Thursday, June 7, 2012

Wednesday June 6th 2012

I was pretty sure that I wasn’t going to mow today, just to much cleanup left to do.

I spent almost all day taking the fence apart (the downed part) and taking the pieces back to the shop.  I did get it all cleaned up and I still had time to take the nails out of a bunch of boards.  I think there must be about 500 boards left to take the nails out of though.

I figure I had a good day and even if my back still hurt I did pretty good, and as long as I keep busy it feels pretty good.

I had to take a picture of the corn field in back of our place.  Can’t hardly believe how fast it has grown.


I know it is hard to see but the corn is tasseled out already.  When we got home from Texas they had just planted it and that was the end of March. This has grown this much in about two and a half months.  They have it irrigated though and if they hadn’t it would be about  three feet shorter than what it is now.

Well, when I got home from work I had Linda give me a haircut.  No, not a buzz but I kind of wondered when she poked my head pretty hard and she asked if that hurt and I said yes and she said she must have been watching TV.  HMMM.  I know she says she can do more than one thing at a time but I would just as soon have her pay attention to my hair and forget about the TVSmile..  She ended up doing a great job on my hair.

Now, she really felt motivated today and she started going through some bags and doing what ever with all the stuff.  Most of it is on the sofa and the coffee table and the floor.  What a mess.  She says she will get it all cleaned up when we get home.  OK.

We had so much to do tonight to get ready to get on the road tomorrow that I just don’t really like to think about it.  I went to bed around 10:30PM and she came to bed about 11:30 or midnight, not sure but she had a load of clothes to wash and dry and I needed to get some sleep.  Time to say Night Y’all…

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