Friday, October 28, 2011

Thursday October 27th 2011

Today, actually this morning we go to see the Doctor for his explanation of our blood work.  Our appointment was at 8:30AM so we got there in plenty of time.  Well, he said we both have kind of high cholesterol and that he was going to prescribe medicine for it.  I told him about the little spell I had with my heart last week, nothing serious I guess but was a little scary when my heart was pounding for about five minutes.  It has pounded before but not that long.  They gave me and EKG and everything looked quite normal.  That is good!

We went to Randy’s RX for the prescriptions.  Well, they were expensive for Linda, even with the insurance, so we called the Doctor back so he could change a few things around.  After we paid for the medicine we went out to the car and she opened the bag and looked at all the bottles and we couldn’t figure out what all they were for.  Two of the bottles looked like aspirin!  So we went back in and asked about it.  He gave us a prescription for aspirin!  We’ve been taking aspirin for years!  We did get it straightened out though at least that part. 

Linda called back to the Doctor this afternoon to see what was going on with the other part of the prescription and they finally called in one that she could take.  Back to town again!  This one wasn’t nearly as expensive as the other in fact she got two for three months for less than the one for one month.  I’m not cheap I just don’t like to spend money where it doesn’t have to be spent, usually.  Won’t go into that any further.  I’ve made lots of mistakes!

I decided to make bread this evening.  Something a little different.  I had some bacon pieces left and some sour cream and some parmesan  cheese  so I decided to incorporate that into some bread.  That isn’t all I used though, to make it healthy I used oatmeal and whole wheat flour.  It was different!  Tastes pretty good but will wait until tomorrow to toast some and see what it is like toasted.  Hopefully it will be good.

I called a campground in Mississippi to check on the availability.  The lady that answered the phone didn’t know much about the campground so I asked if she was just recently hired and she said no that she had been there for quite awhile.  Funny, she didn’t know anything about the campground!  Every question I asked she had to ask someone else. She didn’t know the rates, didn’t know how far they were from a city but she did know that they had a swimming pool!  Wonder is she was blond?  No,  I take that back, that wasn’t nice at allSmile..

The other call we made was to Rick and Connie, they are doing well, and I was wondering if Rick knew anything about the campground.  He didn’t but said if they were up that way he would swing by to check it out.  It is about twenty five miles from where they live so with what we would save, and the drive we would have to make, it would be better to stay in the campground that we know in Picayune.

OK time to go to bed, I may go into work early tomorrow, not sure yet, it is not supposed to rain but be very cool.  I could finish mowing tomorrow then wouldn’t have to worry about when I would get it done.  I have that staining to do also but not sure I would have enough time tomorrow with the mowing.  Well, it’s time to say….Night Y’all…

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