Sunday, June 6, 2010

Butterfly Day 6-05-2010


Linda came and got me to take a look at these moths.  Not sure I have ever seen one like this. I have no idea what kind it is or the one in the next picture.  They were different though.


The first one was quite large and this one is quite small but very colorful. This one was hard to take a picture of, it was at the top of a door and I used the telephoto lens and macro I think.  Finally got one that wasn’t blurry or off center.


On the way back to the Main Office on the golf cart trail I saw this butterfly land on the Orange Milkweed plant.  Doesn’t look like a Monarch but is still very pretty.


I haven’t ever seen Orange Milkweed and don’t remember seeing a butterfly that looked like this either.  The Lord sure makes pretty things!!!

We had a pretty good day today, Linda didn’t feel very good this morning but as the day went on she got to feeling better.  This wasn’t a stressful day after we finally got going but it was hot and humid.  After the cleaning I helped Johnny Mac clean air conditioners.  I helped with four before time to go home.  Looking forward to a nice quiet evening.  I’m tired..Nite Ya’ll..


  1. Those are beautiful butterflies and moths. I have seen the first moth before, but can't remember the name. I have never seen one like the pink and yellow. Please pray for the grandaughter of a friend of ours. Her name is Alyssa. Her parents are divorced, and her mother has taken her to another state and they don't know where she is.
