Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sunday October 15th 2012

Well, Linda is still under the weather.  Still hacking and coughing but sounds a little better, not sure if she needs to go to the Doctor or not. 

We have choir practice at 9:15AM.  Gives us time to go over the songs for the morning service.

On the way out this morning I had to take a picture of the dogs….


They really like the chairs for some reason, they use them more than we do, in fact they have gotten them so dirty I don’t like to sit in them.  In case you are wondering, that isn’t Sparky it is Scruffy and Bud.  Bud likes the cold weather and since it is cool he gets kind of hyper.  Scruffy and Sparky don’t like it when he gets hyper, he is a little rough.

I made spaghetti for dinner.  We had opened a bottle of pizza sauce and we needed to get it used up and we had a bag of meatballs that we wanted to get used up also.  Worked out pretty good, browned the meatballs with onions and garlic salt then added the pizza sauce and let it simmer until the spaghetti was ready.  Pretty good lunch.

The service tonight was a little short and the quartet practiced after the service.  I am glad we did, it helped me a lot.  I think I may be ready by next Sunday.

Little TV tonight and a bowl of cereal.  Hit the spot.  Night Y’all….

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