Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thursday March 11th 2010

Since we didn’t go to Sikeston today, we planned to get together with Rick and Connie for supper.  Linda fixed fajitas!!  Excellent!!100_1414


In the top picture Linda is doing onions and bell peppers.  In the bottom picture is the chicken breasts for the fajitas.  Really smells good!!


Here is the spread.  Had to run back home to get a battery for the camera. First picture I tried to take the battery was dead.  The battery I had in reserve at home was also dead.  Bummer!   Good thing I had a 3rd one.  Didn’t figure I would ever need 3 batteries.  Going to get the other 2 charged so I won’t have to run around looking for charged batteries.


The picture above was what I wanted to get a picture of but didn’t get it before digging into it!   Oh well, it was good, angel food cake, cherry pie filling and cool whip…Excellent!


So excited!!!!


The DIVA!!!   Ms Johnny Merle is taking it easy, watching a little Andy Griffith, Mayberry RFD.  Had a good night.  Played a lot of Zilch tonight and a game of Toss Up but it is very noisy rolling those square dice on a very hard wooden table.  Didn’t get home until 11PM!   Way past our bedtime.

1 comment:

  1. You pups are staying out way past curfew! OK, Toss Up? A new game you have to teach us.
