Sunday, November 21, 2010

Saturday November 20th 2010

It looks like a miserable day today, very foggy and chilly.  It is supposed to get into the 60s today, sure hope it does!  We invited Jim and June over for a visit.  We try to do that when we are home.  They got here at 9AM and I had the coffee ready and they brought the donuts.  We really had a good visit.  They left about noon.  We had a few things to do in town.  I needed to get some Rid X for the septic tank.  I like to put stuff in there when we leave for an extended period.  This should be an extended period.  I also picked up some six foot one by two boards for the roof in the garage.  I think that when it rains it gets water in the corrugated parts of the roof and it leaks.  I also wanted to put some more caulking on it but it looks like the weather won’t cooperate with me on that part.

I got the boards up in the garage and also washed the car.  The car really needed it and I was going to use the power washer on it but couldn’t get it started.   The gas was probably old and need some new stuff in it.  I also wanted to get the gas out of the chain saws so it would gel or whatever in the winter.  I may have to finish that tomorrow.

Well, chili one more time.  We both had a bowl and that finished it up.  Still as good as the first time.  I also finished up the raw broccoli and cauliflower with some dressing.  Quite good!

Sparky is doing well, still likes to use those sharp teeth on the hands, don’t like that but he is just playing, hopefully he will grow out of that.

Linda’s glucose is still doing quite well, It is staying pretty low and that is good. 

Well, we will watch a little TV then head to bed, No pictures today, maybe tomorrow but I doubt it….Night Y’all……

1 comment:

  1. It's really beautiful weather here.

    Hello! I said, It's really beautiful weather here!!!
