Saturday, April 20, 2013

Friday April 19th 2013

It is really chilly this morning and the wind is blowing and it is cloudy, this is the kind of day that chills be to the bone!  I have the heat on in the house and it gets nice but it is still cold.  The sunrise was beautiful though..


I got Linda up later and I wanted to go to town.  The car is a lot warmer than the house for sure.

We stopped and checked some linoleum at Stan’s Carpet place and it will be expensive but it would cover the boo-boo that I made putting down peel and stick tiles without gluing them.  They are coming loose at the corners and I can’t keep up with gluing them down.  Time for  a change!

We took Sparky with us and he got to sit in the car. The sun came out so it is nice and warm in the car.  We went into Lowe’s and Wal Mart and Aldi’s.  We picked up a lot of groceries, diet kind of stuff, which should last us quite awhile. We have both really cut down on our eating.  I fixed some fish and cabbage, not together, and Linda fixed a salad.  I baked the fish, fried may taste better but not good for the diet…


We didn’t do a lot tonight, watched the unfolding of the capture of the guy who helped in the Boston bombing.  Glad that they got him alive, maybe they can find out if there is a leader or not.  Someone like him I wouldn’t be so kind, I think the truth drug, sodium pentothal, would be the kind thing to do to him, well, maybe it isn’t sodium pentothal, but there is something that works like that and it isn’t inhumane.

Well, I played a game on the computer and then decided it was time to go to bed, forgot that this morning I went out in this very cold weather and mowed our lawn!  I just couldn’t look at it anymore, the grass is growing like crazy and it sure makes the place look bad.  I am going to have to start mowing twice a week for awhile I guess.  Oh well, Night Y’all….

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