Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Monday June 28th 2010

The weather is supposed to change and get a little cooler.  It is nice this morning so maybe we will have a nice decent day.

Guess what??? No pictures today.  I’ve had my camera with me all day and didn’t get a picture.  I was going to take a picture of the rooms and I forgot.  I get busy and picture taking is the last thing I think about. I think mostly of what I have forgotten.  I wonder, is that an oxy-moron?

Tomorrow Sherry is supposed to work with me, not sure about Nick. Roger said he would be working on something else.  We should have a pretty easy day tomorrow, Bernie helped with the rooms and I think we only have 4 rooms left plus the house and not sure about the cabins but if they don’t get done today we will get them tomorrow or the next day or the next day…

Had a decent day at work today, Maggie is really funny and so is Bobby, they both talk a lot and it is hard to get a word in edge wise.  I was going to ask Barbara a question and Maggie was talking to her non stop so I started talking about her to Bobby so she could hear and every time she stopped talking to Barbara I would stop talking to Bobby. May not sound funny but I don’t think she could hear all that I was saying but it disturbed her because she knew I was talking about her.  Before she left she told me not to tell Barbara that she talked a lot…..OK….

Linda fixed burritos for supper and I had the corn that Johnny Mac brought over.  Had a good supper.  Oh, it was hot out today, maybe tomorrow will be cooler and we will be able to open up the camper and let it air out.  Nights are supposed to be in the 60s the rest of the week I think.

By 9PM I had a very hard time staying awake.  Sure will be glad when it is 10:15PM then I can go to bed.  Going to quit now…Nite Y’all…

1 comment:

  1. That about Maggie was hilarious. I could just see the whole thing being played out. Too funny!
