Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tuesday November 6th 2012

YES!! Today is voting day!  I think I will get a few things done before I get Linda up though.  I defrosted the freezer.  Didn’t take long and I did find a few things in there that I didn’t remember that we had, nice!

We tried a slice of my oatmeal bread that I baked yesterday…


I made this yesterday and I used a lot of oatmeal in it.  I think it tastes pretty good.  Maybe with the oatmeal it is also good for us!

We went to town and I left Linda off at McDonald’s and I helped her get online and then I went to get the oil changed in the car, went to the post office and mailed a CD to Jeanne.

Went back to McDonald’s and we had a burger and I took a picture of the girl at the counter, she had the biggest smile and I even showed her the picture and she said she was freaking out and the manager asked me to delete the picture so I did.  Made me feel bad that I made her feel bad, not sure what her problem was but guess she thought I was messing with her or something so I don’t have a picture of her.

I did get a picture of the Lilac Bush in our front yard.  Remember this is November sixth…


Is this weird or what??  I figure because we were so dry this summer and finally got some rain that it decided it was Spring again.  They are small but they are still pretty.

Back to this morning, we voted and they said that this was really busy for a country polling place.  They told Linda she was number 120!  They said some elections they only have ten or twelve.  Think people want a change?

Well, we are staying home and trying to stay warm.  It is really chilly and I get cold pretty fast.   Time to say Night Y’all…

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful lilac blossoms.
    The kind of funny about the girl at McD. Maybe she's hiding from the law. :-)
