Friday, August 31, 2012

Thursday August 30th 2012

I know today will be a short day at work.  Mark is closing his cell phone store and is going to load up all the stuff that is left there and probably taking it home.  Not sure what he is going to do with it.

Well, I have to find some stuff to do to keep me busy until noon, that is when I will leave.  I sprayed some Roundup over in the mobile home park and filled a bottle and sprayed in the RV Park.  It is actually pretty nice out and I think it is probably ninety degrees (11AM).  After this I dumped the garbage and then decided to pick up papers that are blowing around.  I was out in the ditch in front of the park and I found a $20 bill!   Made my day. 

I went home at noon.  It was getting pretty hot but the breeze sure was nice.  We are supposed to get some rain from hurricane Isaac.  Farmers don’t want it now.  Could have been nice about six weeks ago but they are harvesting now and that doesn’t help any.  Not much we can do about it though, just live with what we get, God is in control and He will do His pleasure.

I was tired so I took a nap this afternoon.  Played some games on the computer tonight while the RNC was on.

They had some really good speakers, even Clint Eastwood.  He definitely isn’t an eloquent speaker but he did have a good message (if you are for Romney).  I think, in my opinion, Mitt Romney is the one to vote for. Again, that is my opinion.  All the problems with the country wasn’t the current president’s fault though, that was left from the last president. HMMM, if reelected I wonder if he will make the changes he promised the last time he was elected???  Doubt it.  I think he has different ideas for our country and I don’t think it is our best interest, sorry Democrats. Makes me wonder how many Democrats are conservative???  I know the loud ones are very liberal which makes me think of the Bible and “liberal” was a good thing.  My how things change!

Not much else to say, hope I didn’t make to many people mad at me.  Time to say Night Y’all….

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Wednesday August 29th 2012

Have to go to work at 9AM this morning, will probably be a short day unless Mark has something else to do.

I did a little more in the garage this morning before I had to get ready to go. Can’t believe how much “stuff” we have in the garage.  I am getting it whittled down a little but still have a lot more to do.  I think that I will have a garage sale to get rid of some of the stuff I will probably never use.

At work I dug up some “pig weeds” that you can’t kill with Roundup.  They aren’t to hard to get out with a shovel but the roots on them are ridiculously long and if any of the root is left it starts growing again.

I remembered that someone had moved out of a mobile home and left a lot of junk outside so I went over and started taking it to the dumpster.  Some of the stuff  I wouldn’t mind keeping so I picked up a broom some landscape stones and a shovel.  I may never use them but I feel “rich” with more “stuff”Smile!!!  I got the mower out and mowed this lot because it hadn’t been mowed for probably six weeks, didn’t know the home was empty!

Left at noon and tomorrow will probably be the same. The grass is dead and the weeds are about the only thing growing are the sand burrs and other weeds.

I stopped at Food Giant and picked up some chicken.  Still smelled the chicken Kim brought from Food Giant.  Forgot to say that Kim is Mark’s wife, she works at the bank.

I baked a couple of potatoes and we had the chicken, hit the spot, very good.

Nothing much going on tonight, I went to church and enjoyed it until they started passing out papers and saying the business meeting was still open so I left.  Stopped at Wal Mart and picked up a couple of 8 gig micro disks that I had ordered and got Linda a new cordless mouse, hers quit working for some reason, even new batteries didn’t help.  The new one works good.

Well, time to say Night Y’all….

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tuesday August 28th 2012

I was outside this morning just walking around checking stuff and I happened to remember a stump in the front that is always in my way so I thought I may go dig it up.  On the way out I see some “Goats Head” which are very nasty plants, even worse than sand burrs. If you have never seen a goats head, it is a little bigger than a sand burr and has three points and is actually shaped like a goats head!  When they dry out they are very hard and very sharp.  Bicycle tires are no match for them, they will flatten a bicycle tire with no problem.  I dug up the plants and put them in a bag and will put it in the trash.  Neighbor told me they pop like crazy if you burn them.  Not sure if they scatter the seeds or not.

Back to the stump.  I dug around it and it was getting kind of rotten so I figured I would get the old Poulon Pro chainsaw out and give it a try.  After pulling a few times and choking it, it finally started and I let it run about half throttle for a few minutes to get it warmed up.  The chainsaw actually worked very good.  The chain won’t stay tight but it ran good and that really surprised me, got the stump out in just a few minutes so time to relax until time to go to work.

Work was kind of slow today but I had my book and I finished it kind of early and now I have nothing to keep me busy.

I made it until 7PM and took off home.   Linda made Mexican Spaghetti tonight, wow is that stuff good!  Kim picked up chicken on the way home from work and that  smelled delicious, I think we may get some tomorrow.

Getting caught up on my blog tonight. No pictures for tonight so I will give it the “Night Y’all” and call it quits for tonight….

Monday August 27th 2012

Monday already, where does the time go???

We don’t have anything planned for today but had to go into town to pay a bill and stop at, yup, Wal Mart!  Didn’t need much of anything so we didn’t spend $100 today.

I took a picture of the field across the road, in fact a couple of pictures…


Won’t be long before they will be spraying to kill the leaves and open the bolls.  Fields sure are pretty..


Wanted to get a close up of a cotton boll.  They are pretty good sized, I would say a little smaller than a tennis ball but they sure are white!

Not much going on today just sitting around playing some games on the tablet and watching TV.

Well, time to say Night Y’all….

Monday, August 27, 2012

Sunday August 26th 2012

I had talked to my neighbor, Larry and I told him we would try coming to his church so I think that we will go there.  Only problem is that it is about forty miles away.  He goes there twice on Sunday and he went down yesterday and mowed the lawn.

On our way down we stopped at Wal Mart in Dexter so I could pick up a spark plug for the pressure washer.  I about fell over when I saw the price, it was over $8 but I think maybe it has some gold in it, never seen a gold spark plug before but it is genuine Briggs and Stratton!  I also notice that the price of gas was almost twenty cents a gallon cheaper than Sikeston. Not sure why it is so cheap but figured on the way home we would fill up the car.

We got to church early, well, they started late so we had time to meet some of the people.  It is a country church on a gravel road but the church looks really nice.  Brother Larry had the Sunday School and it was very interesting and the church service was even better.  Only had about twenty in attendance and it was down a little but very friendly people.

They have a dinner on the fourth Sunday, today, and we stayed for the dinner, it was excellent!  I got a picture of Larry and Donna…


Oh, Linda is in the background getting stocked up with food!  Larry works for the City of Sikeston and Donna is a school teacher.  Great neighbors. Probably shouldn’t say this but he expressed an interest in buying our place, something to think long and hard about.

On the way home I did stop and fill up with gas but we did do a little site seeing.  Got to see Lake Wappapello and even got a picture…


This reminds me of Canyon Lake TX.  We got to see where it went over last year and the road that it took out in the process…


This is the overflow…


When we got home I had to take a nap and then it was time too head for church again.  Went to North Acres tonight.  This is a nice church and I like the pastor and his sermons but there aren’t any youth that I have seen but I haven’t been there very often.

Well, guess that is about all for today so I will say Night Y’all…

Saturday August 25th 2012


The mornings are still nice but getting warmer and more humid.  I can open the house for a little while but it will only take the temperature down about one or two degrees before I have to close it up again. It doesn’t cool off very much in here at

night but when it starts warming up outside it warms up fast in here.  I suppose that I could insulate it better and put new windows in but…I don’t think I will spend the money on that since we aren’t here all that much anyway.

Linda took a picture of Sparky and me in the recliner.  He really likes the recliner, not sure if it is rocking or wants to be close to me….


He really gets comfortable.

Got a picture of our Vinca flowers.  The ones at the campground aren’t doing quite so well this year and it isn’t because they aren’t watered..


The little solar light was very expensive, I paid fifty cents for it and it really works good.

I took my tablet with me to work, I also took my computer but didn’t use the computer.  I wasn’t busy today, only had a couple of campers come in so I went to You Tube and watched videos of airplanes.  The afternoon really went fast!

We had leftovers for supper, BBQ and chips.  We finished the BBQ and it was very spicy.  Maybe the next batch will be a little cooler.

Linda started on Facebook and I think she likes it.  Hard to get her away from it now.  I think after one or two days she has more friends on Facebook than I do.  Fact is, she probably has ten times as many as I do because I don’t really like Facebook and would just as soon not go there.

Well guess it is about that time….Night Y’all….

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Friday August 24th 2012

Beautiful cool morning, opened up the house for a couple of hours to let it air out and cool off a little bit.  About 8AM I have to close it up because it is getting warm.

We had quite a morning this morning!  About 10AM I was calling C.W. at the Sprint store to ask him a question, the Fed Ex guy knocked on the door, Sparky started barking, Linda woke up from a nap on the sofa and we all met in the kitchen (Linda, Sparky and me) and Sparky ran under Linda’s feet and she fell on the floor and I couldn’t catch her because I was on the phone and was trying to get another number from C.W because I couldn’t hear him very well.  This all happened in about 30 seconds!

The Fed Ex man delivered my tablet this morning so I let Linda open it and see what all was in there and we plugged it in to charge it.  Didn’t take long to charge so we decided to go to McDonald’s and get on the Wi Fi to check it out.  Things just don’t work well for me for some reason, even though this was a lot easier to start up than the other two it still probably won’t work with my phone. Oh well, so much for that.  I will take it to work tomorrow and play around with it to see if I can learn anything more about it.

I think we spent about three hours at McDonald’s then Linda wanted to go to Wal Mart get a cover for her tablet.  I am using a padded envelope, cost about fifty cents, works great!

Tonight we had left over BBQ and I think it is pretty good, still hot and spicy but good. I think I may have a picture of something or other let me check it out…

Well, so much for the picture, guess I didn’t take one, that means it is time to say Night Y’all…

Friday, August 24, 2012

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Aug 23rd

I have really been procrastinating!!   I let this go three days and if you know me you know I can’t remember what we did, so I will try to recap a little of what we did.

Well, how was that for a recap???  We took Linda’s I pad back and got her a Samsung.  She likes the picture but with this and the I pad we have to go where there is Wi-Fi. As long as she has some games to play I think she will be happy.  I have no idea what I want to do with the internet except email.  I look up a few things but not many.  Can’t really do internet banking, don’t have any moneySad smile but we can play games!

We heard from Daniel and Rachel and they made it to Pigeon Forge and found a good campground close to everything, even Amanda’s school.  That is really great.

We’ve been eating chili for a few days now.  It really hit the spot and Linda made it while it was cool.  Got lots of meals out of it.  Had chili and macaroni and cheese tonight (Wednesday).

I have a picture of Sparky, he really likes to play with the locusts!,  Seems like they would tickle his tongue but he seems to have a good time playing..


I’m not sure where the locust is but he knows..

Well, not much else going on, need to say Night Y’all..

Oh, politics.. I voted for Todd Akin, a real conservative, well, I’m sure everyone has heard of him and his mouth running when his brain was out to lunch.  He has apologized and I think that is great.  I think he has done lost his race but he is still running and I have to say that I admire him for not quitting but I think (in my opinion) he should have let someone else run in his place.  I’m not sure if he is thinking of himself or the party.  Whatever, I really don’t think he has a chance to win in the election but God is in control and what God wants God gets.

Now I’ve gotten it out and time to quit…

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Monday August 20th 2012

Today I am cleaning a little more in the garage until Linda gets up then we will probably go to town and do a few things.

Well, I got to take Sparky to the veterinarian for a little clean up.  Had to have a gland expressed.  He did good, didn’t smell very good so I had them spray him with “smell good”.  Smelled a lot better.

Linda and I went into town and Linda picked up an Ipad, not real sure why but she wanted one but she did and she got one.  When we got home we found out we couldn’t get it to work without wifi.  What a bummer.  We went back into McDonalds and tried to get it to work.  Took a long time to figure out some of the basic things to do to get it to work, period!

While she messed with it I texted with Marian in Arizona.  I did take a picture with the camera but not the camera.

We were at McDonalds until 9PM I think, took a long time to get it working but we downloaded enough stuff to try it at home without wifi.  It worked!  Linda has been playing games and she seems to like it.  Without wifi though it is restricted to what she has on it.

Went to bed after a bowl of ice cream.  I was tired.  Well, Night Y’all…

Monday, August 20, 2012

Sunday August 19th 2012

Sunday morning and Daniel and Rachel and Amanda are leaving for Gatlinburg TN where they not only hope to get a job but to settle down there.

Got a couple of pictures of them before they left…


They are good friends and hated to see them go.  We had a great time while they were here but Amanda is going to have to get in school.  It started two days ago so after they get to Gatlinburg they are going to have to really rush around to get everything in order and Amanda into school.


I’m pretty sure they didn’t really want to leave either but life goes on and they are looking forward to Gatlinburg.  Praying they will find housing and jobs and a great school for Amanda.

Went to church at Fellowship this morning.  Got a picture of the sanctuary, not a good one but a picture…


I find the chairs not real comfortable, not bad, but not real comfortable and unlike the pews you can’t adjust for room in the row.  Guess they like it though.  The auditorium looks smaller for some reason, not sure if it seats as many as it did before.

Took a nap this afternoon and went to North Acres tonight.  I’m not sure but the Pastor may have a bit of a problem remembering.  He can’t remember names but I’m not sure if the ones he called on are long time members or not but he got the names wrong.  He may need prayer, but his sermons are still very good and put together good except he reads the scripture after the sermon which was kind of confusing but OK.

Well, so much for today.  We took it easy tonight and I opened up the house because it was getting cool out, in fact very nice!  Love it!

Time to say Night Y’all….

Friday August 17th 2012

I have today off and since I didn’t write this right away I have to try to remember what all we did today.


Rachel showed us pictures of places they have been.  They have some beautiful pictures and have been to a lot of places!

We made pizza tonight…


Pizza making went pretty good, I made the crust and they did the sauce, cheese and other stuff, pizza turned out pretty good..


I didn’t get a picture before we plowed into it but they turned out very nice and the crust was nice and brown on the bottom, we enjoyed it!

We sat around most of the evening chatting about places they had been and people we knew and where they were at.

That’s about all I can remember for today…Night Y’all…

Friday, August 17, 2012

Thursday August 16th 2012

It is pretty nice out this morning but it is supposed to get hot before the cold front comes through.  I am going to work today but it will probably only be for a half day. I have almost everything caught up unless Mark has something special in mind to get done.

Well, he didn’t!  I sprayed a couple of bottles of Roundup and pulled some weeds and I noticed a Cedar tree in the mobile home park that was giving me fits when I mowed so I asked if it was OK to trim it up.  He said “OK”.

I went to work on it and got the low hanging branches cut down then I loaded them in, or on, the golf cart.  I use a garbage can to load the branches in and I wished I had had the camera.  The golf cart on the first load looked like it was camouflaged with all the branches hanging all over it.  Took about three trips to get it all moved. Why the golf cart? If you don’t have the right tools you use what is available"Smile….I did!

I finished at noon and headed on home.  Daniel and Rachel and Amanda went to the Doctor to see if she could get a prescription (for Rachel).  They say Sikeston isn’t to bad to get around in and that is true, some streets may be hard to find but not to bad at all.


I took this picture Tuesday.  The neighbor boy, Jackson, was on the bus and it was his first day of school.  This summer is almost gone!!!

We were going to have hot dogs for supper but it was kind of late so we just had sandwiches.  They were tasty though.

We sat around and talked until 10:30PM and I couldn’t hardly stay awake so I headed to bed and I’m not sure if I knew when Linda came to bed or what time.  Tired!!  Night Y’all…

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Wednesday August 15th 2012

Another beautiful day.  I forgot on yesterday’s blog I went to work and worked in the office.  Tuesday is my day to work the office as long as Merlien is off sick, he has some pretty bad back problems so hopefully he can get that taken care of.

Got an email from Rachel and they made it in last night and they stayed at the Days Inn in Sikeston.  Probably wouldn’t have been able to get ahold of me since I was on the phone for about an hour!

They said they would call us this morning but I did get an email saying they were just getting up and around and I was just about to leave for work. I was hoping I would only have to work a half day but Mark wanted me to help move some furniture from the cell phone store to his home.  I figured I could do that and maybe I would still get off early, didn’t happen.

I didn’t have a good day moving furniture, I am to old for this kind of stuff but we did get it loaded and got it to Mark’s house.  We unloaded the truck but the heavy stuff on the trailer we left and he parked it in the shop.

I do have a couple of pictures..


We had unloaded the fridge already. I got a picture of some

Snow on the Mountain…


Took Daniel, Rachel and Amanda to Lamberts tonight..


Can’t believe I ate to much again…

Here are Mark’s chickens.  He gave us a dozen fresh eggs, had to squeeze the chickens though to get enough Smile


OK, I have to get off here and get some sleep, I am bushed plus I ate way to much…Night Y’all…..

Tuesday August 14th 2012

Beautiful mornings, I’ve been opening the house and turning on the fan.  Temp inside the house will drop five or six degrees before I have to close it up.  Love it!!!

More cleaning in the garage, and no, I’m not going to take a picture of it, it would probably look better if it burnt down.  Well we have termites and they may eat the wooden part and the wind will blow it down, then, maybe, I could build a new one.  I would love a new one but this will do until it does fall down or whatever.

We think Daniel and Rachel may come in today, they should be real close.  Last time we talked to them they were in South Dakota.  Should be a couple of days but we communicate through the internet and they can’t do that on the road.

I worked on Linda’s phone again tonight and finally called the help line and they walked me through the problem because we couldn’t send email from her phone so after about an hour on the phone we finally got it figured out and now it works.

The test blog I wrote with a picture of Sparky was from my phone so now I know that I can do it from my phone.  It isn’t easy but if I need to I can do it from my phone, in fact when I’m at work and working in the office it would take up a lot of time to do it from there on my phone..

Well, time to go to bed and say Night Y’all…

Monday August 13th 2012

I’ve started the day working on Linda’s phone trying to get some things done on it.  I’m not good at this.  Didn’t get done what I wanted to.

I cleaned in the garage again today and it isn’t looking to bad now, but that’s my opinion.  I’ve been trying to put things in  places where they belong and I cleaned the floor a little.  Used the shop vac and it worked pretty good except on the large leaves and things like that but it sure looks a lot better.

I think I may have a picture of some of the Gladiola flowers, let me look..

Well, so much for the flowersSmile,,,

Linda wanted to try  the garlic bread pizza from Pizza Hut so we went into town and stopped at Pizza Hut for a late lunch.  It wasn’t to bad but very rich, I think they might have used lard to coat the bread!!! Maybe not.  It was good but we ate way to much and paid for it the rest of the day and night.  We had a bowl of ice cream later tonight and it helped settle the pizza stuff a little bit.

Time to say Night Y’all….

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Another test..

This is Tuesday August 14th and I am at work. Not working real hard but wanted to try another blog and see if I can add a picture..I'm trying to add a picture of Sparky. Hope this works.
I am almost ready to close shop..  Night Y'all.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Test blog from new phone

Well I  think this will work but very hard typing. This is Monday  and I'm  playing with Lindas new phone and I  see a.mistake already!!!  OK I've got it fixed.  I sm going to try to add a picture.

Sunday August 12th 2012

Today is Kim’s birthday!!!!  Happy birthday Kim!!!  I’m using the new computer and I’m sure I don’t have a picture of her on here but I’m going to look anyway…I figured they were on the old computer…Oh well, Happy Birthday anyway Kim!!

Linda and I went to church at North Acres Baptist Church this morning. Our friends, J.W. and Omalean go there so we thought we would give it a try.  It was very interesting.  Took a picture of the special music singer, her name is Jasmine…


She did a good job and she has a beautiful voice, I think she is a  teenager but not sure.

I got Linda a new phone and she finally used up the minutes on her old phone so now she can use her new one.  She spent most of the afternoon playing with it and trying to figure out how it works.  I kind of like the phone, it is a ZTE Merit.  It is an Android phone and it is pretty slick. She downloaded Facebook and was watching some things on it.  I think her battery lasts a lot longer than mine does

Went back to the same church tonight.  The preacher is pretty good I kind of like him.  Got a picture of the special music singer tonight also.  She is also the song leader.  She really has a good voice, sounds different than when she leads music!


Pastor Woodard is sitting on the left side of the picture.

Linda has been making phone calls so I guess she likes the phone.

Not much going on tonight so I guess that is all for now…Night Y’all…

Saturday August 11th 2012

Not a lot going on today, I think I may work in the garage a little while and get some things picked up, cleaned up and thrown away.  That would keep me busy all day if I went through everything.

I had the lid open on the pump house and for some reason a hose came loose and sprayed water all over, fortunately I was there to shut it off.  I fixed it right this time.  I have a union in there that has come loose before, in fact quite a few times so I don’t leave the outside water turned on just in case!  I don’t think it can come apart now but you never know!   I don’t trust it.

I washed the car this morning and waxed, or polished it, before it got to warm.  I doesn’t take long to wash it, takes me longer to get in the mood.

Not a lot going on today, watched some Olympics etc..


Got a picture of one of our Gladiola bad they aren’t perennial! More than likely we won’t be here to enjoy them anyway but they sure are pretty!

Time to say Night Y’all….

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Friday August 10th 2012

We have our appointments with the doctor this morning. Just a checkup, nothing important.

The doctor said we are doing well and Linda’s lungs are back to normal again so we are happy about that.

After the doctor we stopped at Wal Mart and we went to Subway (in Wal Mart) and had a breakfast wrap.  It was pretty good.  I had coffee and Linda had a soft drink.  The drinks were more than the sandwich!!!  Will drink water next time.

Got Linda a new phone and will get it going as soon as she uses up her time on the old one.  She only has about a hundred minutes left and if she makes a couple of phone calls it won’t take long to use up that time.

Not much else going on today.  Going to take it easy and relax!  Have to work tomorrow afternoon…..Night Y’all….

Friday, August 10, 2012

Thursday August 9th 2012

Got today off and nothing planned so will take it easy.  It is supposed to get hot again so we will probably do nothing except lay around.

Morning was nice so Sparky and I stayed out for a few hours just enjoying the cool breeze.  I think it is supposed to cool off tomorrow but definitely not today! (got to check see if I have some pictures!)


I took this picture last night at church.  I wanted to get this because after this Sunday the pews will be gone, they are replacing them with chairs. I really wondered why so I asked and was told they had a vote on it and the chair vote won.  Well, that really didn’t answer my question but because we aren’t, members of the church it doesn’t concern us, I guess. I think it was just kind of silly because I think the pews are very comfortable (may be the reason for the change) and they look really nice.

They are extending the podium platform a couple of feet also…


Golly, this picture looks blurry!  I am definitely going to have to get a new camera when this one quits working! Anyway, there was a business meeting tonight, no preaching, just business.  I think this was my first time at Wednesday night service and I sure was disappointed.  They are cancelling Sunday night service for an ice cream social, they will have a`devotional though.  I am going to try a different church on Sunday night.

I decided to mow the lawn tonight instead of waiting until tomorrow.  It is still pretty warm but I don’t want to wait until tomorrow.  WOW!!  Dusty!!!  There were times I almost had to stop because of the dust and there wasn’t even a breeze so it just hung in the air!  Nasty mowing tonight!

Well, got to take a shower and then relax and watch the Olympics. Nothing else going on tonight so…..Night Y’all…

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Wednesday August 8th 2012

Back to work again today but this morning is beautiful. Another cool morning with a very light breeze.

Not sure what all I will have to do at work today, I did most of the cleanup, mowing etc. yesterday!

I did just a little more cleanup and some mowing over in the mobile home park.  The mobile home park only needed just a little mowing around some of the edges.  The rest looked kind of dead and not overgrown.

Went home at noon.  I was tired but not like yesterday.

Got a couple pictures of our flowers…


These  Impatience are doing great.  After coming back from California all there was was some sticks and no leaves or flowers.  Came back like it was just planted!

These are the Vincas that are also doing great and they even looked pretty good after three weeks without water….


Not much going on tonight except the Olympics.  I even stayed awake until 10:30, maybe 11PM.  I didn’t stay up any longer though, just to tired.

Time to say Night Y’all…..

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Tuesday August 7th 2012

WOW!!! This morning was excellent!  The temperature was down in the 60s this morning.  I opened up the house and let it air out for awhile.

By about 8AM I had to shut the house because it was going to be getting pretty warm.

I get to to to work today.  I’m probably going to be mowing, Mark wants the campground to be looking good for the people coming in for the rodeo.  I mowed most of the campground before lunch and after lunch I finished the mowing and sprayed some Roundup and pulled some weeds. Roundup won’t kill the weeds and mowing them doesn’t help either.  They grow about four times as fast as the grass!  When I got done at 5:30 it was around 97 degrees and supposed to be warmer tomorrow.  

When I got home I took a quick shower to cool off. I was filthy and my eyes hurt from all the dirt and sweat I guess.  The shower didn’t help my eyes but maybe by tomorrow they will feel better.

We watched the Olympics tonight.  I was ready for bed about 10PM but stayed up until 11PM when it was over then I went to bed, whew, tired!

Night Y’all…..

Monday, August 6, 2012

Monday August 6th 2012

Well, it is cool this morning!!!  I think it is about 70 degrees so I opened the house and let it air out for a couple of hours.  Didn’t take long for it to warm up though.  I had to close up the house about 8:30 because it was warming up fast.

We took a trip into town and picked up Linda’s prescription.  The lady at the pharmacy is a hoot!  I think she has an excellent memory.  She almost always remembers our names and is really friendly.  A good person to have at the register for sure!

After getting home, Linda warmed up the BBQ and added some more BBQ sauce.  WOW!!  HOT HOT HOT!!  She finally got some more meat out to cook to add to it because it was just to hot.  Tasted good but was just to hot.

We took a nap this afternoon.  Got to watch the news and then I mowed the lawn.  It was really getting bad and I think I will probably have to mow it again on Friday.  The rain really made it grow.

Going to watch some Olympics tonight then go to bed.  Have to work tomorrow.  Night Y”all…

Sunday August 5th 2012

Had a good nights sleep and ready for a new day.  We are going to church at Fellowship Baptist Church with Don and LaVon.

Even got Linda up and ready EARLY!!!!  Very unusual for Linda to get up early.

Don drove into town to church.  Sunday School and Church were both very good today.  Had a great time at church.

Went right home after church because I have to go to work and Don and LaVon are heading to Branson and hopefully they get there before church starts tonight.  They are taking the curvy road.

I had a sandwich before heading to work, actually a burrito.  Work was very boring today, very slow and actually I got off late because a couple of people came in at 7PM, quitting time, but I got them checked in and parked.  I called Linda and told her I was going to be a little late because of this.

When I got home I had a couple more burritos and relaxed the rest of the night watching the Olympics.  Went to bed around 11PM after taking a nap in the chair…Night Y”all….

Saturday August 4th 2012

I guess I am behind on the blog.  I could have sworn I did the blog for today but I don’t see it anywhere!

Maybe one reason I didn’t do it today is because I work today and tomorrow so I may have forgotten it but I had the computer at work and I can’t believe I didn’t do it at work.  Oh well…

We had a nice quiet morning this morning. Had a slice of jalapeno toast with pepper jelly, kind of warm for sure.  I used some of the jelly we got from Pam.  Tastes like peppers!

I went to work in the office today and this is the first time in the office for a couple of months.  Took a little while to get back in the swing of things.  I did OK and the books even balanced when I was done!

We had left overs tonight, burritos and BBQ.  Hit the spot.  I have to put a picture in here, Linda was putting some left overs in containers…this is putting a square peg in a round hole….


We all got a good laugh out of this!!

We watched the Olympics tonight.  These athletes are really something, have to give them a lot of credit for all the hard work they have done.

I was really tired tonight, sure wasn’t from working to hard!

Night Y’all….

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Friday August 3rd 2012

Beautiful day today, sunny and going to get pretty warm but it is just great this morning. 

We played a game of cards this morning after having a slice of jalapeno toast.  Had a good time playing cards and talking.

Went out to eat at Lambert’s!  They definitely have great food, I can’t figure out why I eat so much though!!

LaVon is trying the wooden locomotive.  I didn’t realize that she couldn’t sit down, the seat is only about 3 or 4 inches wide, definitely not enough room to sit for sure…


Had a good time at Lambert’s, the servers are really friendly…


Fried Okra!!!  The best I’ve ever eaten…Love Okra


They serve so much food here, we all had left overs to take home.  We ate and then drove around a little bit and then back home.  We were all in a “Food Coma” I think that is a good term.  We were going to play cards but we were all to tired to do that so we all took a nap.

After a nap we played some more Zilch and a game of Spades.   Had a good time playing cards. 

We finished watching the Olympics tonight and I think we were all ready for bed.  LaVon stayed up a little while to watch the news about the fire from the place they used to live in Oklahoma.  It it BAD!

Time to say night y’all…

Friday, August 3, 2012

Thursday August 2nd 2012

Worked this morning at the park and got to mow again.  I was kind of tired and I did start a little early today.  I started at 8AM so I could get done early and it was really good that I did!  I finished at 12:30 and got home around 1PM.

I needed to take a shower and get rested a little.  Don and LaVon are supposed to be in this afternoon so we are getting ready.

They made it in about 2:30 and we had a really nice visit most of the rest of the day.  Linda made her famous “pork burritos” which turned out great.

I had LaVon fix my computer so I could use the new one to post my blog.  Took awhile but she got it done even if she did get a nap while it was downloading…


Don likes SparkySmile….


Actually I think Sparky likes Don.. he wanted to go in to bed with them tonight but I don’t think they would appreciate him, you think?????

Well, I was so tired tonight that I am having a hard time staying awake and we are watching the Olympics but it is almost to much so I think it is time to say “Night Y’all”….

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wednesday August 1st 2012

Going back to work today, I think I may be mowing today, depends on whether the grass grew like ours here at home or not!

Yep, I’m going to be mowing, Grant is staying by the office because Mark is going to be late.

I guess the mower has been acting up again but it sounds pretty good. I started mowing and almost finished the sites, had two left and the mower is just running out of power and a lot of black smoke.  I had to stop and I removed the air filter and it had about a half inch of dirt on it so Grant is going to clean it out and I am going to use the push mower for the last two sites.

Grant said it still smoked when he started it so he parked it and I wasn’t finished mowing yet so Mark said give it a try and I did and it runs like a new one.  Lots of dirt!  When I got home I mowed the lawn here and it was terrible, not dirty but wet!  Really soggy for some reason.  It looks a lot better now!

I mowed until after 5PM then decided to head on home.  The part that is left for tomorrow should be a snap and I should be done by at least 1PM.

Don and LaVon are coming tomorrow and we needed to pick up a couple of things from the store so after I showered and drank a bunch of water we headed into town.  Got our shopping done and when I got home I had a bowl of soup and Linda had a sandwich.  I tried to fix a solar light and I don’t have a soldering iron so I guess it is going to stay broke!

Going to sign off now…..Night Y’all….

Tuesday July 31st 2012

We had a good nights sleep here in Nacogdoches and it’s time to make the last part of our trip today.  We have a little over 550 miles to go to get home I think but this is the faster part because we don’t have all the cities, like Houston to go through with their speed limits. We decided to take Rt 67 back through Little Rock up to Poplar Bluff.  Most of the way is great but some is just two lane and the speed limit is 55 MPH.  The Speed limit went to 60 MPH as soon as we got into Missouri.

We got home about 6:30PM which was “spot on”.  Had a good trip with no inclement weather except for the temperatures.  Very nice trip. 

We must have gotten some rain, the ground is wet and the grass is tall!  I will have to mow the lawn.

We got the car unloaded and turned the air conditioner on.  It is 94 inside.  I think it will take awhile to get it cooled off in here.  Actually as long as the AC was running it wasn’t to bad but it was down to our temperature, 78, by bed time.

Not much else to write…..Night Y’all…