Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tuesday March 6th 2012

Linda got up real early this morning, we are going to go to the Hildago County vehicle place to get the title changed.  I have to pay tax and registration on it and also pay Burnie and Elinor.  Like I said though we won’t be taking it over until we come back down next Fall.

We got there early and there were probably a hundred people lined up outside waiting to get in!!  We may be here all day!  Burnie and I stood in line for about 15 minutes outside and it was cold.  Neither of us wore a jacket and the wind was really blowing and I think the temperature is about 65, give or take a few degrees.  Finally got in and got a number, we are number J76.  At least we got a place to sit down!  The line went pretty fast, I think it took us about thirty five minutes to get to a window and then it took about ten minutes to get all the paper work done.  Not to bad.

After we got home and got things ready we went back down to a “Mail It” Store to send a fax to get our insurance.  This took awhile.  I called the insurance place and they faxed back our papers.  $12 to do the faxing!  I should have bought a printer and emailed them.

After this we went to Wal Mart and I did buy a printer.  I still had to send one more paper to them with my signature.  The insurance was really reasonable, $201 per year.  I was happy about that.  The printer was just a little different than the one we have at home so I had to go through a lot of stuff to get it to work, and after I got it working, I think I spent about two hours trying to find the paper I scanned and wanted to email.  Finally got it!

After this we went over to Burnie and Elinor’s to let them know we had it insured and they can cancel their insurance.  Elinor was really busy using the stove!!!  I had to take a couple of pictures of her making bread!!


She made sour orange bread.  The orange tree just outside the kitchen window has both the sweet and sour oranges.  Elinor said she really likes the stove, she had used the top to cook with and now the oven.  I think I will make bread tomorrow and bake it in that oven.  Give it a try anyway!

Here is a picture of Burnie and this is how he was dressed this morning when we were standing in line…


These are a couple of the pictures of the inside of the house also.  Nothing special but I think it will be very comfortable.  They have really enjoyed it for the last ten years.

Well, tonight we had some pork fajita's!  They are good and we will have enough left for a long time.  I think there was over five pounds of meat and it filled the crock pot.  She couldn’t get the pablano peppers in it so she will have to add them later.

Time to call it a day….Night Y’all…

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