The weather just keeps getting warmer, or maybe I should say “hotter”! Got to 107 today and that tied the all time record for Cape. The daily record was 103 and got that by a few degrees for sure!
Not going to do much today, I have been pulling weeds, a little here and a little there. Not going to over do it. Got a couple pictures of the flowers…
These are the Vinca’s and English Daisies that really look like Silver Maple saplings. I will wait to see if they get flowers. They are perennials so hopefully they will produce flowers every year. The Vinca’s look really nice though for going for three weeks without water.. The Impatience though, that is another story…
They actually look pretty good now compared to what they looked like Wednesday. I think they will come out of it but it’s going to take awhile. They had a lot of really nice blooms, earlier.
Not going to do much today. 107 is just to warm to be doing much of anything. Wonder if Mark will work next week if it is this hot??? I presume I will work in the morning. Round up will probably be wearing off and will need more spray. May have to spray the sand burrs. Had to last year, they grow very well in hot dry weather.
I boiled potatoes out in the garage and a dozen eggs. I wanted Linda to make some more of her potato salad. This will make a really large batch. For supper we had a sandwich and potato salad, yummy! Love Linda’s potato salad! Have enough for a couple of days…
Watched some Olympic trials tonight and I played solitaire on the computer until the battery went dead. Time for bed anyway…Night Y’all….