Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wednesday June 29th 2011

Watered the garden again this morning a picked four zucchini now we will have to figure out how we want to fix them. I also see more tomatoes, little but tomatoes.

I have to go in to work at 9AM and work all day.  I did lots of round up spraying and picking up limbs and bark.  The dead trees are shedding bark and it makes a real mess.  One of these days maybe we will get all the dead trees taken down.

Grant and I went to Russell Street this afternoon and I kept on trimming the row of trees behind a mobile home. I have it pretty well cut out but need to make a few trips with the limbs to the burn pile.  We were going to make an extra trip but was to close to going home time.  I can always find things to do for a last few minutes.

Not much else going on, will take it easy again tonight….Night Y’all..

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tuesday June 28th 2011

Well, back to work today, at least it is a little cooler, a little rain this morning but still nice.  A cool front came through yesterday and it was a little one but cooled of nicely during the night.

I had to make some bread today.  We are getting a little low and at Wal Mart we bought some whole wheat flour so I will make some bread and Linda will make a pizza!  Love pizza…


The bottom piece is the wheat bread.  It actually turned out very nice and it tastes pretty good too.  I think it is about 50 – 50 white and wheat flour. The pizza is just veggies and cheese. Excellent pizza…


Doesn’t that pizza look good?  Had to show a loaf of bread also.

Work went well today, even got out on time.

Not a  lot going on at home, we finished the pizza and after getting off at seven the night is short.  Sparky got his exercise when I got home.  I stood outside and talked to Daniel for awhile and he had Chloe out and Sparky just doesn’t know how to behave himself, kind of hyper around other people and dogs.

Well I think that is all for tonight….Night Y’all….

Monday June 27th 2011

Well today Linda and I get to go get our physicals.  That will be this afternoon.  Linda slept in this morning and I worked a little in the garden and around the yard.  The garden looks terrible after the wind storm yesterday.  Not much I can do about it.  It seems to perk up after the sun gets to shining on it.  Hope it shapes up again.  I did find some tomatoes..


You have to look hard to see them, they seem to be hiding towards the bottom.  The okra is starting to get blossoms too!!!


The plants aren’t very big yet but the blossoms look nice!

After our visit to the clinic we stopped at Wal Mart to get a few things.  Always expensive at Wal Mart.  We always need “stuff” can’t figure that one out!

Going to take it easy again tonight, guess I will go to bed early, after the weather…Night Y’all…

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sunday June 26th 2011

Going to go to church at Fellowship Baptist this morning.  They are having a pizza and spaghetti dinner after church.  I’m looking forward to that. Sunday School was funny, well, the lesson was good but Harold was elected to teach about an hour before SS and he really didn’t want to do it. Rick came in and volunteered  to do it.  He did a good job.

For some reason on Sunday morning I have a real problem staying awake. I didn’t do to bad, didn’t fall on the floorSmile.  Sunday night is a lot easier, maybe because it is more interesting to me.  Revelation and the mother of harlots!  Good lesson, back to church this morning, after church I went to where they were serving and decided I had time to take my bible to the car. I had time.  When I got back there were probably fifty people in line and it didn’t look like it was moving very fast. I left, guess I don’t like lines very well.  Linda and I had left overs for lunch, really good.

We took it easy this afternoon, didn’t do much of anything.

Have to look at the pics I took and see if I missed anything…


The free plant was a yellow squash plant!  Finally got one to grow big enough, didn’t really pick it the wind blew so hard it came loose on it’s own. I have a picture of the clouds before the storm hit…


Not sure if that is rain coming down from the clouds or not but when it got here it was dust!!  The wind blew like crazy, sure didn’t do our little pecan tree any good that’s for sure…


The limb that is hanging down should have been trimmed a long time ago but I didn’t do it, now I have to.

Taking it easy tonight. Night Y’all…

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Saturday June 25th 2011

Glad I mowed the lawn yesterday, it rained good last night and it is raining now.  Glad for the rain though, it was getting really dry.  The garden is looking pretty good now…


The last row of corn which you can’t really see which is the closest is up about an inch now. The corn is starting to tassel now but is only a couple feet tall and not very many took from the first batch.


The tassel is green and almost in the middle of the picture.  We are still waiting for tomatoes to start popping out.  They seem to be really slow this year.  The zucchini is really producing…


The big one I couldn’t see??  Really big to be missing something like that. Dozens of blooms will probably mean dozens of zucchini!  I like zucchini!

Work went well today, not a lot going on but today was the first day I handled absolutely no cash, everything was paid for by credit card, well, I did trade a $5 bill for quarters but that was it!

Linda made tuna salad and that’s what we had for supper.  Good supper!

I worked on the blog tonight, crazy, just seem to forget a lot of what is going on and make a few mistakes on the happenings not that anyone would notice or even care, except Linda.  She likes things perfect but she knows I’m notSmile..  Night Y’all…

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Friday June 24th 2011

I am going to mow the lawn this morning but have to wait until later so I don’t disturb to many people.  I would probably start around 7AM but will wait until 9 or somewhere in there.

I started around 8:30AM.  I have some bushes at the end of the driveway that hinders seeing if anything is coming so I got Mighty Mac out and cut them down.  I should probably take the rest of the stuff out because it really doesn’t look very good and is terrible to mow around.

I got the weed trimmer out and trimmed a few places that I couldn’t get to with the mower.  I had to take it apart to get the string to come out.  Seems all trimmers are different, took awhile to figure this one out.

Doesn’t look like rain so I did a little better job mowing today.  Last week it started raining before I got finished so really had to hurry then.  I adjusted the deck on the mower and the lawn looks great, well, looks flat anyway. My grass has lots of dead spots in it and the grass isn’t all one kind. Not a picture perfect lawn for sure.

After I finished mowing I cleaned the deck on the mower then started weed eating at Daniels but ran out of fuel and I am not sure if it is two or four cycle and if it is two, I’m not sure what he wants for the fuel mixture so I will have to ask him about that.

Work I figured would be boring again today but I was surprised.  I had a lot to do and kept busy most of the day so today went really fast!!

I took a few pictures of our flowering bushes which I call “Rose of Sharon” but I’m sure that isn’t what they are but they are pretty….



The zucchini plants are really looking good too…


So far we’ve gotten eight zucchini’s and there are a lot more coming on.  They are doing a lot better than the plants I planted in the last garden but then I give these more water.

Since I got off at seven tonight and it is supposed to rain I decided not to water the garden, let the rain take care of it….but…. sure looks nice out tonight…


Not hardly a cloud in the sky, wonder if it will rain??? Guess I will let the Lord take care of that… Night Y’all….

Thursday June 23rd 2011

I think I must be getting old.  I write my blog twice in one day for the same day and then I forget the next day!  Well, I will try to remember what I did today, for the record.

Today is an all day work day.  I usually get up at 6AM and have to be to work at 9AM.  Not to bad, gives me time to mess around for awhile. I watered the garden this morning I think, or maybe it was last night, think maybe it was last night, it still looked kind of damp this morning.  Now this may sound like Alzheimer's  setting in but actually today is Saturday and I have to strain my brain to remember Thursday.

Today Grant and I “Kool Sealed” another roof.  This mobile home was a little smaller and it took us a little less than two hours to finish it.  The cleanup took about 45 minutes.  Mark says we only have fourteen more to go.  Grant is a little skeptical about walking on the roof and the height.  Don’t blame him the roofs aren’t solid they do give, a lot!  Hard to walk on. I use the step ladder and go around the edges so I have to move the ladder about every five or six feet.  Takes awhile.

In the afternoon Mark had on the list to blow off the roads in the mobile home park with the leaf blower.  I think there must be a mile of roads over there and it took me a little over four hours and about five tanks of fuel. My shoulders were starting to get sore from carrying the leaf blower.  After I finished that I did some cleanup around an abandon mobile home.  Same one we cleaned up around yesterday but had some limbs to trim and weeds to spray.  Still didn’t get it all done.

After work I stopped at Food Giant again and got some more chicken.  Their chicken is pretty good and the price is great  $3.99 for eight pieces which does great for Linda and I.


This is our “free” plant that came with a tomato plant.  Does it look like a yellow squash?  I think it is, this is the biggest that one has gotten so far.  I think maybe it is a squash, yellow type.

Daniel said he was going to let his son Landon use the push mower to go around the house and trim it up then let him use the rider to mow the lawn. I told him I was planning on doing it either tomorrow or Saturday, probably tomorrow cause it sounds like rain on Saturday.

I had to take some Advil tonight.  Probably going to be sore. Definitely going to take it easy tonight….Later Y’all…

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wednesday June 22nd 2011

Looks like it is going to be another great day!  The sun is shining and it is going to get pretty warm, no record breaker though.

I won’t have time to do anything this morning, I go to work at 9AM so will kind of hang out until time to go into work.

Mark made a list of things that need to be done and it is enough I know that we will not finish them.  Roundup time this morning.  The weeds are starting to grow again in the camp sites and under the fence.  At lunch time I walked over to Ag-Mart and picked up a bottle of oil for the chain saw.  Checked also to see if my part had come in for the lawn mower and it hadn’t. Not really in any hurry though.

This afternoon Grant and I went to Russell Street, and Grant mowed and I started trimming trees in one lot.  Three hours and I didn’t finish but loaded the truck up and still have at least two more loads ready to go and a lot of trees(?) to trim.  I don’t think they are really trees but what ever they are they are really thick.  One place was almost impossible to mow the tree limbs were almost to the ground. Got that part cleared out and worked on more of the bushes(?).  They have to be at least twenty feet tall, I think they may be mulberry trees but not sure.

Grant and I had a couple other piles of limbs in the mobile home park to pick up then some trash from a mobile home that is being repossessed. There was more trash there than I figured but we still got done just a little after 5:30PM.

By the time I get done with this blog I probably won’t be able to read it.  I just sent a paragraph into cyber space.  Try to remember what I said. I had lent out the tow dolly to someone and it came back bent (the tongue) and I am going to try to be a shade tree mechanic.  I tied the dolly to the tree and hooked up the tongue to the camper and pulled it straight.  Not sure how it got bent but was really hard to straighten out!


Linda had pork burgers ready for me to grill.  Had a good supper.


Well, I started another Wednesday blog!!  Forgot I had already done this one but I did it.

Shower time….Sparky and I took a shower.  First time for Sparky in the shower with me.  He didn’t like it very well but I got him cleaned up.   After Linda got him dried off he went crazy running around.  That shower must have perked him up because he was hyper until bed time, then he finally settled down.  I was ready for bed!!  Long hard day!


Pretty sunset and the little square light at the bottom left is our mail box.  Well it’s time….Night Y’all…

PS..   Hope  this makes sense, I changed it a couple of times trying to get  in things I had forgotten!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tuesday June 21st 2011

It seems like it is going to be nice out today.  Probably get kind of warm but nice.

I picked a couple more zucchinis and cooked them for lunch…



I think I over cooked them a little but I still liked them.

I had a few odds and ends to check out.  Our sewer sometimes has an odor, not sure why or where it is from.  Thought maybe our septic was full but it seems to be working alright.

Well, I thought about the camper and figured I would hook up a battery to the twelve volt wire and see if I get power from that but I didn’t!!  OK I am going to put stuff up and take it to an electrician.  Well, maybe one more look, not sure what I’m looking for but this is what I looked at…


The box with the wires and “things” is what I looked at.  I even put my glasses on and guess what????  I saw something!!  Actually those things are breakers.  I’ve never seen anything like this before and I got close and saw that there is a little lever hanging down from each one so I pushed the little levers back up and checked inside and….I HAVE TWELVE VOLTS!!  I tripped the breakers I guess, they are like GFCIs.  The little red button I pushed made them trip, oh well, I didn’t have to take it to the electrician and I even started the generator and AC for awhile!!

Well I went to work this afternoon and things went pretty well, really a quiet day.  I asked Mark about tomorrow and Grant and I are going to Russell Street and I will take the chain saw and do some more trimming.

Got off work at the right time and went on home.  Linda watched the Bachelor and the Voice.  Not real interested in either one but she likes them.

Will probably stay up and watch the news then go to bed….Night Y’all…

Monday June 20th 2011

Lots of things I want to do today.  I want to take the camper in to check see if I can get the twelve volt system working.  I took off about 8:30AM and when I got there I was fifth in line so I waited for about two hours and decided to leave because they hadn’t finished the first one yet.

Linda and I went to town to do a few things, banking, picking up prescriptions and then we made appointments for next Monday for our physicals.  Been a long time, over two years for both of us.  We are going to see a nurse practitioner for our physicals.  After that we stopped at Wal Mart for a few things.  I decided to get the parts for the camper and fix it myself and we picked up a new mailbox!


That was probably the easiest job I will have today. Then I decided to fix the camper…


I wire tied the “fixed” part to the frame to keep it off the drive shaft.  That wasn’t to bad, not much room under here to work. Unfortunately, I still don’t have twelve  volts in the camper.  I tried to figure out why but there are things on this camper I have never seen before and don’t know what they do.  I will take it back to the electric place and let them look at it.  Can’t go camping without twelve volt power.

I picked our first fruit (vegetable) from the garden…


Now that looks a lot bigger than it actually is but it is nice, I will probably have another one or two by tonight. (Zucchini) .  May fix them tomorrow for our lunch.

Linda’s carnation plant I got her for Mother’s Day is looking pretty good..


There are a lot of buds that look like they are going to bloom!  There for awhile it looked like it was about dead, I’m happy!

I planted another row of corn in the garden.  Ran the tiller through it first to get rid of any grass that may be starting to grow.  I also see a little jalapeno  starting and the bell peppers are getting bigger, the plants don’t look very good but the peppers look good.

Well, I worked on the camper off and on until dark and didn’t come to any conclusion except that I don’t know what I’m doing, but I knew that already.

Time to call it a night….Night Yall…

Sunday June 19th 2011

Today is Sunday and I think we are going to go to Essex to church this morning.  We saw Wayne and Glenda at Wal Mart and they invited us to visit their church.  Very small church but we wanted to see it. It is a long drive from here, well about 14 miles I guess but we will make the trek.

The church service was good, Joe is a lay preacher but brought a very good message and in an interesting way.  He did a very good job.

We went out to eat with Wayne and Glenda to a place out in the “boonies” called Cow Town.  It is actually in a pasture I think but there are fences so the animals can’t get out..


Looks pretty rustic but was nice, definitely not fancy!

Here are Wayne and Glenda, we’ve know them for quite a few years…


Glenda leads the singing and they are with “Campers on Mission”.  They are going to start working on the church in about a week to do some kind of minor repairs.  There will be four more couples coming in to help.

I went to church at Fellowship tonight.  Cory preached, I didn’t get a picture but he just graduated from college and just announced he is going to be a interim pastor in a church in…well, a small town about 5 miles from here, can’t remember the name of it now…(so what’s new??)

There are things I am itching to do but will wait until tomorrow.  Don’t want to work today just taking it easy..Night Y’all…

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Saturday June 18th 2011

Nice and warm today, hope I have time to mow the lawn, well, I know I will have time but didn’t want to start at 6:30AM, might not go well with the neighbors.  I watered the garden and pulled weeds while Sparky watched.  I think he enjoyed it.

At around 8:45AM I started mowing our lawn and by the time I finished and started on Daniels the clouds were really rolling in fast so I mowed as fast as I could and finished just as it started sprinkling.  I got Sparky out and the wind switched out of the North about forty MPH and the temp dropped from 80 down to about 66 in a few minutes!  When Sparky finished we made it inside and the rain came down like crazy.  The garden probably appreciated the fresh rain and I appreciated the fact I won’t have to water it again for a few days….yessss.

We made pizza, I made the crust and Linda made the toppings, well, cooked them anyway.  We put them together and took one over to Daniel and Kiley’s.  We cooked ours because it was cool and we had the windows open.  It will probably get warm again though.

Work was really slow today. I took my book and almost finished it but a young fellow came  and talked for quite awhile. Kind of spooky. The kid really liked to tell stories which in my opinion couldn’t have been true, period.  Anyway, I made it all the way to the end of the shift with no real problems.

I had leftover chicken parmesan for supper.  Still good.  Not much going on tonight, just some TV and relaxation….Night Y’all…

Friday June 17th 2011

OK now I have to remember what we did on Friday!! Today is Sunday and I didn’t write the blog yesterday.  I thought about mowing the lawn today but I think it still looks pretty good so I will wait until tomorrow.  I remember now, I took Stanley to Poplar Bluff to pick up Jim.  Jim drove himself down to se the Doctor and they admitted him to the hospital.  Now he is supposed to get released and can’t drive.  This will work out pretty good because I have to go in to work at one PM so I will have time to drive down and back again and still have plenty of time to go to work.  The trip was smooth and Stanley and I talked about hunting and land and whatever happened to come up, had a pretty good conversation.

There wasn’t enough time to mow the lawn anyway so I just took it easy until time to go to work.

Work went well, kind of busy but not bad.  I forgot my book so I didn’t have anything to read.  Mark and I talked about eating and he said Food Giant, a grocery store, had great chicken.  I had to stop and pick up some on the way home.  It was good and also picked up some mushrooms (cooked) which were also good.

Got a couple pictures of the garden..


Just this side of the zucchini is the latest row of sweet corn.  Not very tall but will grow pretty fast, still have a pretty good size piece of garden yet and will probably plant another row of sweet corn there.


Lots of blooms on the zucchini and will probably only be a couple of days before some is big enough to use.

Taking it easy tonight, we had some chicken parmesan (frozen) cooked in the microwave which turned out quite nicely!!  Well, time for bed…Night Y’all…

Friday, June 17, 2011

Thursday June 16th 2011

I think it is going to be warm today but that is OK, I’ll take plenty of water to work with me.

Our curious plant that came with a tomato plant is weird. The thing will blossom and the (?) will get about two inches long and quit growing….


I guess it looks like a yellow squash but they don’t grow over two inches then quit growing.  Well, we have some flowers that are blooming and they are the  cheap annuals that I bought…


I think they look kind of neat. 

Grant and I worked on a trailer “cool coating” the roof.  Mark helped with the tree that was touching the roof.  Trimmed it up right nicely!


The white roof is the one that Grant did and it looked a lot like the other one with all the rust on it.  I think Mark said he has fifteen more to do.  Keep us busy for awhile.  He only plans on doing one a week or every other week.  Sure makes a big change in the looks.

The day was long and I was pretty tired when 5:30pm rolled around.  When I got home I asked Linda to give me a haircut. Weird little dog jumped up in my lap as soon as I sat down and stayed until Lind was finished with my hair…


The hole in the knee of my pants let in the sun.  Got a sunburn that kind of looks like a pink smile!

After my shower I decided to take it easy and before 10PM I was falling asleep on the sofa.  Guess it is time for bed…Night Y’all….

Wednesday June 15th 2011

I need to do a few things in the garden today.  Do a little weeding etc. I found a surprise when I went out there…



Zucchini!!!  They are about four inches long and growing like crazy.  The should be ready in about two days maybe three.  I really like zucchini and these were planted from seeds.  Hopefully we get a bunch from these plants..

Well, work today was quite hard. This morning I sprayed Roundup until the wind picked up and wasn’t good to spray anymore so I finished up the job I started last Thursday.  Didn’t take long to finish those jobs. I did some weed whacking until lunch so was getting kind of tired.  After lunch I went with Grant to Russell Street to clean up some empty lots. Got some stuff done but after spraying Roundup I see  a lot of places with overgrown bushes, hedges, trees, weeds etc, etc, etc.  I think I could spend a lot of time over there and probably wouldn’t get it all done. Anything helps though.

By the time we finished on Russell Street my feet were hurting and it still wasn’t time to go home.  After dumping the limbs that I had trimmed I got the golf cart with the sprayer and went over to the mobile home park and sprayed the edges of the road. Bermuda Grass is terrible except that it is green but it wanders all over and becomes a mess.  It grows out into the road so I’m trying to stop it from doing that.

Made it to five thirty and time to go home.  I watered the garden tonight, thought we might get a little rain but nope, dry as popcorn!  Linda made egg salad.  I had boiled the eggs this morning and forgot to tell her. Glad she realized that egg salad would be great on a hot day.  It was delicious.

Not going to do anything tonight because my feet hurt and I still have to work tomorrow!  We are going to watch a little TV and go to bed…Night Y’all….

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tuesday June 14th 2011

I notice that there is another row of corn up through the ground(in the garden).  I will plant another row of sweet corn Saturday maybe, have to wait and see. The little cucumber(?) isn’t growing!  What a bummer!  Well, there is another one that looks like it may make it.  It has a bloom on the end and looks pretty healthy.

I stoked up the fire again this morning, there were some pretty hot pieces left and I trimmed another tree and put the limbs on it and also split another three pieces of wood.  The wind isn’t exactly in the right direction for burning but maybe it will be OK.


Doesn’t look real smoky but the wind is blowing it towards out house. The cornfield looks pretty decent. 

I went to work this afternoon and Linda called and said Daniel was going to put the fire out because his house was filled with smoke, I probably should have put it out before going to work.  He got it though.

We have bushes that I called Rose of Sharon but I’m sure that isn’t what they are but they are pretty and very sturdy bushes, I cut the tops off a few years ago and they are taller now than they were before, may have to get the chain saw out again.


Lots of flowers on these bushes

Well, work went quite well, very slow but lots of phone calls.  The books didn’t jive at the end of the shift and I really didn’t do much!  I either forgot to write something down that I sold or counted something wrong.  Maybe Mark will let me know in the morning.  I sure get curious when I can’t find out where I made the mistake at!!

I watered the garden tonight and watched a little TV.  The “Voice” was one we watched.  It was pretty good and the singers have good voices but most of it is not my type of music so I’m not sure if they did good or not.

Well, I got to watch the weather and we are supposed to have some! Missouri is so fluctuant in weather that they really have a hard time forecasting what it is going to be like in advance.  Usually hit the temps pretty good though.


This is our little pecan tree, it’s got nuts!!  Pecan nuts that is. This is the first year that it has produced so maybe we will be able to collect some of them to see if they are any good.

Well, I’ve been looking through my pictures to see if I have any that are interesting.  I have one for tomorrow, let me see if I have another for today..

Nope, that is all for today, guess I will catch you on the flip flop…Night Y’all…

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Monday June 13th 2011

Before I get started I took a picture of the left overs we had yesterday! Sounds exciting doesn’t it???  It was delicious, roast beef with potatoes and carrots….


She cooked it in a crock pot over night and ohhhh the smells…Tastes just as good today and yesterday, one of my favorite meals…leftovers!

It is cool out today and actually very nice!  Linda has an appointment with the ear specialist this afternoon so I decided to check into the camper this morning to see if I can’t figure out what is going on with the twelve volt system.  We have absolutely no twelve volt things that work in the camper.  Still have the twelve volts in the cab though.  I did a lot of testing and at the “turn off” switch I get no power, I looked at most of the other things I could find but everything seems to be normal and I looked under the coach and didn’t see anything but I think I will look again.  Good thing I did, I think I found the problem…sure hope so..


I know it is hard to tell what I am holding but it is a twelve volt wire that has been rubbing against the drive shaft (?), well it is between the drive shaft and the transmission. It is completely severed.  I called A-1 Auto Electric and they can fix it.  I would do it but I have no parts, tools or room under the camper to work on it.  They said they can do it so I will pay them to do it and hopefully that is the answer to ALL my problemsSmile.

OK I have another picture of the cucumber(?)…


Maybe I put this picture in yesterday, I can’t remember but it is yellow and today it is turning green!  Guess I will just wait and see..

After Linda’s appointment we stopped at Wal Mart and Linda bought some stuff for Sparky. He is still growing a little and his harness was to the max so she got him a new one which is taking a little time to get used to..


Isn’t he cute???  He is getting used to the harness now I think. He is pretty adaptable.

I started a fire again last night, not much on TV. I like starting fires hope I’m not a pyromaniac!!!  Still have a few more pieces to burn though and a couple of stumps to get rid of which will take awhile.

When I got the fire burning I watched it until it was time to go in, Sparky was having a great time chewing on sticks.

Watched TV for awhile and then the weather which says it will be a little rainy for a few days then get hot again.  Summer is about here I guess… Night Y’all…

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sunday June 12th 2011

Church day!  Linda didn’t get up this morning so I went alone.  I like Pastor Joe’s sermons but Sunday morning for some reason I  have a hard time staying awake!!  Sunday night was on Revelation again and the last three bowl judgments.  Very interesting and I like Revelation more each time I hear it.  One thing about the sermon, and I’m not downplaying his sermon but he left out a verse Revelation 16:15!  I figured this would  be and important  verse but maybe he was just doing the bowls, not sure, when I have a chance I will ask him.

Have another picture of the free plant I got with the tomato plant…still don’t know what it is, either a yellow squash or yellow (?) cucumber..


Does anyone know what it is???  Guess I could wait another week and find out but my guess is a yellow squash and I’ve never raised yellow squash..

Got another picture of our little annual flowers…


They sure aren’t very big but they are blooming, more that I can say about the expensive perennials that I planted, they aren’t even coming up.

The garden is looking good especially the zucchini squash that I planted…


It cooled off today and is just beautiful out.  I know it isn’t going to last but at least it is nice today.

Not much else going on, we watched things we had recorded tonight. Chaos.  I had forgotten all about it but the show isn’t to bad, kind of funny and still keeps your interest..

Well, guess I will go to bed, night Y’all…

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Friday June 10th 2011

Another hot day!!!  I get to work inside today though, well, when I get to work anyway.  I decided to mow the lawn and till the garden to get rid of some grass, then I decided to plant another row of sweet corn.  The garden looks better now…


Still have the chairs out there but got a lot of the grass!!

Got a picture of the corn field across the road where they started irrigating..


The land here is flat enough that they grade the fields and can flood the rows from one end to another.  It really is interesting.

Have another flower picture, an annual that I planted but for a small flower it sure is pretty…


Not sure what kind of flowers they are but I will take it.  There are a lot of buds so maybe they will look nice.  Linda’s carnation plant is starting to bloom also…


This was almost dead so I was surprised to see one starting to open.

After work, which was not very busy, I watered the garden again and let Sparky watch.  He gets pretty bored just watching.

Not much going on tonight, I am tired (so what’s new?) so I think I missed the weather, really tired…..Night Y’all….