Well, I sure hope I didn’t miss a day! I think I did Tuesday but can’t remember for sure and if I didn’t, well, I probably won’t miss it anyway.
Going back to work today, not sure if he is going to have me mow or not, grass is growing but not very fast even with the rain and warm weather. It is actually a beautiful day, a little windy but sunny, well, partly sunny and warm. I think it is supposed to get close to seventy today which is great!
Yep, I mow today, going to mow the mobile home park. I dumped some of the trash first then got to mowing. I stopped for lunch around 1:30PM I think and had to go get gas. Doesn’t look like rain so I guess I will have time to finish the mobile home park. Supposed to get rain this afternoon sometime.
I finished mowing around five and got a picture of Mark and Bitsy. On Sunday October 7th the RV Park was completely full. First time ever since Mark owned it. Had to get a picture of them…
There was an Airstream Rally with twenty five units that came in on Saturday for two days. Sunday Bitsy filled up the park and had to turn one away which is another first. Mark is thinking of expanding the park again so he will be able to get some of the bigger rallies. Go for it!!
I got home in time to take a shower and head to church. I wanted to stop at Bill and Phyllis’s place to give them a computer. She has a gift of words that when I first read one of her papers I was astounded! Hopefully I will get another that I can print here on my blog. Not many people can say things like she says and she says it is just the way she feels and it’s from the heart!
We met Bill and Phyllis quite a few years ago. Nice couple and I hope she gets back into the writing.
Love my camera… at church I had to try to get a picture. This is Pastor Randy and this church is not a bright (light) church. I think it is kind of dark but then it may just be my eyes
This picture is without a flash! I am amazed at how good it turned out. Looking forward to taking pictures of the specials! Had a very small crowd tonight, storms are moving in and it was a business meeting tonight. I like their business meetings, short and to the point, no wasting time to get their hour in, I think it lasted about five minutes from start to finish. He talked about the Sword of the Spirit tonight. Interesting discussion. The Sword is the offensive (?) weapon, the Word of God. Very interesting.
Linda is starting to feel better but still not up to par. She is still taking her meds so maybe by Sunday she will feel like going out again..Time to say Night Y’all….