This morning is just like they said it would be!!! The sun is coming up and it is cool, and windy. I’m just thankful for the sunshine! We don’t have much planned for today and as I was rummaging through some of the pictures I found a picture I had taken at Harvest Time of George Abbay.
George is from the Philippines and and has quite a testimony. He is a quadriplegic and has been coming to Harvest Time for many years. I first met hit at Winning Wheels, which houses mostly people in wheel chairs. Most are paraplegics or quadriplegics. As you can see he is quite happy and satisfied (?) with his disabilities. He had an accident, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind me telling this, in a bar. He fell off a bar stool and broke his neck. His family now disowns him because he isn’t a whole man (there may be other reasons that I don’t know). He is a good singer, he has sung specials at church and done a great job. He is also good at video games using a joy stick. I don’t really play video games but I have heard that in competition he has whopped a few people.
Getting back to today, well, I went into McDonald’s, had some coffee and posted the last couple of days on the blog. Looked up my emails and then froze up my computer. I have this thing hanging from the top, it is the F keys and I have been trying to get rid of them, so I punched one and then punched another of the drop downs and that was all she wrote!! I froze the mouse pad. REALLY COLD!! I figured I would come home and hook up a mouse and get the pad working again. Have 2 mouses (Meeses) mice:-) at home and guess what, neither one will fit! So, with all my might I took out the manual and read it. Still took me awhile to figure that one out.
Marian tested us from Branson (David and Marian) saying they were working and then going to head to Iowa to see David’s brothers. She asked Linda to call her so Linda called and they talked about the job and there was another opening. I think Linda would like to work there so I called and left my name, I had already applied last year, and they said they would call back tomorrow. We will see. I think it would be a nice place to work and it would be for a short time, 4 months maybe.
After looking at this page, I see I have 2 different type styles. HMMM wonder what I did? The heavier print is easier to read. Well, I am going to go. Will post this when I get wifi!! Have a great night…..