Saturday, October 16, 2010

Saturday October 16th 2010

I got up pretty early this morning and I finished my reading.  Jake woke up and Darin tried to get him to go back to bed but not Jake.  He came out and when he saw me sitting on the sofa he figured it was time to play match box racer.  Darin left for the hospital a little later.  I figured it was time to try to do a little cleaning.  Jake was a big help…


Jake mopped the kitchen floor and helped pick up the toys and stuff from the living room.  Today is the “pork burrito day”. We had a good visit and I got some video and some pictures…this is Dave, Kim and Jacob….


This is Audry, Gianna, Kedric and Jared….


I didn’t take a picture of Darin, Bren, Alexa and Jake but will get one from Halloween last year and put a new picture in later….


I know this picture is almost a year old but I don’t have one of them this year yet.  Alexa seems to be doing better so maybe I will be able to get one this week.  Will do it for sure before we leave.


This has been a very busy day.  Alexa made it home about 6:30PM and she still isn’t feeling the best but a lot better than a few days ago.  I think we have all about had it and are ready to call it a day and get some sleep. The burritos went over well.  We have a couple containers left so we can have them tomorrow or sometime.  will write some more tomorrow, maybe, if I can, night y’all…

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