Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Monday March 29th 2010

This morning is just like they said it would be!!!  The sun is coming up and it is cool, and windy.  I’m just thankful for the sunshine!  We don’t have much planned for today and as I was rummaging through some of the pictures I found a picture I had taken at Harvest Time of George Abbay.


George is from the Philippines and and has quite a testimony. He is a quadriplegic and has been coming to Harvest Time for many years.  I first met hit at Winning Wheels, which houses mostly people in wheel chairs.  Most are paraplegics or quadriplegics.  As you can see he is quite happy and satisfied (?) with his disabilities.  He had an accident, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind me telling this, in a bar.  He fell off a bar stool and broke his neck.  His family now disowns him because he isn’t a whole man (there may be other reasons that I don’t know).  He is a good singer, he has sung specials at church and done a great job.  He is also good at video games using a joy stick.  I don’t really play video games but I have heard that in competition he has whopped a few people.

Getting back to today, well, I went into McDonald’s, had some coffee and posted the last couple of days on the blog.  Looked up my emails and then froze up my computer.   I have this thing hanging from the top, it is the F keys and I have been trying to get rid of them, so I punched one and then punched another of the drop downs and that was all she wrote!!  I froze the mouse pad.  REALLY COLD!!  I figured I would come home and hook up a mouse and get the pad working again.  Have 2 mouses (Meeses) mice:-) at home and guess what, neither one will fit!   So, with all my might I took out the manual and read it.  Still took me awhile to figure that one out.

Marian tested us from Branson (David and Marian) saying they were working and then going to head to Iowa to see David’s brothers.  She asked Linda to call her so Linda called and they talked about the job and there was another opening.  I think Linda would like to work there so I called and left my name, I had already applied last year, and they said they would call back tomorrow.  We will see.  I think it would be a nice place to work and it would be for a short time, 4 months maybe.

After looking at this page, I see I have 2 different type styles.  HMMM wonder what I did?  The heavier print is easier to read.  Well, I am going to go. Will post this when I get wifi!!  Have a great night…..

Monday, March 29, 2010

Sunday March 28th 2010


This is the Morehouse General Baptist Church in Morehouse, MO.  We usually attend this church (when we are here) and really like the Pastor and all the people that are here.  It is a small church but very friendly.


This is Pastor Randy Thomas and his wife Coyita (playing the piano) in the background.


This is our Sunday School Teacher Sonny.  He is quite a character.  He is a retired farmer and he is a great soul winner.  He goes out every week I think to visit the unsaved.  With God’s help he has led many to the Lord. He also has quite a testimony, very interesting.


This is Pastor Jim, he is the Assistant Pastor.  This was his Sunday to preach.  I didn’t take the camera to the night service, guess I should have, there was kind of an impromptu singing.  A lady sang a version of Amazing Grace.  She was a very good singer, I think maybe she has done some singing professionally, not sure though.  Then they asked Loyd Adams to sing and he asked me to sing with him.  Loyd and I have sung a few songs together so we are pretty comfortable singing together, in fact we had sung a few quartet songs with William and Glinda.  Glinda can really sing, I would say the baritone part, but she wasn’t there.  I think she has some physical problems.  I would like to sing with the quartet again, that was a lot of fun.  Maybe one day we will get to sing together again LaVon!  Trying to sing after working all night wasn’t the most fun but I still enjoyed our singing together.

Saturday March 27th 2010


Saturday morning, looks like it is going to be a beautiful day.  It is about 7AM and the sun is just starting to rise.  I like this time of the day, just to see the sun rise and see all be beauty that God has made and wonder how and why He does it.  Just a beautiful time of the day.

We aren’t going to do much today, will head into town later on to go to Aldi”s, a grocery store, and pick up a few things.  I like Aldi”s, they have pretty good prices and the quality if pretty good also.  I should have taken the camera in and taken a picture of it, oh well, maybe next time.  We still don’t know what we are going to do.  Camper isn’t ready and neither is the license.  We will have to make up our mind sometime, but one thing will have to happen first, doesn’t mater what, either the camper is finished or the license is ready, then we can start doing things.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Friday March 26th 2010

The sun is shining today and it is windy and cold!!  Guess Spring hasn’t sprung quite yet.  Nothing planned for today.  Going to stay home.

I made a call to California today about the title for the camper.  They said the request was submitted but they also said California was on furlough which means they don’t have a lot of people working.  HMMMM.  I think I may be waiting for awhile for the title.  Connie Sable called to ask about our situation here so I got the phone number for the camper place in Picayune where our camper is (sitting).  Gave them a call (3 times) and finally got in touch with someone.  Asked a lot of questions and didn’t get many answers.  The person in charge of my camper wasn’t in at them moment but would be back shortly, well, it’s after 5PM and I don’t think I will hear from him today.  Now the question is, what should be do?  Stay here and wait for the title or go back to Mississippi and wait for the camper?   I would say that it probably wouldn’t make much difference either way.  They will probably both be done at the same time.  If we get antsy we will probably go back to MS and wait for the camper.  Might even look for a part time job there.  Decisions, decisions…….

Sr Anthony Clare (Floto) OSF


This is my older sister Sister Anthony Clare Floto (OSF).  She was born on September 23rd 1932 in Dixon, Illinois.   She had gone to school to be a nurse in Rockford, Illinois. She traveled and worked in Colorado and California then returned to Rockford as a nurse.  She joined the Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart on September 27th 1959 and I am not sure if this is when this picture was taken.  I’m sorry to say that I was quite young when this all took place and I don’t have much recollection of all this.   We did get a lot closer as we (I) got older.  Sr Anthony Clare passed away December 18th 2009 just finishing her 50th Jubilee.


This was the article for her 50th Jubilee.


I think this was in 2008 when Ed, Larena, Linda and I went to Mokena to see Sr Anthony Clare and Sr Margaret Anne.  Sister was sick in this picture even though she looked quite well.


Had another Sister take this picture.


I know that I have had this picture posted before but I think this was the last time I saw my sister.  This is the family that is left.  Geoff on the left represents Kenneth my oldest brother, Barbara, Fred, Ed, Betty, me and Dennis.   I had us stand in order of our age, Geoff representing the oldest and Dennis the youngest.  This was at our Father’s funeral in May 2009.

I would really like to have put in a picture of the entire family and I thought I had one but I think I will have to get my brother Ed, actually Larena, to get the picture for me.


This is our Dad, has to be close to 100 in this picture.

This is a picture of Dad & Marian.  He still had a sense of humor at this time.  When we walked into the room and said “hi” he asked us who the “old lady” was with us.  My Dad didn’t crack a smile, but I couldn’t help laughing about that.  He knew her and Marian said he had never said anything like that before!  I remember a couple of jokes my Dad told and one was a little on the risqué side but mostly his humor was kind of dry.

I wanted to get a short piece in here about my sister Sr Anthony Clare, and wish that I could write more and have more pictures but I don’t have a lot of pictures or the memories that I can add.  Oh, there is one more thing, a Christmas letter we had waiting for us when we got home.  I am not going to try to put it on the computer I will just type what it said:

Joel & Linda,

I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below,

with tiny lights, like Heaven’s stars, reflecting on the snow

the sight is so spectacular, please wipe away the tear

for I am spending Christmas with Jesus this year.

I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear,

but the sounds of music can’t compare

with the Christmas choir up here.

I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring,

for it is beyond description, to hear the angels sing.

I know how much you miss me,

I see the pain inside your heart.

But I am not so far away, we really aren’t apart,

so be happy for me, dear one, you know I hold you dear

and be glad I’m spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

I send you each a memory of my undying love,

after all, love is a gift more precious than pure gold,

it was always most important in the stories Jesus told.

Please love and stay close to each other, as my Farther said to do,

for I can’t count the blessings or love He has for each of you.

So have a Merry Christmas and wipe away that tear,

remember, I am spending Christmas with Jesus this year.


Sister Anthony Clare

THAT was good.  That is also something to think about.  Spending time with Jesus or the alternative which isn’t a good choice.  Love you Sister, keep us in your prayers

Thursday March 25th 2010

It started raining last night and was still raining this morning!!  It was supposed to though.  The temperature isn’t to bad, about 55 or 60 degrees this morning.  Went over to the neighbors and sat under their car port and did my computing.  It was a little chilly and windy and wet but I finished it.


It rained all day and this afternoon is started to clear up a little, very little. I took this picture out the kitchen window.  The sun was trying to peak through the clouds, and the birds were sitting in the tree.  We have lots of blackbirds  especially during the spring and fall.  I’m not sure what the yellow bush is, but it is very pretty when it is in bloom.  When the leaves come out I think it is ugly.  Looks like an over grown weed.  We had an Azalea bush that was beautiful but I think it may have gotten some weed spray on it and it almost died but is starting to come back.


Here’s Linda trying her had at Apricot Chicken.  It turned out very good.


UMMMM Good Stuff.   Linda did a good job on this.  Got the recipe from Ruth.  We will keep it, We decided that when we are camping we can make this in a 9X9 pan in the convection oven.  I will be looking for the bread though Ruth.. Have to try it at least once!  Anyway, we had a great supper, with the few things we have here at home we are doing quite well. Have to watch the weather, It is supposed to be stormy until dark and the wind is blowing pretty hard out of the north.  Going to get chilly tonight. Going to watch some TV and go to bed.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Wednesday March 24th 2010

Today we will finish our journey back to Sikeston.  Got to sleep in a little longer today.  It is cloudy but not cold.  I think it is supposed to get into the 60s today.  Should be nice driving, the wind in not blowing to hard and it’s out of the North.  I haven’t been able to post my blog for a few days now but will try to get on today.  We have really enjoyed our stay with Ken and Ruth, they are really great hosts.  Had to take a few pictures…..


This was quite a nice looking spread.  Ruth fixed yogurt with granola and fruit.  Very good.  The other things are the cinnamon rolls.  Had a great breakfast.


Ken and Sammy J.  Sammy is quite a dog.  He didn’t like us at first but got used to us.  Sure reminds us of Oscar.


Here we are all packed and ready to head out saying our good byes to Ken and Ruth.  Had to get a couple last pictures.  Thanks again for the good time Ken and Ruth. I will be waiting for the pictures of the bread!!!

I think we got started about 10:30 and was really a good day for traveling.  I was tired for some reason but the trip went well.  Going from Illinois into Missouri the gas price dropped twenty cents a gallon.  We did good on gas mileage though.

We stopped in Cape Girardeau at the Toyota dealer to get the oil changed.  They were to busy to do it so I had the service manager show me how to get the “service” light off on the dash and we went to Sikeston to get the oil changed and the car washed.  Supposed to rain tomorrow though.

We made it home about 5PM after stopping at Wal Mart for groceries. I went to church at 6:30 then home by 7:45.  Talked on the phone with Al Cabrera about Corp of Engineer Park work.  He gave me some really good insight on the jobs.  Not sure I will apply though.  Sounds like lots of work and not much play time.  Well, we are going to relax and then get rested up from the trip…

Tuesday March 23rd 2010

Beautiful day today, sun shining a little cool but supposed to warm up.  Really slept good, bed is very comfortable.  Not real sure what we are going to do today, we were talked into staying another day. 

Ruth made a great breakfast this morning, bacon, eggs, toast, coffee, etc. very good.  Didn’t take a picture of it though LaVon.

After breakfast we headed to Wal Mart by way of Beaver Dam Lake, an Illinois State Park.  Very nice park.  There is camping there, a restaurant and a lot of space to hike around.  Looks like a nice place to camp.



I forgot, this is a coffee cake that Ruth made for breakfast.  Very good.


Sudoku!!!  I think Ken is getting a headache.


Can you guess what Ruth and I are doing???  Yes, we are making bread.


I have this out of order, Ruth is frosting the cinnamon rolls and Ken is making sure she does it right!!


Almost ready to go into the oven to raise for awhile.


Doesn’t she look proud?  The bread turned out very good!!


Here are the cinnamon rolls before frosting.


They are really getting into fixing supper.


Ken is grilling pork chops.  They were excellent!  Had a little problem with the grill, well not the grill but the little Japanese beetles.  They look like Lady Bugs but are real pests.  He got them pretty well cleaned up especially off the grill.

Had a great night after supper playing cards.  Played Hand & Foot.  I think I had played it before but I didn’t remember much about it.  Got finished playing about 10:30PM and we were all pretty tired.  Really needed to get to bed to get some sleep…

Monday March 22nd 2010

Today is the day to start back to Sikeston.  Beautiful day, going to get warm I think.  The sun is shining and the wind is blowing out of the north so it will be a perfect day to travel South.  We are going to stop in Carlinville to see Ken and Ruth, Linda’s brother and sister-in-law. 


We made it in good time to Ken and Ruth’s place.  Had to take this picture. Ruth is showing Linda cosmetics and Ken is helping.   Thought that it was a good picture.


Ruth is fixing Apricot Chicken.  Excellent!!!  Don’t you think she would make another Rachael Ray???  She is just so excited about cooking!!  Not only that but she is an excellent hostess.


This is Sammy.  He barked at us when we first got there but got used to us.  He reminds us of Oscar, our Dachshund.  He is a cute dog, or handsome in HIS case.

We are having a great time, did some Wii bowling.  Takes some time to get used to throwing the ball.  Didn’t do to bad, Linda really wants to get one now.  We will see….  We had a great evening and lots of TV and some talk.  Time to go to bed though…Sleepy..

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunday March 21st 2010

This is Sunday and time to go to church.  Harvest Time Bible Church was where Linda and I were saved about 26 years ago.  We miss Harvest Time but travel makes it really hard to make it here very often.  Thought I would take a couple pictures of the outside of the church.


This is the building that we started in but the church actually started in a flower shed until they built this one.  The building to the left was added a couple of years after we joined.  The main building in this picture was painted on the inside by some of the women at the church after the main sanctuary was built.  The paint was incredible.  They actually painted it as a mural with all different scenes in it.  Must have taken them a long time.


This is the main sanctuary and it seats about 650.  Can't tell much from this picture though.


This is the sanctuary before the second service. 


This is Pastor Dalmus Meeks teaching his Sunday School Class.


This is the Harvest Time Praise Band.  Well, it is part of it, there are 2 guitar players on the other side of the platform.  Jeanie Meeks on the piano and Tim Potts on the organ and I can't remember the drummers name but they are (in my opinion) professional.  I could listen to their music for hours.



This is the athletic building.  I don't know much about this building, it was built after we took off traveling, I do know that it is big.  Has a basketball court and there is a track on the second floor, lots of offices also.


This is Dalmus and Jane at their house.  Their daughter Kara was taking a nap so I didn't get a picture of her.  Had a great time today, very nice to be back home again, not that we don't feel at home almost everywhere we go, but we were here for a long time.

Saturday March 20th 2010


What a bummer!!  Not supposed to snow!!!  Supposed to be Spring!!!  Guess I am just lucky!!  Woke up this morning and it’s snowing.  It was forecast so I really am not too surprised.  Did get a good nights sleep.

Linda talked to her sister Connie and they are going to be busy today so we won’t see them this trip, maybe next time.


This is my little (?) brother Dennis and his wife Joan.  We were surprised to see them but Marian called all my brothers and invited them to the get together at the restaurant in Franklin Grove.  Dennis works for Budweiser in Dixon and  Joan manages the VFW in Dixon.  Was really glad they came to the lunch (he paid) but we don’t get together all that often so it was really nice and if you happen to read the Dennis, “Thank You”.


This is Sr Margaret Anne (Floto) my next oldest sibling and the youngest of the 2 girls.  Sr Anthony Clare (Floto) is the oldest of the 2 and she passed away last December (2009).  I will write a separate article about her later.  Sr Margaret Anne went into the convent right after high school so it has been quite a long while.  She celebrated her Jubilee, 50 years, a few years back, and if anybody knows me they will know I can’t remember when it was….


This is my next older brother Ed, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and I think maybe it is stuck!


OK he finally took the spoon out of his mouth.  This is his better half Larena.  They are residents of Franklin Grove and have lived there for eons. Can’t remember when they moved there but it has been many years ago. They have 3 girls, many grandkids and a few great grandkids.  I’m not going to try to tell how many, I have trouble keeping track of my own.


This is Marian sitting next to Linda.  Marian and my Dad were married for almost 30 years!!  That is pretty awesome considering my dad was in his 70s when they got married!!.  She and Dad made an awesome couple and I think my Dad lived to be 100 with her help, don’t think he would have without her.  We had a great visit today and was glad to see everyone.  Last time was last Fall I think.   Well, tonight will be a leisure night, watch some TV and get some sleep.  Tomorrow is another day and we have things planned for tomorrow also…….

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Friday March 19th 2010

Good morning, such a beautiful day, just like yesterday, sunny and warmer. Very nice out.  We are going to pack up and head for Sterling IL today to see family and friends.  We have to stop at the license bureau first though and try to figure out the license for the camper.



This is Tiffany at the license bureau or DOR (Department of Revenue).  She has gone the extra mile to get this straightened out for us.  We spent about an hour here and most of the time she has been on the phone with Arizona, California and Nebraska, all of which have to do with our camper.  It is quite complicated.  She got it figured out though, she thinks.  She has to get something from somewhere so we can get our camper registered and licensed.  She also told us it would probably take a couple weeks to get this done.  Guess we can wait.


These wind farms fascinate me.  I am just amazed how big this things are. From a little distance they look average size but if you see a blade or the box they attach to, they are humongous!!!  This wind farm is about 30 miles south of Sterling and from there down to Peoria there are hundreds of them.


This is Linda and her sister Marilyn.  We try to always get to her place to visit.  Marilyn lost her husband a few years back and she lives with her son Kirby.  Didn’t get his picture though, maybe later.  We had a nice visit but after all the excitement at the license bureau and the 7 and a half hour trip here I was pretty tired and needed to get this old body some rest.  Oh, just to add a little to this we watched the weather forecast and guess what?  It is supposed to get cold….and SNOW!!!  Can’t believe it, it was 70 degrees almost all the way back here….We will see what it does in the morning, time to get some sleep now….If you read this Charlie I think you may be right, this is following me all over the country…

Friday, March 19, 2010

Thursday March 18th 2010

Today we start all the running to get things done.  Got up early and took a couple nice pictures….



The sunrise was really great!!  Had to get a picture of it…Standing by the trees I took a picture looking back.  Our humble abode, at least sometimes.  We don’t spend a lot of time here but it is comfortable.    The trees still look pretty bad, the ice storm really hurt them bad.      

We finally got on the road and went down to New Madrid.  From there it was  pretty much down hill.  Not a fun day.  We can’t give Missouri any money and we can’t get our camper registered or licensed.  What a bummer.  Thought that I had all things together but I needed a Title.  After running around for about 3 hours and 2 trips back home I figured out I had one from California.  I didn’t know it was a Title, doesn’t really look like one but I talked to the lady at the license bureau and I will go in again in the morning to see if I can finally give them some money and get some license plates. We did go to the bank and the lady at the bank actually was more help than anyone else. She spend about an hour talking to people in California, Arizona and Nebraska.  I thought about the paper I had at home and left it there thinking it was nothing.   I am NOT a paper person.  I need things very simple.


This is Jennifer.  She really looks happy doesn’t she???  She is doing our taxes.  She has done our taxes the last 8 years I think.  I took this picture with the new camera that I am going to send back.  This picture doesn’t look to bad but if you click on it to enlarge it it is grainy.  All the pictures are grainy even at 12 megapixels!  I have tried all the settings and they all look just the same, reminds me of the song “and they are all made of ticky tacky and they all look just the same”.  So much for my musical ability.

I should have taken a picture of the lady at the pharmacy.  It has been about 5 months since I have been in there and she still remembers our names.  Some people have great memories.  I need notes then can’t remember where I put them……tomorrow is another day though…..Bye