Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tuesday August 23rd 2011

Looks like another nice day out.  It is kind of cool this morning but it is going to get pretty warm.

Not much going on this morning, Sparky and I walked around outside and just looked at things.  Summer is going fast, corn fields aren’t green like they used to be, they are dying and they took up the irrigation plastic yesterday from the field across the road. Another couple of weeks and they may start picking the corn.

Things were really slow today at work!  I had noticed something in the kitchen but didn’t pay any attention to it…


It is an egg! That is so exciting! Oh come on, who gets excited over an egg?  The little chicks that Mark got in May, one just laid an egg on August 22nd!!  They aren’t much over four months old, maybe five. He said most of the eggs will be brown but some will have a blue tint to them. I think that is amazing!  Doesn’t take much for me to get excited does it?

Well, the grass is really growing at the park as well as here at home.  Lots of moisture and had a couple of cool nights in the 50s so that re energized the grass.  If it doesn’t rain tomorrow I will have a lot of mowing to do.

Mark hired a carpenter to fix his mobile homes and asked it I would work Monday through Friday for a couple of months until the mobile homes are finished.  Guess that will work.

When I got home we talked to Bren on the phone for about an hour and she was telling us about the kids and what was going on in San Diego. Had a very good visit with her.

I fixed another bowl of Ramen Soup for supper and Linda had one of her little dinners.  I put Okra in mine, I like Okra….


The Okra plants are starting to produce again, not a lot but enough for me and maybe a little left over.

We watched America’s Got Talent tonight. Some people really have a talent for things, I especially liked the bike rider.  He can do things on a bike that very few people would even try to attempt.  He is good!

Well, except for a sunset picture that is about all.. Night Y’all…


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful sunset. You know how I love sunsets. AND okra!!
