Another splendid day, a little cool this morning but I think it is supposed to warm up.
Got back to work on the deck. The three boards fit perfectly, actually I bought one that was bigger, a 2x8 so it would cover without having to split a board. Got to work on the railing and sure enough, I made another mistake. Not sure what I did wrong but the top rail is about an inch to short. Doesn’t make a big difference but one end looks different that the rest of it. I also had to use larger boards for the bottom rail, 2x6 instead of 2x4 because the posts are about an inch or two to tall. I think it will turn out OK, not professional by any means but OK….
It’s coming along but this end looks funny. I may have been able to fix it but with the way I do things it wouldn’t have worked. I would have messed something up. I am also having a big problem with cutting the 45 degree angles for the top board. I think I have another picture to put in here but it doesn’t show to much…
It looks a little nicer with the top rail on it and should look better when I get the spindles put on.
Back to work again this afternoon, beautiful day to be outside so I spend some time picking up, etc…
It is still nice to be able to talk to people and hear their stories. Lots of people have funny stories, well, maybe to them they aren’t funny but I think they are funny. Had some vegetarians come in and they wanted to eat at Lambert’s. OK, I guess hog jowl isn’t something they would want, I thought maybe a chef salad but that has ham and turkey, wait a minute they have catfish and shrimp. The lady says she can eat fish, not sure what the word was that she used for vegetarians that can eat fish but she said Steve Job was the same, and me, I had to say that he died at a young age!! I did apologize but I was laughing when I said it, still not nice though
It was an interesting day at work but always nice to get out and go home. I was a little late getting home because of a problem parking one of the campers. They came in with a humongous dump truck pulling a fifth wheel on a dolly. He couldn’t back up and Mark wanted him in a back in spot, well, things just got worse, I took him the long way around to a spot and there was a truck parked right in the middle of the site and he was out for the night so the dump truck and camper had to come back to the campground and park in a pull through spot. Some time things happen. They didn’t get to the office until 6:55PM, almost time to go home and I haven’t even started the bookwork yet. Going to be a little late tonight.
On the news tonight there is a new weather lady from St Louis. I feel sorry for her, she is so nervous! She really has a hard time talking but she does get the job done, Linda said at the very end of the forecast and before the camera went off, her smile went off, her head hung down and her shoulders slumped. I think this may be her first job. Very young girl and very pretty but she sure is nervous in front of the camera, can’t blame her though.
Time to turn in and tune out…..Night Y’all..