Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sunday April 25th 2010

Beautiful day!!!  Sun is shining and the wind is blowing.  Going to go to church this morning, Linda and Aunt Virgie are staying home. 

Pee Wee is a great teacher, I think.  His class at college sounds like it isn’t going to well.  I think Pee Wee is way over there heads and Pee Wee has a photographic memory.  I have a hard time remembering what I did yesterday.  He has a lot of funny stories about the class but I feel sorry for his students.

Pastor Bud had a good sermon this morning.  This is actually Monday night and I can’t remember what is was on..HMMMM.

Well, Sunday night was good, he was in Chapter 2 of Revelation and the church at Thyatira. Learned that this was probably the smallest church of the 7 churches.  Didn’t know that. The Letter also said the ones that were true need not change but the others needed to repent and change. Probably didn’t change at all but kept on with their sin.  Compared with churches today, we have the same, Pastor said he could name many churches in the area with blatant sin in churches and the church doesn’t do anything about it.  Did Thyatira do anything?  Nothing new under the sun!!

To change the subject, we had chicken and potatoes and applesauce for lunch.  It was good.  Got it from the Deli in Carriere.  Not much to write about today, just a nice quiet day.  May have a little more to write about tomorrow.  We will see….Bye yall…

1 comment:

  1. You're not the only one, Joel. I sometimes have trouble remembering the sermon, so I usually jot a few notes on the bulletin or a notepad to jog my memory when I blog.
