Thursday, March 14, 2013

Wednesday March 13th 2013

It is another cool morning.  I wear my jacket until it warms up, usually around 10AM.  After that it gets pretty warm, today it got up to about 83 I think.  Nice day!

We don’t have much planned for today, Ed stopped and asked if we were going to the Excalibur tonight and I said we were thinking about it, hadn’t planned anything for tonight.

Friday will be our day to do biscuits and gravy for the club house.  Not very many signed up so far and people are leaving the park so we probably won’t have a big crowd.  Speaking of leaving we only have sixteen days until we leave.  This Winter has really gone by fast.  Seems like we just got here.

We decided to go to Don-Wes flea market today.  Took us awhile to get there, it is about a forty five minute drive and when we got to the Mexican flea market it was packed, even had the police directing traffic on the highway.   We figured if the other flea market was this crowded we would just go on back home.  It wasn’t, and we stayed for about an hour and a half.  Linda bought a few things and I bought a couple of things also.  I was kind of disappointed in the flea market, Pulga  seems to be a lot better, I like it better anyway.  It is nice when Linda has a friend to go with her then I don’t have to spend my time looking at clothes and jewelrySmile.

We stopped at Burger King on the way back and got a sandwich and a sundae.  Pretty good stuff!

When we got home it was around 4PM and we usually go to Excalibur around 5PM.  We were late, got there around 6PM but there were plenty of seats.  We got to dance and I took a picture of three guys that sing a song. This was the second time I got to see them so I got a picture…


The first time we saw them they had the words to the song and this time they didn’t, they must have memorized it.  The song was Tequila!  I asked him about it and he said they were working on a song for next year that has two wordsSmile… Not sure what park they are from but they sure are funny!

Ed and Joan told us they are leaving in the morning.  What a bummer!  They had planned on another week but got a call about her brother and he is in very bad shape.  They didn’t want to leave this early but family does matter.

I took a picture this morning of the canal next to the campground.  This is the 5th or 6th time I’ve seen water in it this year.  I think it is amazing the way they transfer water.  Not sure where it comes from or where it goes but it is still neat to see…


I guess it doesn’t look exciting but I think it is!

Ok, we went over tonight and visited with Don and Cheryl, took them some chocolate chip cookies that I made this morning.  They turned out pretty good.  Hope my biscuits turn out good Friday, been having a little trouble with them for some reason, oh well, I will keep on trying.  Guess it is time to say Night Y’all…

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