Saturday, September 11, 2010

Friday September 10th 2010

What a night!!  Thunder, lightning and lots of rain!!  I woke up about 6AM I think and the lightning and thunder was something else.  I looked outside and it was pouring!!  Not sure how much rain we got but it was a lot. 

I finished loading the camper and we were about ready to go at 10AM.  I was surprised!  I loaded the camper in the rain.  Sometimes it was heavy and sometimes light but I hooked up the car last night and it was just sprinkling.  Had to take a picture when we left….


It is hard to tell but the ditch across the road is full of water and it is deep!  This doesn’t happen very often so I know we got a lot of rain. We left in the rain but within 50 miles it cleared off so I had Linda take another picture..


This wasn’t of anything special but it was dry here and only about 50 miles south of Sikeston.. Amazing..

We traveled on down to Pelahatchie, MS and found the campground without any problem.  The directions were quite good.  We had a good visit with Jim and Gail.  Jim was working when we got there so he escorted us to our site.  The sites aren’t level but they aren’t to bad.  They have really good water pressure here.  Took a few pictures of the campground…..


This is like the house we cleaned at Compton Ridge, well, this is a beautiful brick house, on a lake, with geese…100_1166

This is the backside of the house… They also have lakes, and swimming pools and playgrounds etc…..




They have a lot of Canadian Geese here.

This is a picture of Jim and Gail.  I’m not sure if we are bad luck or good luck… Jim and Gail were given the option of quitting today.  Not fired. But the lack of customers is making them cut back so they were given the option…. They took it…


They are quite a couple.  We enjoy their company.  Have a lot of good laughs with them.  Jim has written a couple of books, he gave me the first one and signed it, the book was very good and I was hoping he had his second one published but it hasn’t been published yet…Bummer!  Gail fixed us supper and it was really good. I’m not going to say what it is called but it was a pasta dish made with her chicken sausage.  Excellent.

We had a long visit, I think it was almost 11:30PM when we left.  Way past my bedtime.  We will meet them and go out for breakfast in the morning.   Time for bed now though…Bye….

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