I think it is going to be another beautiful day!! I took a picture when Sparky and I were out walking. The fog was just coming in or whatever it does and the sun wasn’t quite up yet…
This was just a pretty morning! The fog got a lot thicker but by ten it was gone and the sun was shining brightly!
Got Linda up early this morning. There is coffee and donuts at the club house and I like to go and listen to the stories. Linda enjoys it also when she goes. Joe and Mary hosted this morning and we are going to host next week.
We stayed there a little over an hour then we went to HEB to pick up some things. We were going to go to Wal Mart also but had things that needed to be refrigerated so we went on home. I would like to go to Pulga, the flea market, and look around. Would have been a beautiful day to go. I think we will wait until next week to go. Monday is supposed to be cool again, not like before but is supposed to be in the upper sixties which is OK. We invited Don over for Linda’s port burritos next Tuesday. I figure it will be cool so we won’t have to run the air conditioner but not so cool we would have to run the furnace.
Not a lot going on today, I was hoping that my light bulbs would come in. I took my tail light apart on the camper, there is a bulb that isn’t working so I may order a couple LED lights to replace them. Sure would like to see how the LED lights will work inside the camper!
Dale and Velda invited us over tomorrow night for New Year’s Eve, we can listen to the Mexican band behind them. They say they are really loud! We aren’t that far away but it sure didn’t bother us last year!!
Well, for a little TV tonight, we watched episodes of Law and Order that we had taped sometime, not sure when but they were good. We still have quite a few shows taped and that is good for nights when there is nothing on.
Well, time to stop and say…Night Y’all….