Monday, November 21, 2011

Sunday November 20th 2011

It sure isn’t  pretty day today unless you like fog, drizzle and cool weather! I’m not really into any of that.

Actually I had a pretty great day!  Went to church at Fellowship again.  Sunday School was very good and church, wow, really hit the spot today! The sermon “Why Aren’t You Thankful” was really good.  Here are some of the reasons…




Selfishness and


Now Pastor Joe went through all these but the things that got to me were a piece of paper he handed out with one phrase written on it. “Who Are You Thankful For?”  This has to do with who was instrumental in leading you to the Lord.  Well, it was later in life when I was “Saved” but I sure am thankful to John and Marietta who invited us to church then to Pastor Dalmus who preached the Word and was there to help and tutor and pray with us whenever the need arose…


Had to put a picture of Pastor Dalmus and Jane in here.

Well, to go a little farther we are also thankful for our kids, Kim, Dee and Brenna because when they came to live with us we knew they went to church so without them and of course my ex wife who let them come to live with us, we probably never would have gone to church and heard the “Salvation Message”!

Now going on to Sunday night, Pastor Joe was preaching on the Great White Throne Judgment and the Book of “Life” and the “Book of Deeds”. Now the Book of Life the way he explained it is different than the way I had it figured.  He says everyone born is in it but the ones  that don’t accept Jesus as their Savior will be blotted out of the book and the ones that do accept Him will be left in it. I would imagine that there are a lot of different ways to explain it but I’m sure that the ones that don’t accept Jesus will NOT be in the Book of Life.  Now the Book of Deeds he explains is the Book that is kept of all the “deeds” that each unsaved person does, and they are judged on that which would be a “perfect” and “just” judgment!  Well, I am really thankful that I have accepted Jesus as my Savior and have the assurance that I will be in the Book of Life!!  Praise the Lord!  I know that different people have different opinions and maybe mine isn’t perfect but Jesus is and when I go before Him and see the “nail scarred hands” I will be assured He will accept me.  Thank You!

What a great day!  Even though the weather is dreary church was great.  Probably one of the best, not including the day I got saved!

I almost forgot, tonight at the end of the service Carrie sang another song.. “Thank You For Giving To The Lord”.  What a fitting song! Carrie is also a great and dynamic singer…


OK, now for the close.   Night Y’all… Happy Thanksgiving!  Just think of all you are thankful for, so many things that the Lord has done for us, great friends, warm clothes, a home that keeps us dry in this inclement weather and so many other things…smile Smile

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