Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday March 14th 2010

Sunday morning, another gorgeous day!!   Sun is shining brightly and just a slight breeze, it is going to be really nice, probably close to 70 degrees.100_1424

Just walked out of the house, no need of a jacket, it is nice out.  This picture was after church and we are going to head to the Huddle House for lunch with Rick, Connie, Virgie, Linda and I.


This is the Huddle House just down the road from where Virgie lives and right next to the interstate (Hwy 59).  We checked it out and Linda said it smelled good but there was no place to sit down and Virgie can’t stand for very long periods. So, the Italian Grill is the next spot.


This is the Italian Grill!!  If you look close you can see me taking the picture in the reflection.  This used to be a God Father’s Pizza place and it wasn’t to bad either.


Had to take a picture of our Pizza!  If Charlie and Pat read this, this pizza is comparable to the Italian Garden that we go to.  This is a Spinach and Alfredo pizza.   It is excellent but still may fall a tad short of the Italian Garden White Pizza.


Linda isn’t going to wait for me!!!!  Neither is anyone else, I feel so left out:-(

Guess I am to blame for wanting to take a picture.  Pretty good picture for being inside a dark restaurant and not using the flash.  The rest of the food really looked good also.  I know that Rick had spaghetti and meatballs and Virgie had lasagna, can’t remember what Connie had though.  We all enjoyed.  The pizza was large enough to share and still take some home for (later).  Now to head home and take a nice nap.  I am doing this a little early but I think tonight is going to be a routine night.  The time change was a little different.  Set the clocks last night except for the 2 atomic clocks.  They are supposed to change by themselves.  They didn’t.  I had to set one for Day Light Savings Time and the other I had to restart, not sure if it goes to Day Light Savings Time or not.  Everything is set now though and we weren’t even late for church.

Probably watch some TV tonight after church.   Linda fixed some BBQ Spare Ribs which smell really good.  I may make some fried potatoes and onions to go along with them.  If we are hungry that will be our supper. Can’t figure out why my body is sagging!!!  I may have another picture later.

Nope, no more pictures, the BBQ was delicious though.  TV tonight…..

1 comment:

  1. It was about 67 degrees here today and beautiful with a breeze. Still cool in the shade, but in the sun, it felt great.
