Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Sunday December 2nd 2012

We have been having some very warm weather.  They say it is a little warmer than normal but not much.  It has been in the middle 80s but as long as the breeze is blowing it has been pretty nice.

Went to church, Linda couldn’t get up so I went alone.  Got a picture of the kids that sang a special and I don’t know their names…


I’m not sure if they are brother or sister but they did a good job, nice voices but I have a hard time understanding the words.

This was the preacher that filled in and I think they called him Nicky but I’m probably wrong…


He had a great sermon on “love”.  Started with the scripture on knowing a disciple by their love for one another.  He did a good job.

Sunday School was also good.  I had a couple of questions for the teacher, Rosalie.  She has some different views on some of the scriptures, will see next week what she has to say about them.

We took it easy the rest of the day.  Linda is still tired and not feeling quite up to par.

Got another picture of Mary and Jack’s lights…


I think she is about done now, looks nice.

Time to say Night Y’all…

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