Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thursday June 3rd 2010

Not sure how much rain we got last night but it was quite a bit and some hail mixed in with it.  Lots of lightening and thunder also.

We asked David and Marian over for biscuits and gravy this morning, she had never had baking powder biscuits. I didn’t get a picture so you will have to believe me that it tasted good.  Marian liked the biscuits, but she put jelly on her gravy, hmmmmm strange……

I told Linda I wanted to go get something to cover up our catch all above the cab.  It doesn’t bother us but when people look at it, that kind of bothers me.  We went to Meeks Lumber and got a dowel. They call it a closet hanger.  Even got the hardware to hang them up!!


This is our catch all.  Lots of room up here but not very organized.


I got the dowel up and I’m not sure it is level but then our camper isn’t level. I was surprised that it wasn’t hard at all to get it up.


Voila!!!  Linda picked out the curtains and had to let out the insert because the dowel was so big but after letting it out they fit perfectly!!  Covers up a lot of our “stuff”.


Linda warmed up the Pork Burrito mixture and we had David and Marian over to help us eat some of them.  She also made Bread Pudding.


This is Linda’s bread pudding with Vanilla Sauce.  Excellent.  We let them take the rest home with them. We just have to much other stuff left over.  We are glad we had them over, tomorrow they will be heading to Wyoming to work with some friends up there.  We are going to miss them, had lots of laughs together.

Time to call it a night, it is still early but I don’t think anything of any importance will happen before we go to be and we are getting kind of tired.. Nite Ya’ll……

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love the curtain. Really nifty idea!
    Yummmm. Those Pork Burritos were so good.
    We saw on the radar last night that Branson was getting a storm. Prayed for your safety.
