Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tuesday October 23rd 2012

We are having some unbelievable weather!  I may be just a little cool in the morning but the days are just gorgeous!  Temps have been getting up around 80 but the end will be coming by the end of the week I think.  Oh well, winter is coming!

I decided to cover the camper today, first time I’ve ever tried anything like this.  The wind isn’t blowing very hard and hopefully it won’t take long to get the cover on it.  I opened the package and rolled it out, tied a rope to a grommet and climbed up the ladder then pulled the cover up and pulled it to the front of the camper.  The sides are different colors so I figured the one with the zippers had to be the passenger side.  It was  kind of hard getting it situated so I could strap it down but actually it was a lot easier than I figured it would be.  I think it took a little over a half hour to get it up and another half hour to strap it down.  Doesn’t look to bad but it isn’t tailored to fit tight…


The cover will keep some of the weather off of it though and the sun also.  Probably should have put it on this Spring.

The rest of the day was relaxing.  Got an email from my cousin Paul from Wisconsin and he is having the Family Reunion next year and hopefully he will plan it around the EAA Fly in in Osh Kosh.

I went to church tonight, Coyita is recording about fourteen songs for me so I can practice singing.  I will take them to Texas when we go. 

Guess that is about all for today…Night Y’all…

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