Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wednesday December 1st 2010

Time is really flying by, it’s December already!  This morning it is chilly, have frost on the window of the car but the wind isn’t blowing and it is beautiful out!!


This was taken out of our camper window looking South.  I think all the frost is gone off the grass, can’t see it in the picture anyway.

Sparky is getting used to the leash Linda got, it is one of those retracting leashes.  I have been walking him a little every day to get him used to it.  I am amazed that he does as good as he does.  He is really a “chicken” dog. He is scared of everything.  He really shies away from garbage bags and other dogs.  I think maybe I have been spoiling him..


Here he is with a paper bag I let him tear up.  We were going through some of the older pictures and when we first got him both his ears were curled and now both stand up straight.  Looks kind of like a “Bat”!

Here is another picture…. 100_1813

He is eating but he won’t eat out of the bowl, I have to put it on the blanket for him. 

Got a picture of the step I made also….


This may not look the greatest but it it functional and only took about fifteen minutes to put it together.  Could have used one more board but we don’t step on that part anyway…

We didn’t go anywhere today except for church tonight.  Pastor had a short sermon on “taking it easy”.  It was from Genesis when God rested on the seventh day.  I’m sure He wasn’t tired but it makes sense that a rest period would be  very beneficial.  The land was to have a rest period also.  HUMMMM could I do nothing for a couple of hours or a day???  Don’t think so!!

I made some “Rice a Roni” for supper.  I usually put sausage in it put it was just plain.  Made it with coconut oil and it turned out great.  We also had celery with peanut butter and they went together quite well.  Later we popped some popcorn and had a little ice cream.

We watched some TV and I went to bed and Linda played on the computer for a couple more hours and she was freezing when she came to bed.  Took her a long time to warm up!  Night Y’all….

1 comment:

  1. Happy to see you are using coconut oil.

    I do that to Don, too. Stay up playing a game until I get chilled and then crawl under the covers to let his warmth thaw me out. He probably doesn't appreciate it, either. LOL
