Monday, June 21, 2010

Sunday June 20th 2010

Father’s Day and it is going to be another hot and muggy day. I did my reading etc then walked over the the Main Campground to sign up for the “mandatory” pot luck Thursday, our day off. The potlucks are fine, mandatory, but fine. They just happen to fall on our day off.  We decided to go home last week because we knew we couldn’t this week.

There was a pancake breakfast this morning so I woke Linda up a half hour early to go over. Linda didn’t want to go over, she didn’t want to get up, she didn’t want to go into work. Not a surprise, I had tried to keep her interested since we only have about 75 days left.  I went back to the main park and talked to Robert, the owner and told him that she didn’t like the job and she was quitting.  I told him I would work until the end of August, but this is a 2 person job so I’m not sure if I will be working the rest of the week or not. I will probably find out tomorrow when Roger and Heidi are back from their day off.

I had a busy day at work, we had 12 check outs and 5 of them were turnarounds.  The turnarounds have to be done first. I finished 5 of the turnarounds before I went to lunch and the other turnaround was actually a walk in in the afternoon which I finished before time to go home. I think I actually finished 7 altogether with a few other rooms that weren’t checkouts.  Thought I did pretty good, takes almost an hour to do a room correctly.  Oh, Robert told me they were already shorthanded. I can’t remember working so hard on a job and getting so little.  Not the greatest job in the world. The other cleaning couple, Wilbur and Bernie, told me last night Bernie and fallen and hit her head plus banged herself up pretty good and when Robert came by Wilbur told him what had happened and he said they need to be a little more careful!!  Compassionate person isn’t he???

Went to Friendly Baptist last night, they had no electricity, so no lights or air conditioning.  The building was cool until about half way through the service and by the end it was pretty warm. The song leader, Bob, was back and he led the singing.  He likes the real old time songs and likes to sing them fast.  The sermon, or bible study, was good but was getting dark and I have a hard time seeing anyway.  I need the “Light”!!! He was preaching out of Genesis about Abraham being called and answering, “Here I Am” or in my bible it says “Here Am I”. Thinking about it, we usually answer “what”?  After working all day and sitting in a warm room, I tend to start drifting, mainly to sleep, fortunately I didn’t fall off the chair!!  I didn’t really go to sleep but my eyes sure got heavy for awhile.

No pictures today…100_0648

Well, maybe one, this is back in Sikeston in the back yard, have some bushes that really have beautiful flowers on them.  We have some Hollyhock too.


Here is another, this is the hollyhock in the back yard next to the flowering bush, and some other tree that is growing which I didn’t get cut out. To much to do and to little time.  I may have one more picture….Oh, I think the field in the above picture is cotton, I will keep an eye on it when we get home and take some more pictures of it, beautiful when it is in full bloom.


This is for you LaVon, the tree is only half dead but… I had a picture of the Mimosa tree the other day but thought I would put this one in also.

Time to take it easy tonight and rest up.  I am sure tomorrow will be another hard day. Nite Ya’ll…

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the dead tree picture. It's kind of sad that it has died or is dying.

    I'm catching up on blog reading. Didn't realized I was so far behind. Got to keep reading to see what y'all are going to be doing!
