes sir.  Baked bread.  Don’t worry Rick I won’t tell anyone you had a piece of each, your secret is good with me…


Azalea’s and Babies Breath (I think).  Hard to believe that when we left we saw some Jonquils and now….WOW…  It was dead and now it’s alive.. Sounds like our Savior doesn’t it??  Got lots of flower pictures..


Fig tree and Azalea bush..


Bluebird and it’s upscale bird house and Rick and Connie’s


How’s this for flowering bushes…Amazing…Beautiful…


Picture of Rick and Connie’s back yard…Awesome..


Texas Longhorn.  This isn’t in Rick and Connie’s yard, it’s a neighbor.


They have one and two humpers!!


This is T.J.  He is the one working on our camper.  They are just waiting for parts.  I called Gulfstream and they called back but my cell phone didn’t work.  Will call again tomorrow.

Church night tonight so I will sign off and hopefully I will have something to write tomorrow.  Bet I will, I am going to call Gulfstream again.  Call them everyday until I get some parts for the camper.  Parts were ordered 6 weeks ago.  Even if it was 2 weeks ago it would be to long.  Time to start making a nuisance of myself….Bye yall….