Saturday, August 25, 2012

Friday August 24th 2012

Beautiful cool morning, opened up the house for a couple of hours to let it air out and cool off a little bit.  About 8AM I have to close it up because it is getting warm.

We had quite a morning this morning!  About 10AM I was calling C.W. at the Sprint store to ask him a question, the Fed Ex guy knocked on the door, Sparky started barking, Linda woke up from a nap on the sofa and we all met in the kitchen (Linda, Sparky and me) and Sparky ran under Linda’s feet and she fell on the floor and I couldn’t catch her because I was on the phone and was trying to get another number from C.W because I couldn’t hear him very well.  This all happened in about 30 seconds!

The Fed Ex man delivered my tablet this morning so I let Linda open it and see what all was in there and we plugged it in to charge it.  Didn’t take long to charge so we decided to go to McDonald’s and get on the Wi Fi to check it out.  Things just don’t work well for me for some reason, even though this was a lot easier to start up than the other two it still probably won’t work with my phone. Oh well, so much for that.  I will take it to work tomorrow and play around with it to see if I can learn anything more about it.

I think we spent about three hours at McDonald’s then Linda wanted to go to Wal Mart get a cover for her tablet.  I am using a padded envelope, cost about fifty cents, works great!

Tonight we had left over BBQ and I think it is pretty good, still hot and spicy but good. I think I may have a picture of something or other let me check it out…

Well, so much for the picture, guess I didn’t take one, that means it is time to say Night Y’all…

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