Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tuesday October 30th 2012

Well, it is cold and windy today and I go into work and will mow, probably the mobile home park today and Russell Street tomorrow.  I should finish work on Thursday and be done for the year.

I dug out my winter coat, it is pretty bad shape but for work it will be OK I think.  At least I’ll be warm.

I had kind of a bad start this morning.  The mower hasn’t been used for two weeks and I couldn’t get it started after getting it gassed up and greased.  I knew something didn’t look right but didn’t pay much attention.  Well, I couldn’t get it started so I charged the battery and finally got it started only to find out the front tire was flat!  I tried to air it up but the bead came loose from the rim so I had to jack the front end up put slime in the tire and get a bungee cord to put around it and finally got it aired up.  I checked it for awhile to make sure it was going to stay up.  I also took a bag of cans over to Kay, she is collecting them and I had a bag and was going that way.

I finished mowing around 4PM but had some other things to do.  Some of the Roundup didn’t seem to work so I used the weed eater to shape up a few places.

Well, not much else happened today.  I am going to call it a “day” and say Night Y’all….

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Monday October 29th 2012

Another cool and windy day.  Sparky and I go outside for awhile but it is to cool for both of us.  He will get in my lap when we go in and lay there and shiver.  I finally covered him up and he was happy.

I am bored this morning, to cold to go outside so I looked around and found a package of pinto beans and decided to make them.  They had a special way to soak them quick.  I boiled them for two minutes and let them stand for an hour, drained them and put them back in the pan.  We had two containers, three cups, of pork drippings so I added that and water plus a seasoning packet from the package, an onion and two cloves of garlic.  I also made some corn bread for lunch.. I thought it was good…



The cornbread wasn’t the greatest but the beans were very good.

Well, guess that is about all we did today except watch the Frankenstorm on the East Coast.  They are going to get hit hard it sounds like.  Glad I’m not there!

I will now say Night Y’all because I can’t think of anything else to say!!!

Sunday October 28th 2012

Linda still is a little under the weather and is probably best she stays home and finishes getting over the “stuff” she has.

When I got to church John said his special music person either forgot or wasn’t going to be there and asked if we could do the special.  He picked out a song I had never sung before and I tried it but I sure need more practice than just one day on this song.  I picked out another song, “I Want To Be Ready” which is a song I new and wouldn’t mind singing it.  It actually went quite well for the first time singing it as a quartet.  Pastor Randy still isn’t feeling very well and this really wasn’t very good for his voice.  We are going to sing the other one tonight, I recorded the music so I could practice at home and we, well, we sang another one tonight also. This morning went a lot better.  I messed up both songs pretty bad, sure could have used a lot more practice.  I guess people thought it was OK.  Beverly wanted us to sing “Elvira”Smile.   There is a song, “Go Down Nineveh” that I think is based on the song Elvira, could be wrong though. Coyita said she is going to get the music for it so we can sing it when we get back, sounds like fun to me!

Well, that pretty well took care of today.  I did take a picture of a rain cloud, in fact two rain clouds.  Forecaster said there was rain on the radar but no one called in saying it was raining, don’t think it reached the ground.


I thought this was a pretty neat picture, it is rain but you can see where it stops and the clouds are so small I’m not sure how they held any rain at all!

Ok going to say Night Y’all….

Saturday October 27th 2012

It is cool again this morning which for the end of October is not unusual. The wind is blowing and it isn’t nice to stand around outside or do much of anything else.

I got a note from Destiny about the picture of the sunset, or maybe the sunrise, I’m not sure, I have taken a lot with my new camera and I have posted some but what I am trying to say is I’m glad someone is reading my boring blog!!!  This is more of a diary than an informative narration of all the exciting things we have done!  I can go back a year or two and see when we did things and where.  I have a really big problem remembering things we did a year ago, give or take, and it is nice to have it written down. I am hoping I can save this to my external hard drive for safe keeping.

This afternoon I went to Morehouse to the Gospel Opry at the First Baptist Church.  I want to see the local talent.  I wasn’t disappointed, in fact I was pleasantly surprised!  They had some really good talent there, not sure how many were local but they were really good.

Saw Bill and Phyllis there and also Lloyd.  I left a little early, all the local talent had done their thing and the Haney’s from Salem Illinois were singing.  They are good but I had to go home and get my supper!


This may seem like a weird picture but Brenna got us some Snuggies and these on my feet are Snuggy  slippers, nice and warm, thanks Bren!

Time to say Night Y’all…

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Friday October 26th 2012

The weather man was right, it rained and the wind is blowing and it is really chilly outside.  This is the weather I don’t like!

Sparky didn’t want to go out and I don’t blame him, it isn’t really raining but it is really chilly and I think that he doesn’t like the cold weather.

I stayed inside playing with the recorder and the CD that Joe and Coyita made for me with fifteen songs on it.  I recorded them all the the voice recorder and it worked out quite well.  It took awhile to figure out the CD player and then the recorder but I got them all recorded!

I would like to be outside but it is cold and I am going to stay inside.  I figured I would get our loose change and roll it… Took awhile…

P1010068Took awhile, if I counted right I wrapped up $125 in loose changed.  Have a little left over and also have about $20 in quarters we will take to Texas for laundry.  This took awhile but I was happy with something to do!

We didn’t do much the rest of the day, just tried to keep warm.

The clouds starting clearing out around 5PM I think and the sunset was gorgeous!

P1010071I am really happy with this camera and the telephoto lens.  Can’t get over the awesome pictures it takes.

Watched a new show tonight, the Munsters.  I don’t think I will watch it again, it was pretty gory even though it was kind of funny.  Just a little to much “stuff” in it.

Guess that is about all…Night Y’all…

Friday, October 26, 2012

Thursday October 25th 2012

At work today I talked to Mark about next week.  I think that next week will be my last week until next year.  He would like me to get all the grass mowed, leaves raked, sticks picked up and what needs blown, blown.  Well, I think I got most of it done today.  I finished most of the Round up, picked up leaves, even though they are falling about as fast as I picked them up, I picked up all the sticks I could find but the mowing I will  leave until next week. 

Got off work about 1:30PM and headed home.  It is a beautiful day except for the wind but it is going to cool off according to the weather report.  Supposed to rain tonight and get very chilly and doesn’t look like it will warm up in the near future and it is getting closer to winter, oh well…

Just taking it easy the rest of the day, not much going on.  I will see if I have a picture to post….


This is Wesley with Daisy.  Daisy is part Dachshund and something else that I can’t pronounce or spell.  Daisy loves to run and play with Sparky.  She is really a cute dog.  Doesn’t mind very well but is cute.

I would like to go to Cape tomorrow to Menards to check on “things”.  Like to look around Menards, they have so many interesting things to look at.  I can get ideas on what I need for what I would like to do at home and our new place in Texas.

Guess that is about all for today…Night Y’all…

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Wednesday October 24th 2012

Back to work today.  I will work today and tomorrow.  Won’t have a lot to do I don’t think, or maybe I do think, whatever, the grass isn’t growing much anymore but the weeds are doing pretty good so I will probably just spray Roundup for the next couple of days and do odd jobs.

I know I’ve been posting a lot of pictures of the sun rises but I can’t get over how beautiful they are.  That is God’s handiwork and it is magnificent!


This actually isn’t a sunrise, it is the sunset today.  I was talking to our neighbor Larry, and I just had to snap this picture.

I took Sparky to the vet today and he got a shot and some medicine.  He has allergies and is starting to lick himself raw.  I feel sorry for him, I know how he feels, I have itchy cheeks (butt) and I don’t know what is going on but it really itches! To much information?

Went to church tonight and Pastor Randy is sick so Pastor Jimmy substituted for him.  I asked if they would sing their song “The Old Rusty Wagon”.  They sing it without music and they do a great job, I am kind of envious that they can remember all the words to the song and I can’t hardly memorize Sad smile.


Pastor Jim and his wife Jean, he doesn’t like to sing but I think she is quite comfortable, may not look like it though, I think maybe she is wondering what I’m doing!!

Well, guess that is about all for today, Night Y’all….

Tuesday October 23rd 2012

We are having some unbelievable weather!  I may be just a little cool in the morning but the days are just gorgeous!  Temps have been getting up around 80 but the end will be coming by the end of the week I think.  Oh well, winter is coming!

I decided to cover the camper today, first time I’ve ever tried anything like this.  The wind isn’t blowing very hard and hopefully it won’t take long to get the cover on it.  I opened the package and rolled it out, tied a rope to a grommet and climbed up the ladder then pulled the cover up and pulled it to the front of the camper.  The sides are different colors so I figured the one with the zippers had to be the passenger side.  It was  kind of hard getting it situated so I could strap it down but actually it was a lot easier than I figured it would be.  I think it took a little over a half hour to get it up and another half hour to strap it down.  Doesn’t look to bad but it isn’t tailored to fit tight…


The cover will keep some of the weather off of it though and the sun also.  Probably should have put it on this Spring.

The rest of the day was relaxing.  Got an email from my cousin Paul from Wisconsin and he is having the Family Reunion next year and hopefully he will plan it around the EAA Fly in in Osh Kosh.

I went to church tonight, Coyita is recording about fourteen songs for me so I can practice singing.  I will take them to Texas when we go. 

Guess that is about all for today…Night Y’all…

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Monday October 22nd 2012

Looks like it could be a beautiful day.  I took a couple pictures again of the sunrise, in fact two or three but I’m only going to post two…


Not to bad but the next one I took with the telephoto at about 12x…


These pictures were taken about the same time, love the telephoto, my old camera wouldn’t do this so I’m happySmile

I thought about putting the cover on the camper but the wind is blowing pretty hard and I don’t want a parachute dragging me all over the neighborhood.  I will wait until the wind dies down a little bit.

I did a few extra little things getting ready for winter.  I washed and polished the camper…


Takes longer to wash the camper than it does to polish it.  I learned about the polish down in Texas.  I had the car washed and waxed, well, the camper too, and it is a spray on polish, so bought Turtle Wax Ice, and it sure works nice.  I think it protects better than wax!  When I washed the camper the water beads up even on the sides.  I’m not sure how long it lasts but the car still beads up and it has probably been three or four months.  Good stuff.

I disconnected the garden hose and drained it and put it away.  That is kind of a dirty job but needs to be done for the freezing weather.

It got pretty warm today, around 80 I think and it really felt good.  We have another cold snap coming this weekend, only supposed to get into the middle fifties, to cool for me especially if the wind is blowing.

Linda watched the debate tonight, I didn’t.  They don’t really have anything to say that I want to hear so I watched the weather channel, radar, not really, I watched “Ice Planes” and “Plane Extreme”.  Very interesting if you like airplanes!

I watched a little of the after show comments on the debate and that didn’t impress me either.  Not into the debates.  Guess I will go to bed…Night Y’all….

Monday, October 22, 2012

Sunday October 21st 2012

It is warm outside!  It is cloudy but doesn’t look like rain but the wind is nice and warm so I figure we will have a nice day today.

Got to church at 9:15AM for choir practice.  I have a hard time with the songs because I’m not musically inclined and need the notes to sing harmony.  I never learned to sing harmony without the notes.  In fact, I have a hard time with the notesSmile

We practiced our special during Sunday School and it was a good thing because they changed it a little.  Sunday School was good, we have good discussions in there.

I brought my little voice recorder and after the choir sang I asked Pastor Randy if it would bother him if I left it on the podium?  He said it would be fine.  I recorded our song and then restarted it to record his sermon.  He has a dream to get the church growing again.  Finances are a little low but the main reason is to keep the church alive.  We need young people in there to take over.

After church I went home and then asked Linda if she would like some….


Yep I went to Wal Mart and got us a Subway.  We both like Subway, she had a Tuna sandwich and I had a melted Tuscan chicken.  Hit the spot!  Oh, the picture I took from way out in the parking lot.  Love the zoom on this camera, with the old one you wouldn’t hardly be able to see the sign.

Choir practice tonight went well.  The Christmas Cantata will be very nice.  John asked me to do a reading on Veterans day next Sunday.  He gave me a copy of the reading “What is a Veteran”?  Very good reading, hope I can do it without messing it up.  He also said the quartet will sing again next Sunday night.  Cool!  “Just a Little Talk With Jesus” is what we are going to sing.  Like the song, need really big lungs for the chorus though.

I listened to the recording of the quartet, not real good, couldn’t hear Coyita at all and I was very faint.  The people said it worked well with the mikes though.  Mikes are microphones, that is what was on the spell check though…

I feel good tonight but the TV programs were an hour late and I fell asleep during the last one, past my bedtime!   Guess it is time to say Night Y’all…

Saturday October 20th 2012

We are having some very nice weather.  Guess this Fall isn’t bad at all.  Get a little cool weather at times but right now it is very nice.

Not going to do a lot today, enjoy the weather do a few odd jobs etc.  I am still working on memorizing the song “Jesus is Coming Soon” and not having a lot of luck memorizing it.  Tomorrow is the day we sing it at church.  I need to get a picture of Coyita, Randy, John and I for the blog.  Since I am singing and Linda isn’t feeling good I will have to get it some other time. 

The neighbor boy, Jackson was outside playing so I talked to him for a little while and he showed me some pumpkins he had painted.  They look very nice so I got a picture of them…


Jackson is in pre-school and is a really cute kid.  He really likes to talk and he likes to be outside.

Didn’t do much else today, I worked with my voice recorder for awhile trying to make sure I know how to work it for tomorrow.  I’m not a fast learner and I keep getting the buttons mixed up and forget which ones do what but that is nothing new.

Linda fixed some burritos from the leftover chicken we had.  Turned out pretty good but was a little spicy!  Sure cleans the sinuses out!

Watched a little TV and every once in awhile I would go over the words to the song.  I think I have a mental block with this song for some reason.

Guess that is about all for today…Night Y’all…

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Friday October 19th 2012

Not real sure what today is going to be like, it is cloudy and the wind is blowing but I don’t think it is supposed to rain, sure hope not even though we could still use more.

First thing I did this morning was get the caulk gun out and go up on the roof of the garage.  I have one little leak and I know it has to be from where I put a screw in and it didn’t completely seal.  I had a couple of screws that didn’t have the rubber washer and one or two holes that I had to start over again because the screw didn’t go in straight.  Anyway I sealed all the screws on the north side of the garage.  It was pretty chilly up there.  The leak wasn’t bad but after all the rain we got I had a little spot on the floor that was damp.  Before it was like a car wash in there.  When it rained it really got wet inside and now, hopefully, it will be dry except for the overhead doors.  They leak pretty bad when the rain comes from the West.

I covered the air conditioner this morning.  I think that the weather will be cool enough that we won’t need it again this year.  I think I did a pretty good job covering it.  Linda had picked up a tarp for something else and I kept it just for this reason…


I am going to put the boards back on the top just for a little more security. The wind really blows hard here sometimes.

Well I needed to go back into town today to get a few more things. De con for one thing.  I did fill up some holes in the skirting so they won’t have such an easy time getting in out of the cold.  I also want to look at a tri pod for the cameras.  I am pretty cheap and don’t want to spend a lot on something I won’t use very often but I found one that came with a camera case and a case for SD Cards!  Ten dollars.  Figured that wasn’t bad at all.


It is like a miniature tri pod but will work great for holding the camera.  I sometimes have a problem with getting my fingers in the way and shaking. This should work pretty good for that.

Linda wanted to try some chicken with “Sweet Baby Rays” marinate so we poured it over some chicken breasts and let in do it’s thing.  I don’t like the smell of it but then that could be me.  Smells like vinegar to me and it doesn’t smell very appetizing.

I baked some potatoes and cooked some carrots to go along with the chicken.  Well, guess it isn’t to bad but I’ve sure had better chicken. 

Guess that is about all we did today, watched some TV tonight and I went to bed.  My eyes still feel puffy from all that mowing in the wind.  Got my eyes full of “stuff”..  Night Y’all….

Thursday October 18th 2012

Looks like it is going to be another great day in the neighborhood!  Cool this morning but I think it is going to be sunny and very nice.  I wear a couple of sweatshirts to keep warm and then I can peel them off one at a time as I get warm.  I don’t usually get real warm but I sure don’t want to get cold!

Today I’m get to mow the RV Park.  The biggest problem with the RV Park is the picnic tables.  Move them onto the gravel, mow, then move them back.  Doesn’t sound bad but they get pretty heavy after awhile.   The sites that are back ins are almost full and they are the hardest to mow.  They have a fence behind them and no where to move the tables.  Fortunately some of the people like Mark’s dad, Mike, moves his and his truck.  Every little bit helps.  While mowing I noticed a lot of places that were getting stuff growing where stuff isn’t supposed to grow…more Roundup in the near future.  Want to get all this done, we plan on being done around the first of November and don’t want to have to work after that at least for a few months, going to take the winter off.

The day went fine and I even had time to do some weed eating before quitting.  Got done around 5PM and headed for Wal Mart to pick up my new voice recorder.  I am going to try to tape some sermons and music.  I want Coyita to play ten or twelve songs so I will have them for practice.  I’ve made a list for her and hopefully she will be able to do it for me.

Well, got the voice recorder and I will tell you for such a little piece of equipment it does a lot.  Now I have to figure out how to use it.  The book has printing so small I am having a problem reading it.  Oh for good eyes again!!  Here is a picture of the new recorder…


This book is  about the size of a deck of playing cards so the writing in it is super small and the black things in it are what is on the front of the recorder.  I think it will take awhile to figure this out.  It has a four gig memory and I put another eight gig card in it so I should be able to record lots of “stuff”.  Not sure how long a set of batteries will last though.  Hopefully they last a long time.  I put in rechargeable batteries so  I won’t have to keep buying new ones.  Well, I will probably buy more rechargeable ones.  One thing I’ve found though is if I handle it while recording it makes a lot of noise so I will either have to wear a glove or put something over it to keep the noise down.  Practice, practice, practice.  I may figure it out.

Well, I now have a new camera and a new voice recorder!!  The camera I love, the voice recorder I think I am going to love it also.  Just have to work on figuring them out.

Linda is feeling better but still not up to snuff.  She isn’t nearly as congested as she has been but getting better.

I finished up the spaghetti and meatballs last night and for some reason that stuff gives me more gas than anything I think I have ever eaten!  Potent stuff for sure.  Don’t think we will buy those meatballs again even though they tasted good!

I’m sure that everyone has had enough now with the gas situation so I will say Night Y’all…

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Wednesday October 17th 2012

Well, I sure hope I didn’t miss a day!  I think I did Tuesday but can’t remember for sure and if I didn’t, well, I probably won’t miss it anyway.

Going back to work today, not sure if he is going to have me mow or not, grass is growing but not very fast even with the rain and warm weather.  It is actually a beautiful day, a little windy but sunny, well, partly sunny and warm.  I think it is supposed to get close to seventy today which is great!

Yep, I mow today, going to mow the mobile home park. I dumped some of the trash first then got to mowing. I stopped for lunch around 1:30PM  I think and had to go get gas.  Doesn’t look like rain so I guess I will have time to finish the mobile home park.  Supposed to get rain this afternoon sometime.

I finished mowing around five and got a picture of Mark and Bitsy.  On Sunday October 7th the RV Park was completely full.  First time ever since Mark owned it.  Had to get a picture of them…


There was an Airstream Rally with twenty five units that came in on Saturday for two days.  Sunday Bitsy filled up the park and had to turn one away which is another first.  Mark is thinking of expanding the park again so he will be able to get some of the bigger rallies.  Go for it!!

I got home in time to take a shower and head to church.  I wanted to stop at Bill and Phyllis’s place to give them a computer.  She has a gift of words that when I first read one of her papers I was astounded!  Hopefully I will get another that I can print here on my blog.  Not many people can say things like she says and she says it is just the way she feels and it’s from the heart!


We met Bill and Phyllis quite a few years ago.  Nice couple and I hope she gets back into the writing.

Love my camera… at church I had to try to get a picture.  This is Pastor Randy and this church is not a bright (light) church.  I think it is kind of dark but then it may just be my eyesSmile..


This picture is without a flash!  I am amazed at how good it turned out.  Looking forward to taking pictures of the specials!  Had a very small crowd tonight, storms are moving in and it was a business meeting tonight.  I like their business meetings, short and to the point, no wasting time to get their hour in, I think it lasted about five minutes from start to finish.  He talked about the Sword of the Spirit tonight.  Interesting discussion.  The Sword is the offensive (?) weapon, the Word of God.  Very interesting.

Linda is starting to feel better but still not up to par.  She is still taking her meds so  maybe by Sunday she will feel like going out again..Time to say Night Y’all….

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Tuesday October 16th 2012

The weather today is beautiful!  It is going to be warm but not to warm and this will be just about a perfect day.

I gave Sparky his flea medicine this morning but couldn’t find the medicine for Bud.  I woke Linda up and that didn’t make her very happy.  I need to go to town later to pick up some things so I will get some for him.

There is a little communication gap between the doctor and the pharmacy. I stopped to pick up the meds for Linda but they only had one so I had to go back to the doctor and find out why. They were very cordial and faxed it to the pharmacy so I went and picked it up.

Stopped at Wal Mart and got some different things.  Got me a new camera..


It is a Panasonic Lumix.  I took this picture in the bathroom.  Didn’t turn out to bad.  I took a few other pictures just to see what it would do in low light…


I used the telephoto lens and this was taken from about 12 feet away and it is dark in here, well, not black dark, but pretty dark so I think this will work out for me.  I need to take a lot more to make sure.

Got a picture of a tractor across the road.  I don’t know what he is doing since they have done the field already, but he is applying something…


I think the pictures turned out pretty good  I will have to ask someone what they are doing in the field.

We watched the debate tonight.  I thought it was terrible!  I think they both should have been slapped and made to sit in a corner!  Rude, arrogant, trying to talk over each other and the Moderator!   This debate made me think LESS of both of them.  I know who I’m going to vote for and this didn’t do anything to make me think more of either one of them.  Sure wish Huckabee was still in the race!

OK guess that is enough for today….Night Y’all…

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sunday October 15th 2012

Well, Linda is still under the weather.  Still hacking and coughing but sounds a little better, not sure if she needs to go to the Doctor or not. 

We have choir practice at 9:15AM.  Gives us time to go over the songs for the morning service.

On the way out this morning I had to take a picture of the dogs….


They really like the chairs for some reason, they use them more than we do, in fact they have gotten them so dirty I don’t like to sit in them.  In case you are wondering, that isn’t Sparky it is Scruffy and Bud.  Bud likes the cold weather and since it is cool he gets kind of hyper.  Scruffy and Sparky don’t like it when he gets hyper, he is a little rough.

I made spaghetti for dinner.  We had opened a bottle of pizza sauce and we needed to get it used up and we had a bag of meatballs that we wanted to get used up also.  Worked out pretty good, browned the meatballs with onions and garlic salt then added the pizza sauce and let it simmer until the spaghetti was ready.  Pretty good lunch.

The service tonight was a little short and the quartet practiced after the service.  I am glad we did, it helped me a lot.  I think I may be ready by next Sunday.

Little TV tonight and a bowl of cereal.  Hit the spot.  Night Y’all….

Saturday October 13th 2012

This is really something!!!  Friday the 13th came on Saturday this month!!

I have to go into work today, this afternoon.  Should be a pretty good day, I know that I will have all the chores to do but I am taking the old computer with me to download the pictures I have.  I told Phyllis that I would give her the computer since hers was destroyed in the flood a couple of years ago.  I have the old one, nothing wrong with it, just getting full so I bought a new one and LaVon downloaded Windows Live Writer so I could do my blog on this one.  I’m not computer savvy and she did it for me and I am really thankful for that.  She had a hard time with the computer keyboard and I do to, it is offset like a PC keyboard and it is really different on a laptop but I’m getting used to it.

Oh, I’m downloading the pictures on an external hard drive, 500 gigabytes which should hold everything that I need it for for the rest of my life.  Here is a picture of the computer and the hard drive…


OK, for some reason I deleted a lot of my blog and I need to put the picture of Mary Lou back in here….


Linda and I worked with her when we first started here about eleven years ago!  Very nice lady, quite a character!

Got off work at a good time and actually had a pretty good day at work.  One of the campers came in and talked for awhile and I introduced him to a family that are here from Florida and their son-in-law was just called as the Youth Pastor at the Assembly of God Church where his sister asked him to go!  I thought that was amazing.  He is going to get back into going to church again which is great!!!

OK, not much of anything going on tonight, just a little TV etc so I will say Night Y’all….

Friday October 12th 2012

OK I did it again, actually this is Monday and now I have to strain to remember what we did Friday!!  I am going to have to quit doing this.

I made bread today, regular, well, as regular as I make.  It is just white bread with oatmeal in it.  Almost forgot to add it but I think that after I had gotten to where I could knead the bread I put in a couple of cups of oats and some stuck to the outside and it turned out pretty good.  Also made a little cinnamon thing.


Now I think that my camera needs to be replaced I just hate to spend the money to buy a new one.  This isn’t all the camera’s fault though I’m sure.

Today is the last day of revival.I think the choir sang the special tonight.  If it wasn’t the special it was a very good song.  I think the Evangelist’s wife, Carolyn sang the special last night.

We are starting a quartet and we have been practicing “Jesus is Coming Soon” which is a very good song, fast and I am having a terrible time memorizing it!  I don’t think I am getting Alzheimer's but I am having a terrible time with this song!  I still have over a week before we are going to sing it though so maybe by that time I will have it memorized.

Linda is still down with the “crud” and not feeling well at all.  Lots of hacking and coughing.  She doesn’t get over things very fast so this will probably hang on for awhile.  Hopefully she will be over it by the time we head for Texas!!

Going to say Night Y’all….

Friday, October 12, 2012

Thursday October 11th 2012

Another cool day, not so windy though.  I have a couple of odd jobs at work, like sharpening the mower blades and getting it ready for when I mow again.  I sprayed a couple more bottles of Roundup on the sites that have weeds growing in the gravel.  They are getting harder to kill.

I told Mark I would come back again next year.  I have a couple of reasons for coming back.  I like working for Mark, he is a good boss and he lets me have time off when I need it.  Another reason is we can stay at home instead of taking the camper for the summer, even though that wouldn’t be to bad.  Another reason is we are starting a quartet at church.  The song leader, John, likes quartets also and I have really been missing singing. Guess that about sums up the reasons.

John had the special music tonight…


He is a good singer and is musically inclined.  Plays the piano and I don’t know what else he does.  I know in the service he was a Chaplin so he is a preacher.

Linda is still sick and with her immune system she will probably have this for awhile.

I think I am caught up now with the blog even though I probably missed a lot….Night Y’all….

Wednesday October 10th 2012

It seems to be a pretty nice day today, a little windy and pretty cool.  I wear two sweatshirts to keep warm.  I work today and I probably will only work a couple of hours.  I’m sure I won’t be mowing.  I didn’t, or won’t, mow my lawn this week.  It isn’t growing  very fast and doesn’t look bad at all.`

I was right.  I did some cleanup of limbs that I had stacked around when I was mowing.  After that I sprayed Roundup for a couple of hours and then I headed home at noon.

I took a nap this afternoon.  I probably didn’t need one but when I just sit in the recliner I fall asleep so I figure if I take a nap I will feel good tonight at the Revival.

OK, now I am confused, I can’t remember what night Coyita sang, must have been Monday so I will put her picture in here now, I think….

OK, I remember now I don’t have her picture…silly me…. tonight Carolyn sang the specials.  She sang two and she is the Evangelists wife…


Not a real good picture!  I definitely need a new camera but I sure hate to spend the money on one.

The Revival has been going quite well.  Not real big crowds, but not bad for a small church.

Linda isn’t feeling well at all.  I think she has the same thing she had in Texas, so this must be the Missouri Crud.  She coughs a lot at night, well, during the day also.  She isn’t doing much, trying to get rid of what’s ailing her….That’s about it for tonight…Night Y’all….

Tuesday October 9th 2012

I’m waiting for rain!!  I want to see if the garage roof leaks!  Guess it isn’t going to rain today though.

It is a pretty nice day out today, cool but sunny.

I will have to admit that I’ve procrastinated again and this is actually Friday! I won’t write today’s blog until tomorrow at work.

We have been having revival all week at Morehouse.  The Evangelist is Pastor Randy’s friend Donnie.  He is pretty good, down to earth, easy to understand and right to the point.  Coyita had the special music and she is a very good singer.  I didn’t get a picture of her though.  Let me back up, I didn’t go to the Revival tonight, I am working until seven and by the time I got home it was late and by the time I would have gotten to church it would have almost be quitting time.  Tomorrow, and tomorrow is when Coyita does the special music.

I got a picture of the cotton across the road.  It has been harvested already…


I don’t know how much one of these bales weigh but I bet they are heavy.  Doesn’t take long to pick a field of cotton with these machines!  Cotton must be profitable a lot of farmers raise cotton here.  One of those bales would make a lot of t-shirts!

We just stuck around home tonight.  I will go to the Revival the rest of the week…Night Y’all…

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Monday October 8th 2012

Well, it is cloudy, partly, and cool.  The wind isn’t really blowing either.

I drank coffee and walked around outside and when the sun came up I decided to get stuff ready to do the roof on the garage.  Didn’t take long to get things set up so I put Sparky in the house and I went up on the roof and took out all the screws holding the corrugated plastic down..


I decided to take a picture after I got all the screws out and now after I have all the plastic off…


I put some boards down to support the steel at the peak.

Carrying the steel up the ladder wasn’t easy.  I would carry up a few sheets and screw them down then carry up more.  The neighbor came over to see what I was doing when I was almost finished and I had to sit down before I fell down.  This all took about six hours and I was really hurting from all this work!  Here is a finished shot of the roof…


Nothing I had was right for the job.  The steel sheets were about four inches to short, still worked, The peaks I bought were to small and the ones I had were big enough but they were for the edges.  Guess what???  I made them work because I wasn’t going to try to make it perfect.  If I want perfect I will have a new garage built and it won’t be by me!

I am so sore now, I took a couple of Aleve and tried to take a nap but I was just to sore to sleep.  I got up and the more I walked around the better I felt so I am going to stay up!!!

Watched our shows tonight and then I needed to go to bed and try to sleep off some of my hurts!!   Night Y’all….

Sunday October 7th 2012

This is Homecoming Sunday at church here in Morehouse.  There will be a sermon and the choir is supposed to sing a special but Pastor Randy changed things a little bit.  The choir sat in the loft and he did his preaching and after his preaching then we sang the special and then all the other specials were sung.  They usually do this after we eat but this was different.  Lloyd, John and I sang the first special.  The song was “The Blood that Stained the Old Rugged Cross” which is Lloyds favorite song and we have sung it together three or four times now but this was the first time with John.  Guess it was OK.

Joe and Lisa’s son sang a special and he is is good singer and he also played a special, “Amazing Grace”, on the violin.  I think he has some pretty good talent. Harold and Jewel also sang a special.  I don’t know the name of it but it was Blue Grass and they did a really good job!

After the singing we went to the Fellowship Hall and ate.  The food was really good!  They sure have some good cooks here.  Linda made a potato casserole and a layered dessert with chocolate, cream cheese, pecans and whipped cream.  Excellent!

I went to church at North Acres tonight.  We weren’t having church at Morehouse.  I like North Acres also.  Haven’t found to many churches I haven’t liked.

Guess that is about all for tonight.  Not even much on TV!  I watched AFV that I had taped.  Didn’t even get to watch all of it!

Well, I guess it is time….Night Y’all…

Saturday October 6th 2012

Nice cool morning and I am trying to decide if I want to bake bread or not.  Really don’t need it but it is cool, maybe I will.

I am just going to make cinnamon rolls today because we still have bread left and I need the practice, maybe not the calories but we always like to eat cinnamon rolls.

They didn’t turn out to bad….


They aren’t very sweet but they still taste good.  This is the batch I took over to the kids.

I am going to work this afternoon, there is a bunch of campers coming in so I am going in to work around 11:30AM to get some of the chores done before things go haywire!

The first part of the group didn’t come in until noon or a little after.  This is the group that parks all the rigs, I don’t really have to do anything at all. Got the garbage dumped and the bathrooms cleaned in plenty of time.

The afternoon went really smooth, Was pretty close to having the campground completely filled but still lacked about five.  Had a good night. I got out almost on time, was a little late but not bad.

That was about all for tonight, Watched a little TV and off to bed…Night Y’all….

Friday October 5th 2012

Time really is going by fast, I am three days behind on the blog and it is getting harder for me to remember what happened three days ago.  I’m glad I will be able to look back on these in a year or two to see what we have been doing because we sure can’t remember what we did a couple of days ago!!

I think I thought about fixing the roof on the garage but I think it is supposed to rain so I will wait for another day.

I was also going to bake bread today but I think I will wait until tomorrow and make some cinnamon rolls for the neighbor kids.  We still have plenty of bread so I don’t need to do that either but it is cool out so it is cool in here and would be a perfect day to bake.  Tomorrow!

I have been checking things out in the garage to see what I need to do and I need to move the door opener over where the entrance door is so we don’t have to stumble around in the dark.

I  bet that we went to the ‘Flying J” today, well, maybe not, I know that whatever day it was Jim took me to Lowe’s to get the steel for the roof.  Couldn’t have been today I think it was Monday.

Well, I am going to stop guessing what I did today and say “Night Y’all”…

Friday, October 5, 2012

Thursday October 4th 2012

Back to work today and I know I will be mowing the RV Park today.  It is another really nice day.  Supposed to be a little warmer today but still supposed to be nice.

Had a couple of little things to do before starting to mow but that didn’t take long.  Mowing went fine.  Got it all done pretty  early so I thought I would leave early.  Going to come in early Saturday and get things done because we have a really large group coming in.  I think there are reservations for twenty five and if we have others come in off the road we will be packed.  I wanted to get the trash emptied and reservation cones set up before they started coming in.

Had a good visit again this morning with Bobby and Maggie.  They are a really nice couple.

Today would have been a great day to work on the garage but maybe tomorrow will be nice but the weather forecast is for rain.  Oh well, someday I will get to it.  Hopefully I will be able to get it done in one day!

Time to say Night Y’all…

Wednesday October 3rd 2012

Today’s and tomorrow’s blog will be kind of short.  I am working so I know mostly it will be mowing etc..

It is a beautiful day today.  I sprayed a couple of bottles of Roundup then started mowing the mobile home park.  Nice cool  breeze all day so that was nice.  I got done a little early so I thought I would mow some of the back in sites so I won’t have to do them tomorrow.

I mowed the back in sites with the push mower and that wasn’t easy.  I mowed what I could with the rider but the rest I did with the push mower and that was a lot of work.  I worked up a sweat and was glad when I finished them.

I was late getting out of work and was hungry for chicken so I stopped at Food Giant and bought some to take home.  They have the best chicken there!  Really Yummy!!!

Had a great supper and watched some of our shows tonight.  Had a great night but I am really tired, made it until a little after 10PM but had to go to bed.  Not sure I got to watch the news and weather, I think I may have fallen asleep.   Time to say Night Y’all…

Tuesday October 2nd 2012

It looks like it could be a pretty nice day.  It is cloudy and cool but I think it is supposed to clear off and be pretty nice.

I work the office today and during the day Bobby and Maggie came in on there way to Florida from Compton Ridge in Branson.  One year there was enough for me!

I did get there picture even though though they were leaving, still is a good picture.


They haven’t changed at all.  She can still talk without taking a breath!  Bobby and I just listen.  I think it is kind of funny, I say a few words and I’m done, wonder how she thinks of all those things to say???

For just a short visit it was a good visit.  They aren’t sure if they are going back to Compton Ridge or not.  They probably will but you never know.

I’ve told Mark I wouldn’t be back next year but then I told him that last year.

I forgot that their dog’s name is Toby.  He is a nice dog but sure doesn’t like golf carts!

Work went great and I got out of work right on time.

Watched some TV tonight and went to bed"Smile….

Night Y’all…

Monday October 1st 2012

Today is Monday and it is rainy and pretty cool.  We don’t have much planned for today maybe run into town and pick up a few thing but other than that I think we are going to be lazy.

Can’t remember doing much of anything but wanted to get Monday’s blog done.  Terrible isn’t it being so boring!!!

Linda reminded me we met Jim and June at the Flying J for coffee and a visit.  Had a good visit and they seem to be doing pretty good.

After the visit Jim picked me up at home and took me into Lowe’s to get some steel siding I had ordered.  It took a little while but we got it loaded and got it home.  Didn’t take to long but it is to rainy to even try to do it now.  I would like to get the peak of the garage done though.

Guess that is about all! Linda remembers more than I do and it has been a couple of days so….

I am just going to say Night Y’all…..

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sunday September 30th 2012

Today we are going to church in Morehouse again.  I am going early enough to sing in the choir, they have practice at 9:15AM.  I think I would like to sing in the choir.  They are practicing for this morning and they are practicing songs I don’t know, well, some of them I do but we don’t use song books, the words are projected on the screens.  This is hard for me because I can’t harmonize like some people.  I don’t know the bass part and on some songs I don’t know the melody either!  Kind of a predicament!Sunday School and church went very well.  Pastor Randy did his sermon a little different.  The choir stayed up in the front and we sang songs at different times during the sermon.  It was pretty interesting.  Last Sunday his sermon was “Different ways we say NO to God”.  This Sunday it was like us communicating with God.

We went out to eat with three other couples to the Chinese restaurant in Sikeston, had a great meal and a very good time.

I have to apologize, I haven’t taken any pictures for quite a long time now.  I have the camera with me but haven’t seen anything interesting to take pictures of.,

Went to Choir practice tonight.  They are practicing a Christmas Cantata and like all Cantatas the bass part is so high I have to strain during most of the program.  We also practiced songs for next Sunday which is the churches homecoming program.  I don’t feel very comfortable singing some of the songs because I don’t know them and of course I don’t have music to go by either.  We are going to sing a special, well, a lot of people are going to sing specials next Sunday.  Should be pretty good.  I am going to sing with Lloyd and John, “The Blood that Stained the Old Rugged Cross”.  Lloyd and I have sung it together before, will be the first time with John.

Had a good night and I will have to say Night Y’all….