I notice that there is another row of corn up through the ground(in the garden). I will plant another row of sweet corn Saturday maybe, have to wait and see. The little cucumber(?) isn’t growing! What a bummer! Well, there is another one that looks like it may make it. It has a bloom on the end and looks pretty healthy.
I stoked up the fire again this morning, there were some pretty hot pieces left and I trimmed another tree and put the limbs on it and also split another three pieces of wood. The wind isn’t exactly in the right direction for burning but maybe it will be OK.
Doesn’t look real smoky but the wind is blowing it towards out house. The cornfield looks pretty decent.
I went to work this afternoon and Linda called and said Daniel was going to put the fire out because his house was filled with smoke, I probably should have put it out before going to work. He got it though.
We have bushes that I called Rose of Sharon but I’m sure that isn’t what they are but they are pretty and very sturdy bushes, I cut the tops off a few years ago and they are taller now than they were before, may have to get the chain saw out again.
Lots of flowers on these bushes
Well, work went quite well, very slow but lots of phone calls. The books didn’t jive at the end of the shift and I really didn’t do much! I either forgot to write something down that I sold or counted something wrong. Maybe Mark will let me know in the morning. I sure get curious when I can’t find out where I made the mistake at!!
I watered the garden tonight and watched a little TV. The “Voice” was one we watched. It was pretty good and the singers have good voices but most of it is not my type of music so I’m not sure if they did good or not.
Well, I got to watch the weather and we are supposed to have some! Missouri is so fluctuant in weather that they really have a hard time forecasting what it is going to be like in advance. Usually hit the temps pretty good though.
This is our little pecan tree, it’s got nuts!! Pecan nuts that is. This is the first year that it has produced so maybe we will be able to collect some of them to see if they are any good.
Well, I’ve been looking through my pictures to see if I have any that are interesting. I have one for tomorrow, let me see if I have another for today..
Nope, that is all for today, guess I will catch you on the flip flop…Night Y’all…