Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Monday June 20th 2011

Lots of things I want to do today.  I want to take the camper in to check see if I can get the twelve volt system working.  I took off about 8:30AM and when I got there I was fifth in line so I waited for about two hours and decided to leave because they hadn’t finished the first one yet.

Linda and I went to town to do a few things, banking, picking up prescriptions and then we made appointments for next Monday for our physicals.  Been a long time, over two years for both of us.  We are going to see a nurse practitioner for our physicals.  After that we stopped at Wal Mart for a few things.  I decided to get the parts for the camper and fix it myself and we picked up a new mailbox!


That was probably the easiest job I will have today. Then I decided to fix the camper…


I wire tied the “fixed” part to the frame to keep it off the drive shaft.  That wasn’t to bad, not much room under here to work. Unfortunately, I still don’t have twelve  volts in the camper.  I tried to figure out why but there are things on this camper I have never seen before and don’t know what they do.  I will take it back to the electric place and let them look at it.  Can’t go camping without twelve volt power.

I picked our first fruit (vegetable) from the garden…


Now that looks a lot bigger than it actually is but it is nice, I will probably have another one or two by tonight. (Zucchini) .  May fix them tomorrow for our lunch.

Linda’s carnation plant I got her for Mother’s Day is looking pretty good..


There are a lot of buds that look like they are going to bloom!  There for awhile it looked like it was about dead, I’m happy!

I planted another row of corn in the garden.  Ran the tiller through it first to get rid of any grass that may be starting to grow.  I also see a little jalapeno  starting and the bell peppers are getting bigger, the plants don’t look very good but the peppers look good.

Well, I worked on the camper off and on until dark and didn’t come to any conclusion except that I don’t know what I’m doing, but I knew that already.

Time to call it a night….Night Yall…

1 comment:

  1. A carnation plant! That's so cool! Be sure and take a picture of all those blooms when they open!

    You are quite the gardener, Joel. That is a gorgeous zucchini!! And Linda models it quite nicely. :-)

    Love y'all!!!
