Monday, July 2, 2012

Sunday July 1st 2012

Same old thing, going to get very warm today!

Linda is having a lot of trouble with her back for some reason.  Can’t remember when it started but I’ve been rubbing Icy Hot on her back for about a week now and it started long before that!  Don’t know what caused it and it just doesn’t seem to be going away.  On the way home from California we put a thermo patch on her back and it made a blister!  Guess I said that a few days ago but the blister is almost gone now.

We had a good Sunday School class today and during one of the discussions I asked if anyone knew when your name was written in the “Lamb Book of Life”?  I have my own idea but wondered if anyone had scripture showing it.  One guy said it was in Hebrews so I asked if he could give me the verse, not questioning him, but I wanted to see it for myself.  Later that day he told me he couldn’t find it and he asked Pastor Joe and Pastor said he had never seen it written down.  Anybody know???

Kari had the special music this morning and she is really a great singer!


Pastor Joe’s sermon was titled “Is there more than one way to Heaven”?  He really got excited in parts of it though and a couple of us thought maybe he was going to kick the podium over!!  He does get pretty excited at times!

For lunch today I grilled hamburgers out on the grill along with some thick slices of onion.  Very good, and the potato salad was also excellent with it.

Going to take it easy today.  Went to church tonight and they observed the “Lord’s Supper”.  I really like the way they do it.  The whole service is dedicated to the Lord’s Supper and it is quite nice, not morbid like some churches I have gone to.  Hate to leave a service feeling depressed!  I don’t think that is the way it is supposed to be, but that is also my opinion.

Time to sign off for another day….Night Y’all….

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