Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Monday March 27th 2013

Wednesday already!  Going to do some cleaning today and try to get stuff ready to go tomorrow.  I’m sure we will be late getting started but will try to get out by 9AM.  That will be a big task.  We still have a lot to do.  I am going to take a shower tonight and then take the water heater down.  We will have no hot water until next year.

We went to Nelda’s for breakfast.  They had a pretty good meal and the place looked like it was pretty clean.

Filled the car up with gas and stopped at Wal Mart and got back home by 10:30AM.  We have been cleaning the fridge and freezer trying to get all our food used up.  We will still have a lot to take with us though.

I folded up the rug on the porch and put it away and put a lot of other things from the porch in the shed.  Need a 2 car garage for all the stuff we have.  Some things I will bring inside tomorrow. 


Thought that I would put this picture in here.  This is the dog park and it is really dry except for the place where the washers dump into the ditch.  It is nice and green there, in fact there is a little to much water there,  Some of the water stands there almost all the time and the grass is pretty drowned.  When we all leave it will come up and be really pretty, maybe.

We went over for banana splits tonight, last one for this season, they were trying to get rid of the ice cream and they succeeded!  I think most of the stuff was used up.

Tonight I did take the water heater down and I will have to get another piece when I put it back together.  The hose going into the house was to tight to get loose so I cut it and will have to get a piece to splice it when we get back, in fact, I think I will try the place down the road from where we live, they have lots of odd stuff!  Good place to try.

A little TV tonight and a little more packing and to bed.  Tomorrow will be a long day and we will be staying with Darrel and Cindy in Houston.  Hope we can make it home Friday, hate to spend three days on the road.

Time to say Night Y’all….

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