Saturday, March 30, 2013

3/28/13 Trip back to Sikeston

I knew we weren’t going to get an early start today, things had to wait until the last minute and then I couldn’t find Linda’s computer!

We decided that if it was still in the park model it would still be there when we get back.  I looked all over and maybe I packed it I can’t remember, can you believe that???

We got on the road at 9:20AM but we are only going to the other side of Houston to see Daryl and Cindy.

We had a pretty nice trip up there without any problems.  We stopped at Bucky’s for gas and a stretch. 


Gas is still expensive, over $3 a gallon but at least the car gets really good gas mileage.

We made it to Daryl and Cindy’s around 4:30PM. The little Tom Tom took us right to their door.

We had a really good visit and they fixed BBQ chicken and the trimmings, great meal.  We talked a lot of politics and it is a good thing we pretty much agree on politics, could have been arguments but they are very nice and they try to avoid having conflicting arguments.  Doesn’t do any good to fight about stuff, no one is going to change their mind, it is just upsetting!

We slept really good and I got up at 6 as usual and took Sparky for a walk. They fixed us a superb breakfast, eggs, potatoes, bacon and toast.  Very good!  Here they are fixing breakfast.


Had to get a picture before leaving…


We got on the road around 9:20AM and I knew it was going to be a long day.  We only drove 380 miles yesterday and the trip will be over a thousand miles.  We had to make frequent stops to stretch etc.  Linda wanted to stop for the night and I want to get home!  I feel pretty good after the first couple of hours.


Linda bought a couple of books on CD which we listened to one on the way.  Really keeps my interest.

We made it home at 9:40PM, a little over twelve hours and a little over 600 miles.  A long day for sure but after we got home I unloaded the car and Linda put stuff in the fridge, I am definitely ready for bed…Night Y’all…

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Monday March 27th 2013

Wednesday already!  Going to do some cleaning today and try to get stuff ready to go tomorrow.  I’m sure we will be late getting started but will try to get out by 9AM.  That will be a big task.  We still have a lot to do.  I am going to take a shower tonight and then take the water heater down.  We will have no hot water until next year.

We went to Nelda’s for breakfast.  They had a pretty good meal and the place looked like it was pretty clean.

Filled the car up with gas and stopped at Wal Mart and got back home by 10:30AM.  We have been cleaning the fridge and freezer trying to get all our food used up.  We will still have a lot to take with us though.

I folded up the rug on the porch and put it away and put a lot of other things from the porch in the shed.  Need a 2 car garage for all the stuff we have.  Some things I will bring inside tomorrow. 


Thought that I would put this picture in here.  This is the dog park and it is really dry except for the place where the washers dump into the ditch.  It is nice and green there, in fact there is a little to much water there,  Some of the water stands there almost all the time and the grass is pretty drowned.  When we all leave it will come up and be really pretty, maybe.

We went over for banana splits tonight, last one for this season, they were trying to get rid of the ice cream and they succeeded!  I think most of the stuff was used up.

Tonight I did take the water heater down and I will have to get another piece when I put it back together.  The hose going into the house was to tight to get loose so I cut it and will have to get a piece to splice it when we get back, in fact, I think I will try the place down the road from where we live, they have lots of odd stuff!  Good place to try.

A little TV tonight and a little more packing and to bed.  Tomorrow will be a long day and we will be staying with Darrel and Cindy in Houston.  Hope we can make it home Friday, hate to spend three days on the road.

Time to say Night Y’all….

Tuesday March 26th 2013

The time is really getting short now, tomorrow we will finish loading the car, well, actually Thursday.  I have been throwing stuff away and putting some things back in the shed.

We went to the onion place yesterday and got some onions for Darrel and Cindy when we leave and stop up in Houston.  I also picked oranges and got some grapefruit from John and Judy.  These all go to Darrel and Cindy.

We are having Joe and Mary over to tacos tonight. 

I was out walking Sparky and I saw a camper and a car come in that looks a lot like Don and Cheryl’s!  It is!  Wonder if they missed Seldom Rest and that is why they came back???  Actually Don is having a problem with his tooth and figured it would be just as cheap to come back and get it fixed rather than go all the way home and pay a lot more to have it done, besides it doesn’t feel good.


We helped Marty with a bed for her Uncle Ken.  Ken is 100 years old and actually seems pretty good to me but Marty says he is really slipping fast. Got a picture of them…


I think he is pretty sharp for his age!

We asked Don and Cheryl to join us tonight for tacos.  We had a good time and even played a game of Toss Up!  Easy game to play..


We brought our fold up table in for us.  Hard to believe that we actually got six people sitting together at the table.  There wasn’t any extra room, but you never know what you can do if you try real hard.  I took the picture with the camera on top of the micro wave.  Turned out pretty decent!

Well, after the games it was about time to say Night Y’all…

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Monday March 25th 2013

It is cool this morning.  Had to put my sweater on and I put the hood up.  I texted Mierlen today and he said it is cold, snowy and rainy and wishes I would hurry up and get back.  Not real sure why unless he wants some time off.

Every day I do a little bit to get ready to leave but can’t do much, seems like almost everything has to be done the last minute.  I have taken a lot of stuff off the screen porch and put it away and decided that a lot of these things can stay here.  I would like to have a small load to take back to MO. Hopefully we can fit it all in.

We went to the onion factory today.  Daryl and Cindy want a box of onions and we are planning on stopping by there to deliver them plus some fresh oranges off our tree.  Joe and Mary took us over to the the factory which only about two or three miles from here.  Forty pounds of onions were $19 which isn’t to bad.  We got, or shared with Joe and Mary a box.  We like onions but forty pounds is a lot of onions!

I took Sparky for a walk as usual and as usual he picks up something to carry with him…


He is a weird little dog.

We went to Excalibur tonight, this will be our last dance down here for this season.  There were fourteen from the park that went.  Didn’t leave many in the park. Had a good time.  We ate and danced a little.  Jim and Sue rode down with us. 

We just took it easy the rest of the night, watched a little TV and went to bed pretty early so I guess it is time to say Night Y’all…

Monday, March 25, 2013

Sunday March 24th 2013

Well, this is our last Sunday here for this season, Linda got up in time to go to church.  We got to say goodbye to Don and Cheryl…


It really is not a good day to travel, the wind is blowing out of the North like crazy and that is the way they are heading.  Kermit and Bev are supposed to leave this morning also but they are having some problems with their car. Hope it isn’t anything major.

The church service was great again.  Pastor is preaching on life and he really hits some good points.  Sunday School was also very good.

We  don’t have much planned for today,  It isn’t supposed to get to warm but it did make it to the middle 80s and we had to run the fan, tomorrow is only supposed to be in the low 70s.  Guess we can handle that..  Linda fixed chicken Fajitas today, that was really good. Still trying to get stuff used up in the fridge so we won’t have to take so much back or throw away.  We have been trying but we sure have a lot of stuff…

Well, there was a game on today and the programming is all messed up tonight, Our recorder doesn’t understand when programs run over so I had to keep starting the recorder in the middle of the program.  Oh, well, guess it won’t hurt us to bad if we miss a couple of programs..

Time to say Night Y’all…..

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Saturday March 23rd 2013

Well there isn’t to much planned for today. We need to go to the store for a few things other than that it is a pretty easy day.  Try to get a few things done so we will be able to leave on time.

Joe and Mary ran a marathon this morning and did pretty good!!!!


Joe got second place and Mary got third for their age groups.  That was pretty decent.  Mary said she even got the best time she had ever run.  Lot better shape than I’m in for sure.  I would still be on the course next week!

This afternoon is getting very warm, in fact, the record was broken again.  I think the old record was 94 and it was over 100 this afternoon.  We closed up the bedroom and turned on the air.  Got cool so we watched a couple of movies.

Later this afternoon Linda went to the pool with the girls and I made cinnamon rolls.  Made some for tomorrow for Don and Cheryl.  They are leaving tomorrow. We sure will miss them, had a lot of fun with them and Sparky will really miss them!

Well, it finally cooled off this afternoon, late, about 7PM and tomorrow it is supposed to only get around 70, quite a bit difference from today.  Back home is even worse, got some snow, and I don’t like that!!

Well, guess it is time to say Night Y’all…

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Friday March 22nd 2013

I think it is going to be another beautiful day, supposed to get kind of warm but not like Saturday.  Supposed to get over 100 Saturday, that is going to be a warm one but the forecast for next week is cool, in fact I think Monday will be a high of 68 which is a long way from 100!  Actually this afternoon got humid and around 92 so we did run the air.

Don and Cheryl have been packing and getting ready to leave Sunday. They had a house sale with a friend, well, a few friends, and we went over and actually bought a bunch of stuff.  Cheryl told us later that she sold a bunch of stuff and it is things she won’t have to pack up and take with them.  She was quite happy!

We stayed at the sale for about two hours just helping a little bit and watching to make sure no one walked off with stuff..

We were going to watch a movie this afternoon and I just couldn’t stay awake.  We turned on the air in the bedroom and took a nap.  I actually slept for about 2 hours I think.  I must have been really tired and I don’t know why. 

Well, I had fixed sausage, eggs and potatoes for lunch and I think I ate to much and that is a good reason why I got tired.  We are trying to use things up so we won’t have to throw a lot of stuff away.

Well, there isn’t much on TV tonight.  180 channels and nothing much to watch.  Out of the 180 channels I think there are maybe 20 I like, Linda likes a few more than that though.

Well, time to say Night Y’all….

Friday, March 22, 2013

Thursday March 21st 2013

We are having some great mornings!  It is cool out this morning and misted a little bit, not enough to get anything wet though.

We don’t have much planned for today, tonight we plan on going to Mission Bell for the dance but other than that, not much.

I bought a can of spray foam and decided to fill in a couple of cracks under the kitchen counter.  Very tight spot to get into but around the wheel well there is a crack and I probably should have filled it before while the cabinets were out but I was planning on taking the wheel cover out, didn’t happen though.  Next year the part that goes under the tub will definitely have to be taken out.  I got the crack filled as far as I could reach and the rest of it is under the tub.  Job well done.

Linda asked Don and Cheryl over for lunch. They will be leaving Sunday and they have a yard sale coming up tomorrow and Saturday so they have been ultra busy trying to get the camper loaded, the house cleaned and getting stuff together for the sale.

The dance tonight went pretty good, we tried some of our dances and some went well and others didn’t.  Got to do the Electric Slide to Elvira and then the Cupid Shuffle later on.  Almost everyone joins in on the Cupid Shuffle.  It is a neat dance and very easy to do.  Easy to get mixed up on also.  I tried to take a picture of the people out dancing but it didn’t turn out very well.  It is neat though that you can get 100-150 people out on the dance floor doing the same thing…. I am going to try to find the picture…

Well, I can’t find it so maybe one day I will, should have taken another one last night.

Time to say Night Y’all…

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Wednesday March 20th 2013

It is cooler today, I think it will warm up but right now it is cool, about 66 degrees I think.  Good time for a jacket.

Nothing planned for today, maybe to Excalibur tonight, not sure, I don’t feel like going out but we will see.

I was right, it did warm up today, got up to around 82 I think.  It drizzled a little this morning but not much.  They sure need a good rain here!

I cleaned a few things today, tried to brace up the floor in the bedroom but didn’t have any luck doing it.  There is one small soft spot and it is over the heat duct and very hard to brace it.  Maybe next year when we do the bathroom.  The place is close to the bathroom door so we will check it out next year.

Jim and Sue mentioned going to Excalibur tonight so I went down and asked them.  They had forgotten and were actually to tired to go.  They had gone to Don-Wes flea market and were tired.  They said the first couple of hours there they almost froze.  The wind was blowing pretty good and it wasn’t warm anyway.

Mark had asked about how it looked down here.  Well, here is a picture of our dog run.  The green is where the washers dump into the dog run…


This is the East end looking West and  the next one is the West end looking East…


It is pretty much dead around here.  Good thing the Rio Grande is a good source of water for irrigation!  I looked up the origin of the Rio Grande and it starts in Colorado!  Looks kind of funny in the pictures, it flow North East before tuning South.

Well, Linda fixed some of her pork burritos for supper, they are really good, hit the spot.

Guess it is time to say Night Y’all…

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Tuesday March 19th 2013

We have no plans for today, Joe, Mary, Don and Cheryl are going to Boca Ceca today but I want to go to Pulga to look around.  I like the flea markets and like to look at all the “stuff” they have there.

Linda is sleeping, I woke her and asked her if she wanted to go but she was to tired.  Nice for me because I can go through there and look at what I want pretty fast.

I left home around 8:30AM and got home around 10:20AM.  Linda is still sleeping.  I walked down every row in the flea market and found one thing I wanted, a pry bar.  I was also looking for a pizza pan but I didn’t see any. I think we will bring one down from home next year.  We don’t need two at home I don’t think.  I also bought Linda some perfume. It is supposed to be an imitation of her perfume, Obsession, this is called Possession.  I think it smells pretty good.  At home Linda looked at it and it is for men, I didn’t see thatSad smile  what a bummer.

I fixed potato salad this morning.  Had boiled potatoes already so I cut them up and mixed it up.  Doesn’t taste quite right to me.  When Linda got up she tasted it and thought it tasted OK.  She put some other stuff in it so we had it for lunch with some roast beef and a salad.  Pretty good.

We had to turn the AC on again today.  Not as hot as yesterday and yesterday it got to around 100, today about 95.

Linda went to Walgreen’s and Wal Mart with Cheryl and Mary.  She picked up a can of chicken so she made chicken salad which was very good.

We are stating to clean stuff up and getting ready to leave, next week, wow, time is really flying by.  We had some of the space bags that we put some blankets in and a smaller one we put the comforter in and sucked the air out.  They are really neat, hopefully it will keep any bugs and dirt out.  It took both of us to get the comforter in the bag and get it closed. I think we needed a bigger bag but it worked.

We will watch a little TV again tonight and get ready for bed.  I had turned the air off but it is still pretty warm.  Guess we will be OK..Night Y’all…

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Monday March 18th 2013

Today is supposed to be very warm, the TV says 98 and the Weather Channel says 101, guess we will see!  Well, we didn’t make it to 101 but it was either 99 or 100 which broke the old record by about four degrees.  Very warm today, and the wind chill was 94 degreesSmile

The mornings are usually very nice, cool and breezy so we really enjoy that part of the day.

We really don’t have anything planned for today, we decided around noon or one to turn the air on in the bedroom and close it off so we went and took a nap.  The AC really works good in the bedroom, didn’t take long at all to cool it down and was nice for a nap.

Judy brought over some branches for us that she bought in Mexico. Now I can’t remember what they are called, I don’t think it is Eucalyptus but it does have a nice smell and it is supposed to keep the bugs down.  Well, if I remember later that it is different than Eucalyptus I will edit the blog and change the name.

Cheryl came over and wanted to see if Linda wanted to go with the girls to Excalibur at five.  Holy Mary has a friend that is singing there and had promised to come down and listen to her.  Linda went and had a really good time.  I stayed home with Sparky.


I really like the kitchen.  Thought I would put another picture in just because!

Guess it is time to say Night Y’all…

Monday, March 18, 2013

Sunday March 17th 2013

It was hard getting up this morning, to much exercise yesterday I guess.

Linda got up and we went to church had a good service but Linda was tired and I was a little tired but ok.

Linda went home with Don and Cheryl after church and I went to Sunday School.  I had a hard time staying awake during Sunday School but I made it.  I didn’t get to try a cinnamon roll here either so I hope that they were ok.

I got to take a nap this afternoon.  I couldn’t stay awake in my chair.  We tried watching a DVD from FBC Mission and I finally had to turn it off and go lay down.

The St Patrick’s Day dinner is at 5:30pm so we got our things ready and the desert and went over around 5:25 and almost right on time we started eating.  Proud Mary, better explain this, we have so many Mary’s here that they gave themselves or each other names, Proud Mary, Holy Mary, Happy Mary, Saint Mary and I’m trying to remember if there is another one.  Can’t think of another, anyway, Proud Mary made the corned beef and cabbage and there were a lot of other dishes and the food was excellent. Got a couple of pictures..



We had a good time tonight, getting close to the close of the season.  By the end of the month most of us will be gone, heading back home for the summer.  Oh well, next year, most of us are coming back, there are a few going else where and never know with us old people what we may do.

Tonight is a night to relax.  Night Y’all…

Saturday March 16th 2013

Going to be another warm day today!  Cool this morning but it sure warms up later in the day.

Today is the “Appreciation Dinner” that Bob has every year.  Last year is was Mexican and this year was supposed to be Mardi Gras but it was almost cancelled.  Bob was supposed to go to a court hearing up in Oklahoma but I think maybe it was cancelled or something.

The dinner was great, had brisket and all the trimmings plus apple pie and ice cream for desert.  Excellent.  Sandy Lucas had a couple of guys come in, one played the guitar and the other played the keyboard.  They were very good, we even got to dance a little!  Bob even participated a little…

OK, I have those pictures on my camera and now I will have to try to download them...


Mary and Cheryl got Bob up to dance!!

These pictures are from my telephone, I got them downloaded!


I think almost all the women were dancing here, well, not quite all but most of them were.  We had a good time and it did get pretty warm in the club house.

They talked Linda into going to another dance tonight.  I was already tired but we are going to go.

I made some cinnamon rolls this afternoon to take to church tomorrow.  I also made a loaf of bread.  I’m not sure if the rolls turned out good or not, I didn’t try any of them.

The dance tonight is at Leisure Valley.  I don’t like Leisure Valley, it was clean but the place was packed and they were messed up.  Later after people got to feeling good, it was almost impossible to get onto the dance floor and once you did make it it was so crowded that you couldn’t help bumping into people.  To crowded for me.  Got home about 10:15PM and Linda made her desert for tomorrow, a pistachio ice cream desert.  That took awhile but she got it done…Time to say Night Y’all….

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Friday March 15th 2013

It is the Ides of March!  Time is really flying by, less than two weeks left before we head back.  Right now I am trying to figure out how to close up the place and leave everything here and try to get it from getting to dirty.  We are going to cover most everything and bomb the place.  We are also going to leave dryer sheets around.  We are trying to do all we can to keep the bugs down.  There are a lot of things I have to do prior to getting in the car and leaving.  Hopefully we will get on the road in plenty of time.  It is a long drive and we are planning to stop in Houston to drop some onions off to Daryl and Cindy. I think we will have a pretty good load.

We aren’t planning on doing a lot today, well, we are making the biscuits and gravy for the club this morning.  Seemed to go quite well this morning. We were all done and ready to head to the club house about 7:45AM.  The breakfast went well, had about fifteen there I think and still had a little gravy left over and six biscuits.  I made thirty nine biscuits so that wasn’t to bad and there was about a cup of gravy left.

Bible Study at 9:30AM.   Kermit led the study.  Went very well and we did finish Romans.  Had a good time. This will be the last one, there will be more leaving and some just can’t come so it would end up being five of us or maybe six.  Decided to cancel though and we, or I , want to go to Pulga one more time.  Seems like every day we have something going on.

We stayed in this afternoon, getting warm, probably around eighty five but the wind is blowing like crazy, that helps to keep us nice and comfortable.P1010736

I took this picture at the dance on Thursday.  Not a good picture but this was the Cupid Shuffle, one we can all dance to.  It is really neat though, how over a hundred people can get on the dance floor and dance the dance in unison, I would like to have gotten a picture while they were doing it!

Back to today, we watched a little television this afternoon, so shows we taped last night and then went to bed….Night Y’all..

Friday, March 15, 2013

Thursday March 14th 2013

Cool again this morning but will warm up later. 

Not much planned for today.  Linda got up and went back to bed again.  Cheryl stopped over around 11:45AM and wanted to know if we wanted to go to a State Park and see the alligator.  Joe told us about the really big alligator and this is the place we went and I know I can’t spell it, can’t pronounce either…


This is the park entrance.  Got to see some birds and a couple of alligators!


That had to be the largest alligator I’ve ever seen but then I haven’t seen many alligators either!

Lots of pretty flowers…


This was an orchid tree, didn’t know they had orchid trees, not even sure if orchids grow on trees, guess I could Google it.

Not sure what these are but they are sure pretty!


Got a picture of us which is kind of unusual.  Cheryl took the picture.


We found out on the way to the park we were supposed to go for a dance practice!!  I don’t think I knew we were supposed to but I may have forgotten, I know Linda forgot!

Well, when we got home it was almost time to go dancing.  We almost opted out of going but went anyway.  We did the dance that Mary was teaching us.  Didn’t go to bad, not real good either but for learners it wasn’t to bad. We also got to do the Electric Slide and the Cupid Shuffle. We aren’t good at any of them but we had fun.

When we got home Linda had to cook sausage for tomorrow for the gravy. I am going to do the biscuits in the morning.  We left the dance a little early so Linda could get the sausage done.

Time to go to bed…Night Y’all…

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Wednesday March 13th 2013

It is another cool morning.  I wear my jacket until it warms up, usually around 10AM.  After that it gets pretty warm, today it got up to about 83 I think.  Nice day!

We don’t have much planned for today, Ed stopped and asked if we were going to the Excalibur tonight and I said we were thinking about it, hadn’t planned anything for tonight.

Friday will be our day to do biscuits and gravy for the club house.  Not very many signed up so far and people are leaving the park so we probably won’t have a big crowd.  Speaking of leaving we only have sixteen days until we leave.  This Winter has really gone by fast.  Seems like we just got here.

We decided to go to Don-Wes flea market today.  Took us awhile to get there, it is about a forty five minute drive and when we got to the Mexican flea market it was packed, even had the police directing traffic on the highway.   We figured if the other flea market was this crowded we would just go on back home.  It wasn’t, and we stayed for about an hour and a half.  Linda bought a few things and I bought a couple of things also.  I was kind of disappointed in the flea market, Pulga  seems to be a lot better, I like it better anyway.  It is nice when Linda has a friend to go with her then I don’t have to spend my time looking at clothes and jewelrySmile.

We stopped at Burger King on the way back and got a sandwich and a sundae.  Pretty good stuff!

When we got home it was around 4PM and we usually go to Excalibur around 5PM.  We were late, got there around 6PM but there were plenty of seats.  We got to dance and I took a picture of three guys that sing a song. This was the second time I got to see them so I got a picture…


The first time we saw them they had the words to the song and this time they didn’t, they must have memorized it.  The song was Tequila!  I asked him about it and he said they were working on a song for next year that has two wordsSmile… Not sure what park they are from but they sure are funny!

Ed and Joan told us they are leaving in the morning.  What a bummer!  They had planned on another week but got a call about her brother and he is in very bad shape.  They didn’t want to leave this early but family does matter.

I took a picture this morning of the canal next to the campground.  This is the 5th or 6th time I’ve seen water in it this year.  I think it is amazing the way they transfer water.  Not sure where it comes from or where it goes but it is still neat to see…


I guess it doesn’t look exciting but I think it is!

Ok, we went over tonight and visited with Don and Cheryl, took them some chocolate chip cookies that I made this morning.  They turned out pretty good.  Hope my biscuits turn out good Friday, been having a little trouble with them for some reason, oh well, I will keep on trying.  Guess it is time to say Night Y’all…

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tuesday March 12th 2013

Cool again this morning but I am sure it will get pretty warm out as the day goes on.  We have had beautiful weather but we sure could use a few inches of rain here!

Linda doesn’t feel to good this morning so I am going to go on the little field trip without her.   We are going to Hidalgo to the pump house.  Not sure what it will be but should be interesting.

I even got a couple of pictures!


The smoke stack is 125 feet tall.  The pump house pumped water from the Rio Grande River, I think for irrigation.


We used to have an old Ford tractor when I lived on the farm but the thing behind the tractor is a furnace.  They used it to pump the water, steam power I guess.  The furnace was very large.  On the tour we did get to see the new pump house but it is run with electric motors.  The tour lasted about an hour and was very informative.  The narrator was very good but didn’t seem to know how to use the microphone.  The ones in the back of the tram couldn’t hear when she turned her head away from the microphone.

I rode with Jim and Brigette and Ed and Joan.  Had a nice ride down and back.  We could have taken a couple of other tours but decided not to.  We all were ready to head back home.

We watched a couple of movies that Linda had borrowed from the neighbors a couple of days ago and figured we needed to get them back to the owners because people are starting to leave and we didn’t want to have them go without their movies!

Linda fixed a pork roast and a beef roast today, She is going to make fajitas, maybe tomorrow.  Sure smell good though.

Well, time to say Night Y’all.   I just realized I missed some things from yesterday, guess I will have to edit yesterday’s blog….

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Monday March 11th 2013

Cool this morning, I think it was in the middle 40s with a breeze so I was cold!

I am editing this post, forgot what I did this morning!  Well, before Linda got up I took the doors off the pantry, took off all the hardware and painted it all.  One door was a different color, just a shade off, and was pretty dirty. Here is a couple of pictures…



There isn’t a lot of change but I feel better knowing they are the same color now.  So much for the editingSmile

Not a lot planned today, Marty needed some help with her Uncle Kenny. She needs to take him to the doctor.  Kenny just turned 100 last summer!  Quite a guy for being that old.  I think he is still pretty sharp but can’t see and can’t get around very well.  I helped her take him out to the car and get him settled in his seat.  Wasn’t to bad, he still gets around with a walker I just held the belt just in case he fell.  No problem at all!

We are meeting Don and Cheryl for lunch this afternoon, we are both celebrating our anniversaries.  They just had their 40th and we just had our 41st.  Went to Cheddar’s for lunch, very good food and not real expensive, not like Pappadeaux and I think this was good enough to come here again.

We stopped at CVS pharmacy to get some glue?  Not sure what you would call it but I lost one of my caps, or crown, Saturday night.  Doesn’t hurt but I want to get the cap back on.  CVS had something just for gluing a crown back on.  I will wait until tomorrow to put it back on.

We took it easy tonight, just some TV, Linda is watching her show and I am watching whatever else is on.  The night went by pretty fast!  Well, guess it’s time to say Night Y’all…

Monday, March 11, 2013

Sunday March 10th 2013

Well, the time changed last night and it is really dark out this morning.  Sure wish they would drop the time changes, makes it a hassle and not sure if it is saving any money on the time which is what was supposed to happen I think.

I posted yesterdays blog and it posted in almost record time.  I really like the hot spot, works great!

I took the cinnamon rolls to church, they have a little breakfast thing and I thought it would be nice to donate some rolls.

I picked up the DVD of last weeks service, should be good except it wasn’t the service that we attended, hopefully it was the same message.

After church we didn’t do much, it is getting pretty warm again today, only supposed to be in the middle 80s but sure feels warmer than that.

We went over to Don and Cheryl’s this afternoon and Sparky love to go over there.  Cheryl has a laser pointer and she tested Sparky to see if he would chase it and he did!



He figured out that Cheryl was doing it and he started watching her hand and forgot about the dot.

We watched a movie, “Sky fall” which was very good.  Have a couple more to watch but will probably do that another day.  Linda had her shows to watch and I had mine so that was our evening!

Time to say Night Y’all….

Saturday March 9th 2013

We have been have some great weather except for the wind and I really don’t mind the wind seeing it is very warm.  The only problem with the wind is the dust.  It is terrible, everything in the house is covered with dust but even with the house shut up it would get dusty.  The screen room is really bad, the floor is covered with dust.  Oh well, it isn’t cold!

I tested the “hot spot” and it works great.  Our neighbor, John, came over and checked it out, he has the Verizon version and it is a little expensive, I had looked at it also and seeing that I am pretty cheap I went with the t-mobile unit.  So far I’m really happy. Got a picture of Linda holding the little “hot spot”…


I called t-mobile to find out how to check my usage and how much time(?) I have left. They walked my through the process and now I will have to do it a few times so I won’t forget it.

I am going to try the cinnamon rolls again.  Last week they really turned out bad.  I left them in the oven to long and they were really hard so tonight I won’t leave them in quite so long.

Don and Cheryl stopped over and I was just making the rolls so they stayed and talked for awhile.

I turned the oven on and baked the rolls.  I had a small pan with four in it plus the large pan with a dozen.  I took the four out and we all had a hot cinnamon roll.  I took the others out because I didn’t want them to be over done like last week.  After they were out for awhile they kind of sank in the middle so the were under done tonight.  Well, I like gooey cinnamon rollsSmile.

When we were eating the cinnamon rolls, one of my caps came off.  Not a real good thing.  I will have to try to find a dentist Monday that will reattach it.  It doesn’t hurt and that is really good.

Well, guess it is about time to sign off..Night Y’all…

Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday March 8th 2013

We had the breakfast this morning that Joe and Mary had and they had pancakes.  They were good, when we did it the pancakes weren’t really that good.  I think I cooked to many at one time!  Oh well, maybe next time.

We had the bible study after the breakfast and it went quite well.  We will only have two more if I’m not mistaken. Kermit and Bev will be leaving the 24th and we will be leaving the 28th I think.  We haven’t really decided yet but that would give us three days to get home before Easter Sunday.

I decided to go to Burger King this afternoon and try to figure out the new computer.  Before I left I got a text from Wal Mart saying my “hot spot” was in and I could pick it up.

Got a picture of the new computer…


I am still getting used to the computer and I think I will like it but it isn’t windows and I can’t use my Windows Live Writer on it so I am going to have to figure out what I can use to write my blog and be able to be able to post it to my blog.

I picked up the new “hot spot”  couldn’t get the card for the minutes, Wal Mart was out of them so I figured I would stop at Radio Shack and get one there.  They don’t sell T Mobile stuff, what a bummer, sure don’t want to drive twenty miles to get a card.  They told me the T Mobile store was just across the parking lot.  I gave it a try and they sold me the card, well, they fixed the “hot spot” and did everything and got it all set up for me.  PTL!!

I took it home and charged it and after I get done with this blog I will try it out and see if I can post the blog…Yesss, well, maybe a little early…

Time to say Night Y’all…

Thursday March 7th 2013


Well, I  made a mistake and I can’t seem to fix it.  I had something written above the picture of Quinta Mazatlan but now it is gone and I can’t get it back.  Anyway this was our field trip for today…

Quinta Mazatlan.  I’m not sure what it is but it used to be a house and now it is a park that has a lot of interesting trees, plants and birds.  The lady took us on a tour and kind of explained some of the medical purposed of the plants.  Not sure I can remember any of it but I know that Aloe is supposed to be good for you…


She was a good guide and had most of the stuff written down on cards.  I wouldn’t want to try to remember all the things these plants were good for.  We got some samples after the tour, some jellies were really good and she had some taco things that were really not that great unless you were really hungry.  Most people couldn’t eat it.  Really different from what we know as taco’s!  I ate mine and Linda’s also.  In the group picture below with Ed, Joan, us and Jim and Sue I was the only one to eat it allSmile..


We stopped at Denny’s to have lunch, took a long time and we were supposed to practice our dance but we weren’t there so it was cancelled.  Well, we will just have to do our best at the dance tonight.

The dance wasn’t as crowded as it has been in the past and we got to do the dance we were practicing called “The Butterfly”.  The first time was a real mess but the second one turned out half way decent for only two lessons!  We were happy.  There are a lot of other dances we would like to learn but one thing at a time.

We got home around 10:30PM and we were pretty tired so we went ahead and went to bed.  Not TV tonight….Night Y’all..

Wednesday March 6th 2013

Today we don’t have anything planned.  It is going to be a beautiful day even thought it is very cool this morning.  Got down into the forties this morning but will warm up fast when the sun comes up.  Well, it did warm up but it took awhile because the wind was out of the north and it was pretty cool.

Yesterday we had dance class, I think I may have forgotten to mention that little piece of information.  Mary and Joe are teaching us the “Butterfly”.  I had asked Joe last year if they would teach us the dance they do.  We did start learning one with Jerri, Mary’s sister, but only went there once and didn’t really get to learn it.  It was called “Our Dance” which is similar to the Butterfly.  Hopefully we will be able to do this Thursday at Mission Bell. Linda and I will practice on it at home a couple of times.

We had a banana split tonight at the clubhouse.  Joe and Mary do the banana splits and they are good and pretty good size for a dollar.

We are watching a little TV tonight, not a lot on but not much else to do.  Brigette asked it we were going to Excalibur for supper and the dance but we decided to stay home, Linda isn’t feeling to good so just a nice quiet nice at home….Night Y’all…

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Tuesday March 5th 2013

Started out kind of cool this morning but will warm up, I think around 80 degrees if I’m not mistaken.

We aren’t going to do to much today, I worked on our puzzle for a little while, found a few pieces but this is a hard puzzle!  Marbles etc, If we get it done I will have to take a picture of it.

Joe came over and got me this afternoon, Jack’s refrigerator won’t work on electricity.  We had it working last night but it quit again.  We started taking the electrical box apart that contains the mother board.  Couldn’t find anything wrong there so we took the board off and Joe saw the place that had gotten hot and arced against the metal it was fastened to.  Jack had a soldering iron so we soldered it back together and voila it worked.  Not sure how long it is going to work but it works right now!

We are have a pot luck tonight and Joe and Mary have hot dogs and the trimmings.  Linda made bread pudding out of some of my cinnamon rolls that were not fit to eat.  The bread pudding turned out very nice.  She also made the vanilla sauce to go over it.  I really liked it.  We gave a lot away because there weren’t a lot of people there and there were a lot of deserts.

Not a lot going on the rest of the night, watch some TV and go to bed, sounds like a plan to me…Night Y’all…

Monday March 4th 2013

Today is our anniversary, 41 years, we think that is pretty good!

There are a lot of things we want to do today, well, things I want to do.  Want to go to the Christian bookstore and get a a new Bible that is the New Living Translation.  Need to look for a study for new Christians. Need to go to Wal Mart for a couple of things then go out to eat.

We found the bookstore and the Bible but not the study for New Christians, maybe later back in Sikeston. Went to Wal Mart and got a few things then went to eat at…


This is our third year that we have gone here for our anniversary.  The waitress was very good, her name is Dori…


We had a great dinner and a super desert..


It is crème broulle… That probably isn’t spelled right but it was good, here is a better picture…



It is pretty warm, got a picture of our clock…


In case you can’t see it, in the upper right hand corner is says 91 and it is almost 5PM.  I think it got to 93 or 94.  Tomorrow is supposed to be 72, quite a change but still niceSmile..

Going to watch a little TV tonight and then bed.  Night Y’all.

I can’t check for mistakes, my program isn’t working quite right so I am sorry for mistakes….

March 3rd 2013

Again, I have gone for a couple of days without writing in my blog, I’m getting bad!

Let me see if I can remember what we did on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Friday morning we went to coffee and if I remember right I already put this in a blog so I will try to remember what we did on Saturday.

I was just looking at my watch and I want to put in here that I got the watch from Cheryl, she was going to sell it on eBay but they didn’t have a battery for it and they couldn’t get the back on it so when we were at Wal Mart I bought a battery and had it installed.  Glad I had them do it because you need a special machine to get the back on the watch.  Looks like a leather punch machine only you need nylon covers for both sides of the watch.  Worked pretty slick and only took a couple of minutes and $6.  The watch is very comfortable, has a twist flex band and isn’t to tight.

Sunday we went to church and Pastor Adrian’s sermon was on life.  Very good sermon, I even ordered a tape (DVD) for $15.  A little high but I think this sermon will be worth it.  I hope it is the same sermon that we had in the first service.  The second service was packed and already started when I went in and ordered the tape, I will get it next Sunday.

The Sunday School class was also good.   I had to ask about the tribe of Dan in Revelation.  Rosalie says she will have the answer next Sunday.  Just made me wonder why the tribe wasn’t mentioned.

We started a jigsaw puzzle.  Got the easy part done pretty fast the rest of it will probably take awhile.  It looks like a bunch of marbles so there isn’t a lot of lines or anything to work with.


We had stopped at this Mexican Restaurant called Alonso’s and had to take a picture of  Linda’s dinner, chili rellano, and Flat Stanley.  This is one of the better restaurants that we have been to.  We like to try different places and different things.  I had ordered something and I’m not going to try to write it because I can’t spell it but it was really good and the waitress couldn’t tell me what is was because she didn’t know the name in English, but when it came I told her in English is was zucchini and now she learned something new!  I did to but I can’t remember what it wasSad smile

Well the rest of the day was easy, we took a nap and then watched TV the rest of the night, well, until bed time.  Night Y’all….