Thursday, December 1, 2011

Wednesday November 30th 2011

Last day of November!  Two more weeks and we will be heading to Mississippi then on to Texas where, hopefully, it will be a lot warmer than here!  Cold this morning but not quite as cold as they had predicted! Still froze though.

Got a picture of Sparky sleeping…


I think he gets cold and likes to burrow his nose to keep warm.

I’m going to say we didn’t do much today and go on to something that I’ve been thinking about…

Obama, on the campaign trail, was talking of extending the 2% income tax cut for another year or what ever.  Now, I’m not a politician or a statistician, but when he says he is looking for a place to pay for this cut I have to think, it is already in place, where is it coming from now???  He wants to tax the rich, would it hurt them?  Probably not. Is it right?? Probably not, would it hurt the working person to pay the extra few dollars to the government again???  Probably not, we paid it before. But for the fun of it, why don’t we put an extra tariff on imports of like 1% and the things that are American (made in a foreign country) put a 2 or 3% tax on those items! I own a Toyota Corolla which if you didn’t know is made in the USA, but a Dodge Ram Truck I bought was made in Mexico, that was deflating because I figure it was made right here in the good old USA.  Take a look in the store and see how many things you see made in the USA.  Not many, but if the 1% tariff on all these items were added to the government coffers, I think the payroll tax deduction of 2% would be a paid for plus.  Maybe some of our people would even start producing things here in the USA and then there would be more money for the government, from the people working, to squander or whatever they do with it.

I was wondering also what our trade deficit is?  I don’t hear much anymore about the trade deficit, think they are ashamed to talk about it? We need more jobs here in the USA to cut the trade deficit.  Importing oil should also be curtailed.  We seem to have plenty but for some reason we aren’t allowed to get it so we pay our friends in foreign countries $100 a barrel.  I think we should put a 10% tariff on imported oil.  I won’t say anything about tree huggers though.  Trees are nice.

I thought about a lot of other things that I won’t go into like the greed here in the USA, well, maybe I will.  I worked in a company that was union. Unions aren’t all bad but after three years working there our contract came up and the economy was really going strong so our wages, my wages, went from approximately $3.50 an hour to $6.50 an hour over the next three years.  Nice chunk of change!  That has been a lot of years ago but the company I worked for went bankrupt two years after I retired.  I was up to around $18 when I retired but the thing of it was that the imported product from overseas was so much cheaper (quality also) that we couldn’t compete anymore.  Foreign countries don’t bargain with employees.  If you want to work you will take what we pay you!  Not here. Greed…

OK now I will quit…have a great night y’all….

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