OK I skipped a couple of days, I can’t get the computer to work at home so we are at BK again. They have pretty good WIFI here, so much better than the park.
Let me see, yesterday we went to dance practice then to Wal Mart so Linda could get a boom box to play our CD’s for dancing. Found most of the stuff we needed, I needed a mailer for pictures for Alexa and I think I may have one of Flat Stanley and another Flat Stanley from Chicago!
This is Marty with her Flat Stanley from Chicago! Even though Stanley from Chicago is dressed like a cowboy he looks like a snowman! Must be because it is cold and snowy in Chicago!
I have been messing with my new computer now for a couple of days and I still can’t figure out how it works. I think I need a Chrome OS for Dummies!
Hopefully I can get it figured out because I’m not sure I like this computer but with good WIFI it works very good!
Let me see what else did we do the last couple of days, Oh, we went dancing Wednesday night at Excalibur. The couple that plays there are from our park…
I know this isn’t in chronological order but this morning we had the get together for coffee and donuts. Had a good time then we had our Bible study and Kermit wanted to go through the first eight chapters in Romans. Lots of reading! We didn’t make it, I had to ask questions and that got a really good discussion going, it was fun!
Our neighbors, Red and Louise, have their grandson visiting for a few days and Don and Cheryl are letting them stay at their place. I asked if we could make some cinnamon rolls for them and of course they thought that was a great idea. I bought a different brand of yeast and the cinnamon rolls turned out great, they even tasted good! I think they appreciated them, it will be a little something for breakfast.
Not going to do anything the rest of the night, well, it is almost bedtime!. I was trying to do something on the telephone and I couldn’t stay awake.
Time to say Night Y’all….
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