Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tuesday December 21st 2010

First day of Winter!!!  Going to be a pretty nice day here I think. It is kind of warm out today and the sun is shining.   Love this kind of weather.

We aren’t going to do much today.  I know we will have to go to the store to get water and a few odds and ends but we will mainly stick around here and take it easy again today.

We met Bob and Kay at the laundry a few days ago and saw them in Church.  They are from Leroy IL..


Sparky likes Maggie May their Corgi!   Maggie is a pretty nice gentle dog.  Bob and Kay will be leaving Thursday going to Alabama.  They found a place near their relatives that is a lot cheaper and also  has a lot of activities, which they don’t have here.  The owner here doesn’t want to open the club house because it costs to much to heat it!  I would be tempted to try to be the activity director but I’m sure that the owner wouldn’t let a lot of things go on unless he was assured he would make money on it.  I’ve never seen the inside of the club house but it looks pretty big from the outside.  Another lady we met said they can’t have “bingo” because of the casinos on the coast.  I’m not sure if there are any “snow birds” here or not.  I think most of them work in LA somewhere.  Oil rigs or some thing like that.  I’m sure that “snow birds” like to play cards, have pot lucks, music jams etc.  If they all work at jobs I don’t think there would be any attendance.  So….this park is going to be for workers and over night campers.

I ate some more of the lentils for lunch.  They weren’t to bad, then had a peanut butter and honey sandwich.  Very good.

We went over to see Virgie this afternoon after a nap and we woke her from her nap.  She is doing pretty good but still won’t call for help when she needs to move from the bed to chair or chair to wheel chair.  She fell this morning trying to get into the wheel chair.  Even when she has help she is kind of scary, she likes to flop into the chair before getting to it and it the brake isn’t on, the chair moves.  We had a nice visit though with her, she seems to be happy and doing well.

I paid for three more days so we could leave on Monday after Christmas.  Didn’t want to take a chance of being on the road on Christmas Eve or Christmas day.

Well, guess that is about all for today, I think we will just take it easy tonight and watch TV, HUMMMM that sounds familiar.  Oh, the price of gas just took another fifteen cent a gallon jump!!  Back up to $2.79 a gallon.  Night Y’all…

1 comment:

  1. Corgi's are my favorite breed. I had one when Don and I got married.. Murphy. Gave him to friends when we got ready to leave to go on the road. He got run over on the highway 3 days later. I wept. Don wept (because I was heartbroken). My mama wept... I had never seen her cry over a dog before.
    I always talk to people who have a Corgi.
