Memorial Day!! Sunny and warm today probably get into the 90s but that is OK, we need some warm weather. The farmers around here are really bustling around trying to make up for lost time. There are still farmers that haven’t gotten their crops in yet. We had quite a big setback with the flooding and rain. Last night on the news they said they are putting the flood gates back up on the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers because the water is coming back up again from all the rain up north. Guess this is the spring rains. To bad they can’t get some in Texas and where ever else they need it. We sure had our share but the farmers are getting the irrigation ready, it is dry already in spots and some spots are to wet to get into the fields.
I have lots to do today, I need to clean the deck of the mower, plant some flowers, weed the garden do some cleaning and try to fix our security light. Welllll, I cleaned the deck (somewhat) and got a five gallon bucket of moldy grass from underneath! Really packed in tight! I chopped around the tomatoes, which to us northerners is “hoeing” and got a lot of the grass cleaned up but sure have a lot more to do, I may wait until I get home from work to do more because this is sure a good way to work up a sweat! I was telling Linda that I can’t figure out how someone could do that all day in 95 degree weather (and hotter) and humid! Have to be a better man than me! Fifteen minutes was about all I could take but it does look better.
Daniel called me over and was explaining that one of the….ok, now I can’t remember what they call the thing that holds the blade, whatever it is it’s broken, no bearings in it at all, wore out, that’s why I have streaks all over my yard. Doesn’t look to bad but it isn’t nice. He is ordering a new part for it and maybe we will get it fixed Wednesday or Thursday.
The Sunflowers that I planted are up and it is really funny, the little plants even face the sun, funny to see them bent towards the sun.
I planted a few more seeds around the last stump that I burnt. Hope they grow, it will mask the stump or what’s left of it.
We went into town and ate at a Mexican restaurant that was OK but we probably won’t go back. We have other Mexican restaurants here that are a lot better than this one. We also went to Wal Mart. I was looking for an air compressor and I went to Lowe’s looking there also but couldn’t find what I wanted so I went back to Wal Mart and got a cheap one there. Linda bought some new clothes and I bought another package of green beans which I walked out of the store without paying for them. Not on purpose though, I had Linda go back in and pay for them for me while I took our treasures out to the car.
I am charging the battery for our camper, we have a problem somewhere and now the battery is overflowing so I unplugged it. I will have to clean up the battery acid soon so it doesn’t do something I don’t want it to do.
I put a new bulb in the security light and when it got dark it didn’t come on so I need to get up there while there is enough light to get around and try something else….a new bulb! That is a FORD idea! Put in a new bulb and it works great. The old bulb must have been getting bad because when I put it back in it didn’t work at all, the new one is fine, glad I bought some new ones at the store.
I guess I’m about done rambling so I will say “night Y’all…