Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Monday November 8th 2010

Beautiful morning and it is warming up.  Guess we will have a few days of warm weather.  The first thing I want to do is finish the garage.  I bought caulking and foam sealant and after using the first tube of caulking I decided the foam wasn’t needed, not yet anyway.  I will wait to see what happens when it rains.  If it leaks I will have to seal it better.

I spent about two hours on the internet this morning looking at chain saws. I know what I would like to get but the price is kind of ridiculous! I will check in at Lowes to see their displays of Poulon and Husqvarna chain saws.  I think I  will get the cheap Poulon Pro because I need it for three trees and then I probably won’t have much use for it. I may make a decision tomorrow.

We went to the Humane Society to look for a dog, or cat, they were closed until tomorrow afternoon. We then went to Feeder Supply, they some times have puppies.  Not today.  We then went to the Delta Vet Clinic to see if they had any. They had a cat that was grown and I’m not sure I want a full grown cat.  We need one the can be trained to travel.  I went out to the car and waited for Linda.  Guess she was talking to someone.  When she came out she had a paper and they had some Rat Terrier puppies. She called and left a message.  We went on home and fixed chili mac. That stuff is good and a really good way to use up left over chili. Before we even started eating the phone rang and it was the lady with the puppies from Morehouse.  Linda made an appointment to go see them (in 45 minutes)  Soooo, we went over and looked at the puppy.

Well, the puppy was really cute and they were giving it away and it seemed to be happy and Linda and I both liked it.  Mind you, I could do without an animal.  Nice not to have the responsibility .

I guess we will call him Sparky. He seems to like it and that was the name of our first dog, a red Doberman. We are try to get used to him now….


He likes Linda.  Linda bought a little cage and some food etc for him. We figured he would cry all night but we were surprised!!  He cried for about 5 minutes and went to sleep but woke up about 1:30AM and again at 4AM which was good, he had to go out but other than that he really did good for the first night.  Going to sleep now…Night Ya’ll…

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