Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday March 6th 2011

Sunday morning and it is very cool!!  I had to wear a sweater outside and then I turned the heat on inside because it would have been to cool for Linda to get ready to go to church.

We went to Tip O Texas for church this morning.  We figured this would be our last Sunday down here in the Valley so we wanted to go hear Don preach one last time before leaving.  Got a picture of the choir…that’s LaVon in the back row holding up her cameraSmile


After church we went to the Echo Hotel for lunch.  They had a pretty good spread but we had to wait about fifteen minutes for them to put it out.  It was pretty good, the salad bar was great and the buffet wasn’t to bad, potatoes weren’t good, they were powdered (instant) but they had some other things that were pretty good like Chicken Ala King, Ham and beef, and steamed broccoli.  The breakfast we had was better there but we were kind of late today.  They had a desert bar that I almost missed!!!  Linda, watching her glucose, got a piece of pecan pie and ice cream…


Do you like her ice cream???  I think she needs a bigger bowl!!!

We had a good time there and really like the Echo Hotel.  The price is actually pretty cheap, I think it was $7.95 apiece, for that spread it was a good price!!

We left after lunch and headed back home, I’ve been having a little soreness in my right arm for some reason.  Don’t know what is happening, it isn’t bad just aches a little so I am going to take some Aleve and take a nap.  Felt a lot better after I woke up.

I started getting things ready for tomorrow, dumped the tanks and got the lights ready on the car, not much but should help in the morning.

Think that is about all, a little TV and to bed…Night Y’all….

Oh, we left Sparky home and I put him in his cage but left the door open. This was a test and we left him for almost 5 hours and he did great.  Velda said she heard him about 12:30PM barking or whining.  He still did very good.  I am proud of him being so good for five months old…..

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