Started out kind of cool this morning but will warm up, I think around 80 degrees if I’m not mistaken.
We aren’t going to do to much today, I worked on our puzzle for a little while, found a few pieces but this is a hard puzzle! Marbles etc, If we get it done I will have to take a picture of it.
Joe came over and got me this afternoon, Jack’s refrigerator won’t work on electricity. We had it working last night but it quit again. We started taking the electrical box apart that contains the mother board. Couldn’t find anything wrong there so we took the board off and Joe saw the place that had gotten hot and arced against the metal it was fastened to. Jack had a soldering iron so we soldered it back together and voila it worked. Not sure how long it is going to work but it works right now!
We are have a pot luck tonight and Joe and Mary have hot dogs and the trimmings. Linda made bread pudding out of some of my cinnamon rolls that were not fit to eat. The bread pudding turned out very nice. She also made the vanilla sauce to go over it. I really liked it. We gave a lot away because there weren’t a lot of people there and there were a lot of deserts.
Not a lot going on the rest of the night, watch some TV and go to bed, sounds like a plan to me…Night Y’all…
Hello joel, we are in florida, leving next week to go back to illinois. take care.