It is cooler today, I think it will warm up but right now it is cool, about 66 degrees I think. Good time for a jacket.
Nothing planned for today, maybe to Excalibur tonight, not sure, I don’t feel like going out but we will see.
I was right, it did warm up today, got up to around 82 I think. It drizzled a little this morning but not much. They sure need a good rain here!
I cleaned a few things today, tried to brace up the floor in the bedroom but didn’t have any luck doing it. There is one small soft spot and it is over the heat duct and very hard to brace it. Maybe next year when we do the bathroom. The place is close to the bathroom door so we will check it out next year.
Jim and Sue mentioned going to Excalibur tonight so I went down and asked them. They had forgotten and were actually to tired to go. They had gone to Don-Wes flea market and were tired. They said the first couple of hours there they almost froze. The wind was blowing pretty good and it wasn’t warm anyway.
Mark had asked about how it looked down here. Well, here is a picture of our dog run. The green is where the washers dump into the dog run…
This is the East end looking West and the next one is the West end looking East…
It is pretty much dead around here. Good thing the Rio Grande is a good source of water for irrigation! I looked up the origin of the Rio Grande and it starts in Colorado! Looks kind of funny in the pictures, it flow North East before tuning South.
Well, Linda fixed some of her pork burritos for supper, they are really good, hit the spot.
Guess it is time to say Night Y’all…
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