Sunday, June 27, 2010

Saturday June 26th 2010

I have come to the conclusion that I should write my blog before I go to bed! It may be good to think about what I did the day before but it is getting harder to remember, or separate, things from the days before!  I’ll try to get the right things in here but it probably wouldn’t matter to anyone but me anyway:-)


This is our satellite dish, picnic table and BBQ grill, can’t see the grill?  It’s behind the electrical post almost right next to the neighbors camper. I was going to grill out tonight but it is rather close to the neighbors camper and I really don’t want to take a chance.  Got another angle….


This campground wasn’t made for campers with slide outs and awnings!


This is Billy Gail’s Cafe where we had breakfast yesterday.  Doesn’t look like much but the food was excellent.

Had two new couples start work today.  Nick and Sherry and their daughter BreAnn  worked with me, Ron worked with Roger I think and Barbara started in the Lodge Office.  I will get a picture of them later, I was going to today and I forgot, I even had the camera with me and told them I wanted to get a picture.  They worked with me all day and I taught them all I knew in about 3 or 4 minutes.  We had a good day, they are willing workers and seem to be fast learners, I think they are ready to venture out on their own.  Their daughter, BreAnn, probably not how it is spelled, is 10 years old and they home school her.  I thought she did good for following us around all day.  That had to be really boring for her but she was quite good.

At the end of our shift I rode with Roger to park a camper in a really tight spot.  It was interesting and Roger did an excellent job directing him.  Glad I didn’t have to do it, the spot was really tight.

Back to the BBQ grill, I didn’t cook out tonight, Linda fried the pork patties on the stove.  They turned out very good. We had some mustard potato salad from Wal Mart that was not the best and Linda’s Tropical Cole Slaw to go with the burgers.  Great supper!

Before going to bed we watched a little TV, I had a really hard time staying awake. I had been awake since 2AM.  Couldn’t sleep but felt good all day.  Think that is about all for today….Get some sleep…Nite Ya’ll…

1 comment:

  1. We love Billy Gail's. They have the best breakfast!
    Wise decision about the grill. It looks really close to that RV.
    "They worked with me all day and I taught them all I knew in about 3 or 4 minutes." You are funny. Don keeps looking at me everytime I laugh, so I'm reading to him. He sends his love.
