Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Monday April 19th 2010

Aunt Virgie has an appointment with the Doctor today.  There are also a few things I need to get done also.  Take the garbage out, replace the outside light bulb, wash a load of clothes etc. We were supposed to go  on a picnic today but with Aunt Virgie’s Dr appointment and Linda and I not feeling the greatest Sunday, we decided to cancel.  Maybe later this week.

Rick came over this morning and we are going to raise up Aunt Virgie’s chair.  She has a hard time getting out of it.



This is the before and after pictures of the chair.  It may not look pretty but it sure makes a big difference in the ease that Aunt Virgie gets out of the chair.  It took Rick and I about an hour to get it fixed. It feels pretty solid and I will try to figure out how to cover up the boards underneath.  We tried pillows on the seat for Aunt Virgie but that didn’t help, I think this was the answer and if needed, we could raise it up more but it still wouldn’t look good.   The other alternative is getting a lift chair that will lift up when you want to get out.  My Dad had one and it saved a lot of wear and tear on the legs.

I called Paw Paw’s and they thought the parts were coming in the 20th and I thought he said Monday (not sure what month).  I called Steve at Gulfstream and he looked it up and confirmed it was Tuesday the 20th!  That’s tomorrow!  If this is true and it really happens we could get our camper back this week.  We will go into town Wednesday and take a look and see if the parts made it and they are working on it.

The rest of the day is going to be relaxing.  Aunt Virgie went to the Dr and has an appointment again tomorrow to check a couple other things.  Hopefully the diagnosis will be good and be treatable.  We have to keep Aunt Virgie awake until later then get her up kind of early so she will be sleep deprived.  She did pretty good tonight, will see about getting her up at 8AM!!    Night yall….

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