We are having some great mornings! It is cool out this morning and misted a little bit, not enough to get anything wet though.
We don’t have much planned for today, tonight we plan on going to Mission Bell for the dance but other than that, not much.
I bought a can of spray foam and decided to fill in a couple of cracks under the kitchen counter. Very tight spot to get into but around the wheel well there is a crack and I probably should have filled it before while the cabinets were out but I was planning on taking the wheel cover out, didn’t happen though. Next year the part that goes under the tub will definitely have to be taken out. I got the crack filled as far as I could reach and the rest of it is under the tub. Job well done.
Linda asked Don and Cheryl over for lunch. They will be leaving Sunday and they have a yard sale coming up tomorrow and Saturday so they have been ultra busy trying to get the camper loaded, the house cleaned and getting stuff together for the sale.
The dance tonight went pretty good, we tried some of our dances and some went well and others didn’t. Got to do the Electric Slide to Elvira and then the Cupid Shuffle later on. Almost everyone joins in on the Cupid Shuffle. It is a neat dance and very easy to do. Easy to get mixed up on also. I tried to take a picture of the people out dancing but it didn’t turn out very well. It is neat though that you can get 100-150 people out on the dance floor doing the same thing…. I am going to try to find the picture…
Well, I can’t find it so maybe one day I will, should have taken another one last night.
Time to say Night Y’all…
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