Thursday, May 27, 2010

Wednesday May 26th 2010

Well today is very warm, stuck my head out the door at 6AM and it is already hot and muggy.  Good day to run the air conditioner.

I have a lot of things that I want to get done and really need to get done.  I was getting ready to take my shower and was trying to get the shower to work right (water coming out of the shower head etc) but while doing that the pump quit working.  I went out and was messing around with the pump and finally got it working.  Got in the shower and got all soaped up and wouldn’t you know, the pump quit working again, NOOOOO!! So I toweled off all the soap and got dressed and started on the pump again.  I know the pump runs so it has to be the pressure switch.  Figured out the points weren’t making good contact so I got an emery board and filed the points, and yes, I disconnected the power first:-)  That seemed to do the trick.

Our back yard light has been acting up for about a year now, so, we go to town to get some things, including a new yard light.  I left Linda at Wal Mart and I went to Lowes, found a light that is energy efficient!  Fluorescent!  Went back to Wal Mart and Linda wasn’t finished yet. I finally told her that it might rain and I had things to do so she got the things she needed and we boogied on home.



This is our new light and my switch blade knife, got to have the right tools for the right job, right?  Well before I climbed up on the garage I opened the box and put the light together and it started raining and it was a good thing, cooled the air a little and gave me time to put the light together, and it wasn’t easy, 6 screws and they didn’t line up.  By the time I got it together it quit raining (still the same day) and I went up to tackle the job. Looks like a pretty day doesn’t it?  Altogether today I would guess we got about 2 inches of rain.  Most of it came later though.


It works!!  Praise the Lord!!!  The light is actually brighter than the Mercury Vapor Light.  Supposed to use a lot less electricity too!

I also mowed the lawn between rain storms.  I did finish it after church tonight.  It was a little soggy but it looks better.  Jim stopped over this morning and he was going to mow it.  He didn't know we were coming home.  I will have to call him next time  Oh, the ugly freezer at the bottom left of the picture above, contains 1 each well pump.  If I ever have to change the pump I will replace the old freezer and build a new building for the new pump and hopefully it will look nicer than this.  I wanted to get a lot of weed eating done and spray Round Up but with the rain and lack of time I'm not going to get a lot of that done, maybe next month.

Been a long day and it's time to relax.  Linda bought a new Wii game. We tried that out tonight.  It was fun, different, but fun.  Nite Ya'll....

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